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Learning Objects - Research Group

The Leper Colony: Center for Design and Technology clone it!


explore Human-Object Interaction emphasizing nonverbal communication

#Outputs and success metrics + examples

#Conferences / shows

Where do we want to be on the intention spectrum between unintentional-analysis and intentional communications. Point along this spectrum include:

Unintentional-analysis -


  • Roomie, a room tuning parameters based on user activity

Correlated physiological measurements with unintentional behaviour Pre-communication intent identification

Intentional communications

Intentional communications can have two goals Instrumental Transforming object-communications (it) to interpersonal-communications (you) #

interpersonal-communications (or reciprocal communication) Illusions of intelligence eye contact breathing nodding tz tz tz Should we start with reciprocal illusions? Minimal model of theory-of-mind Prediction - Learning - Loop Communications with the environment vs. Communications with the user Mutual learning Perceptron learning Six levels of intelligent interaction baseline (non-interactive): Static or Random Responsive deterministic Adaptive to the environment Adaptive to the user Establish communication with the user Full theory-of-mind Experiment Quantitative measurement Learning time of Levels 2-4 vs. Level-5 Long term interaction requirements Persicion Physiological comfort
Qualitative interaction measurements of Novelty Respect Recepricity Affection Enjoyment Frustration Implementations Lamp: the reduction of this question to almost philosophical level: a single binary output (lamp on/off) with a single function (to provide light) and a lot of inputs. Thermostat Driving Keyboard Browser activities Projector based Color balance - warm Interactive pot DoorHandle: how do we chose? Ease of implementation / price Clean / simplicity (Occam razor) Novelty Impact low bandwidth output Depth movies Identifying loops

Animals that interact with you on the walls not just appear or disappear but dance and jump show you the way to the couch go to the places you like most and so on, virtual pets that actually live on your walls ( if you make them look like lice or bugs it will be interesting to some of us) Music Room - shapes and colors that interact with movements in the room and rhythm A room with rich illumination that learn where is your books sofa and try to make perfect illumination for that, the musical corner , the eating corner, tv corner etc (Influenced by MIT guys) A TV which has its own illumination sources so that you can see light flashing outside the screen A TV with light surround Games with light sources as hints to what is going to happen next, imagine someone is shooting at you and you hear the sound and light from the right directions Dance password machine Code with hand gestures 5 3 2 6 Peace Thumb up Virtual Aquarium (you are the fish or the octupus ) Ball games on the wall Motion\Emotion correllator, you do the movement i find a movie of someone else do a similar move (Animals will make it fun). Emotion trainer - or how to become a psycho- Emotion Transfer games - you do some emotion the room is changed both in music and illumination according to that , this create another emotion on other people on the room which influence the room again and so on Gesture\Emotion viral behavior - you do some move because you like it the creatures on your room imitate you but they have mutations, then you see something which is nice and you imitate that than all imitate you ,

Established Communications - E.C. TOM. / E.C. increases with model complexity A fully understandable model - has limited TOM mutually enriching differences

appreciation of effectiveness

is similarity needed?

Brand appeal / Dependence

Emotional attachment Personification TOM - Theory of equal mind

what objects do we want to keep as objects

Even a King needs quite time

Rotem Bennet - Israel | LinkedIn

EyePet Trailer Dan Arieli Mark Bolas - assistant vs. tool / manifestation vs. manipulation

Read: KIVLEY AHAVA (The bonds of love) Jessica Benjamin / p41

reciprocity - Meeting points between two subjects (and not subject-object) subject - an entity with desires, needs and self definition object - an entity serving a subject

subjectivity evolves first from seeing someone else (eg mother) as an object (satisfying needs) however in addition there’s a need for the subject to have recognition from another subject

References and Related Research Emotions There is alot of research about emotions, i dont know if you are aware of that so i send some movies about it (at this stage):

The point about being aware to things that we are usually not aware of , but still necessary (common sense in Minsky language) seems to be the point we talked about in several stages of the discussion

Marketing How many times did you light a lamp in your lifetime ? 10,000 times 100,000 times How many times did you light the wrong lamp ? or didnt have enough light ? or you would prefer the light to be in different color or direction ? or you would prefer the light be stronger on the book and weaker elsewhere ? What if all that is going to change, and you will have a light just for you, doing exactly what you need and the answer to all of the above questions would be i never thought about it there was no need for that , i love the lighting system in Enterprise 5 . Timeline

22 NOV 2013 - Kickoff meeting 01 JAN 2013 - Finalize recruiting of team (8 members total) 17 Jan 2013 siggraph technical paper submission deadline 01 FEB 2013 - Initialize research agenda preparation 01 APR 2013 - Submit research agenda to grant / industry (Google Grant) 01 MAY 2013 - Lab launch Industry contacts

Meeting notes + action items


  1. Michael - Streching the theory of mind - conecting with an object that tries to optimze its likability. “lamp pet” as an example. Start with innate optimization (face time) and have the device learn what draws human attention. Must avoid becoming annoying. Use this as a test bed for exploring the establishment of communications.

  2. Mark - dictionary of gestures => gesture API - start with a database of gestures+semantics and generalize from the examples to all cultural depndant body language. consider replacing data collection from batch to online in a real world environment interacting with objects. Should bundle with a testbed / demo application.

  1. Mami - smart houses, objects aware of environment and neighboring objects. Generate 100 emotion rooms. Goal - Resonate / change the emotional state / mood. Psychological verification: identify an emotion reinforce the emotion balance / change the emotion When do we need each of these?

  2. Yael - Warning for parents about childrens emotional state. Teachers tool - real time feedback (e.g. color coding) of the student’s state Learning tool - identify attentional state and modify content / medium

communications augmenting tool

  1. Eran couch / bed - automatically responding to the user needs modify: softness / angle / height


Research Group @ CDat






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