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Test Ergo Node on Different Java versions with Docker

Ilya Oskin edited this page Oct 1, 2018 · 2 revisions
  1. Compile your Ergo node (install JRE and SBT first if you have not):

     git clone
     cd ergo
     sbt reload clean assembly
  2. Then, copy your Ergo jar and application.conf to some location, for example /tmp/ergo:

     cp `find . -name ergo-assembly*.jar` /tmp/ergo/ergo.jar
     cp ./src/main/resources/application.conf /tmp/ergo/application.conf
  3. Adjust your node settings: nano /tmp/ergo/application.conf

  4. Test your node`s .jar file in different environments:

     sudo docker run --rm -p 9006:9006 -p 9052:9052 \
       -v /tmp/ergo/ergo.jar:/ergo.jar:ro \
       -v /tmp/ergo/application.conf:/application.conf \
       openjdk:8-jre-alpine /usr/bin/java -jar /ergo.jar /application.conf

    Command above will run your locally compiled Ergo node in docker container. All logs and errors would be printed directly to stdout, you can press Ctrl+C to stop it. When you stop the node, all the blockchain data would be cleaned up automatically (--rm flag).

    Then, replace tag 8-jre-alpine with tags you like. For example, try:

    • 8-jre-alpine
    • 8-jre-slim
    • 9-jre-slim
    • 10-jre-slim
    • 11-jre-slim