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An NSCache subclass that provides keyed-subscripting, time-based expiration, and a Rails-like 'fetch' API for caching asynchronous data


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WellCached is a NSCache subclass that provides keyed subscripting, time-based key expiration, and a Rails-like fetch API that works with data from an asynchronous source.

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WellCached includes a single class ELAWellCached that can be used exactly like NSCache:

ELAWellCached *cache = [ELAWellCached new];

[cache objectForKey:@"foo"]; // nil
[cache setObject@"bar" forKey:@"foo"];
[cache objectForKey:@"foo"]; // @"bar"

And, as long as your key conforms to the NSCopying protocol, you can use the NSDictionary-like keyed subscripting syntax:

ELAWellCached *cache = [ELAWellCached new];

cache[@"foo"]; // nil
cache[@"foo"] = @"bar";
cache[@"foo"]; // @"bar"

Time-based expiration

Unlike NSCache, you can automatically expire objects in the cache by setting an expiration duration:

ELAWellCached *cache = [ELAWellCached cacheWithDefaultExpiringDuration:60]; // 60 seconds

cache[@"foo"] = @"bar";

// 61 seconds later:

cache["foo"]; // nil

Every object in the above cache automatically expires after the default expiration. You can set a per-key expiration that overrides the default using setObject:forKey:expirationInterval:, like so:

ELAWellCached *cache = [ELAWellCached cacheWithDefaultExpiringDuration:60]; // 60 seconds

[cache setObject:@"bar" forKey:@"foo" expirationInterval:30];

// 31 seconds later

cache[@"foo"]; // nil


The "fetch" APIs work by giving you the opportunity to generate the cached-object in case of a cache miss by passing in a block. This makes the common scenario of attempting to get a cached object but getting a miss, causing the regeneration of the object, and then returning the regenerated result. So instead of this:

- (id)getExpensiveCalculation
   id result = self.cache[@"key"];

   if (result) { // if the result is cached, go ahead and return it
      return result;

   // Not in the cache, so have to regenerate it and then set it in the cache
   result = [self generateExpensiveCalculation];
   self.cache[@"key"] = result;

   return result;

You can just write this:

- (id)getExpensiveCalculation
   return [self.cache fetch:@"key" generateOnMiss:id^{
      // This block called only if 'key' wasn't already in the cache
      return [self generateExpensiveCalculation]; 

To me this API "reads" better than the previous example; it becomes more obvious what's going on.

Fetch w/Async data source

In the last example, things were simple in that our generateExpensiveCalculation method was synchronous, so we could just return it's result from the generateOnMiss: block to fill our cache on a cache-miss.

If instead generateExpensiveCalculation is an asynchrounous method that takes a callback which returns it's result, this approach won't work because the generateOnMiss: block will finish executing before the asynchronous callback has a chance to run.

There is a different method you should use for a situation like this. In this example generateExpensiveCalculation is now an asynchronous method, which means that the top-level getExpensiveCalculation method also needs to be callback-based

- (void)getExpensiveCalculation:(void (^)(id))callback
    [self.cache fetch:@"key" generateOnMissAsync:^(ELAResultCallback resultCallback) {        
        // This block is called if 'key' isn't already in the cache

        [self generateExpensiveCalculation:^(id expensiveCalc){
            // Fill the cache with the result of the expensive calculation

    } result:^(id result) {
        // This block is called with either the already cached result,
        // Or the newly generated cached result 
        callback(result); // Returns back to whoever called getExpensiveCalculation

Both the synchronous and asynchronous fetch methods have variants that allow you to pass in custom expiration durations.


To run the tests; clone the repo, install xcpretty, and run rake test from the root directory or open the "WellCache.xcworkspace" and run the Test target using ⌘U


Most of the time, NSURLCache is all you'll need for caching expensive operations, but there are a couple common instances where you don't have much control over the networking stack that's fetching the data, such as using a third-party API library that talks to their own server, or for example the Apple-supplied Directions API.

So the example project in Examples/WalkingDirections makes use of WellCached to fetch and store the result of walking directions for each location in the table view.

Without WellCached:

With WellCached:

Check out MasterViewController.m to see how WellCached is used.


No dependencies other than Foundation


WellCached is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "WellCached"

Import the ELAWellCached header like this:

#import <WellCached/ELAWellCached.h>


I intend to keep improving the thread-safetyness of this class and expand it's Unit and Integration tests, as well as ship in an actual app that I am working on, before cutting a version 1.0. The public API could change at any time between now and 1.0. At 1.0 the API will considered stabilized and Semantic Versioning will be followed.


Eric Allam,


WellCached is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork this repo and create pull requests (on a branch, not master).

Make sure any code you write is backed by a Unit test. Check out the Tests/WellCachedTests.m file for the exist tests.


An NSCache subclass that provides keyed-subscripting, time-based expiration, and a Rails-like 'fetch' API for caching asynchronous data







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