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The Joxa Language

Special Forms


(let* (val val-expr ...) expr ...)

A non-pattern matching function to bind variables locally. It's similar to let* in Common Lisp, so it could bind the later variable from the previous one, e.g.,

(let* (a 1
       b a)

In this case, it's not like let in Common Lisp. It's designed as primitive to use in macros and the like. In fact, the macro let is defined by let* in joxa-core, which is a good example for the usage of let*.


(let (val val-expr ...) expr ...)

A pattern matching macro to bind variable locally. It's a pattern matching version of let* in Joxa. It's similar to the let in Clojure, which could be used for destructuring, e.g.,

(let (a 1
      {b _} {a 2})

let* wouldn't work in this case, because the expression {b _} doesn't evaluate to any valid value. The underscore could be used in the place of a named variable to ignore the corresponding binding, which is the same as pattern matching in Erlang or desctructuring in Clojure. Currently there is no warning or error on unused binding.


(try* expr (catch (error-class error-type) catch-expr ...))


(case expr
    (pattern <optional-guard> expr ...)


(receive <optional-after>
    (pattern <optional-guard> expr ...)


(do expr ...)



Each segment has the following general syntax:

<< value (:size size) <type specifier list> >>
(binary value (:size size) <type specifier list>)

Any part of the binary except the value may be left out and receive sane defaults.

Default values will be used for missing specifications. The default values are described in Defaults.

Used in binary construction, the value part is any expression. Used in binary matching, the value part must be a literal or variable. You can read more about the value part in the section about constructing binaries and matching binaries.

The size part of the segment multiplied by the unit in the type specifier list (described below) gives the number of bits for the segment. In construction, size is any expression that evaluates to an integer. In matching, size must be a constant expression or a variable.

The type specifier list is a list of type specifiers separated by hyphens.

The type can be :integer, :float, :binary or :bitstring.
The signedness specification can be either :signed or :unsigned. Note that signedness only matters for matching.
The endianness specification can be either :big, :little, or :native. Native-endian means that the endian will be resolved at load time to be either big-endian or little-endian, depending on what is "native" for the CPU that the Erlang machine is run on.
The unit size is given as unit:IntegerLiteral. The allowed range is 1-256. It will be multiplied by the Size specifier to give the effective size of the segment. In R12B, the unit size specifies the alignment for binary segments without size (examples will follow).


(binary X (:size 4) :little :signed :integer (:unit 8))
<<X (:size 4) :little :signed :integer (:unit 8)>>

This element has a total size of 4*8 = 32 bits, and it contains a signed integer in little-endian order.


The default type for a segment is integer. The default type does not depend on the value, even if the value is a literal. For instance, the default type in <<3.14>> is :integer not :float.

The default size depends on the type. For :integer it is 8. For :float it is 64. For binary it is all of the :binary. In matching, this default value is only valid for the very last element. All other binary elements in matching must have a size specification.

The default :unit depends on the the type. For :integer, :float, and :bitstring it is 1. For :binary it is 8.

The default signedness is :unsigned.

The default endianness is :big.

Constructing Binaries and Bitstrings

This section describes the rules for constructing binaries using the bit syntax. Unlike when constructing lists or tuples, the construction of a binary can fail with a badarg exception.

There can be zero or more segments in a binary to be constructed. The expression <<>> constructs a zero length binary.

Each segment in a binary can consist of zero or more bits. There are no alignment rules for individual segments of type :integer and :float. For :binary and :bitstring types without size, the unit specifies the alignment. Since the default alignment for the :binary type is 8, the size of a binary segment must be a multiple of 8 bits (i.e. only whole bytes).

<<(bin :binary) (bitstring :bitstring)>>
(binary (bin :binary) (bitstring :bitstring))

The variable bin in must contain a whole number of bytes, because the binary type defaults to (:unit 8). A badarg exception will be generated if bin would consist of (for instance) 17 bits.

On the other hand, the variable bitstring may consist of any number of bits, for instance 0, 1, 8, 11, 17, 42, and so on, because the default unit for bitstrings is 1.

The following example

<<(x (:size 1)) (y (:size 6))>>
(binary (x (:size 1)) (y (:size 6)))

will successfully construct a :bitstring of 7 bits. (Provided that all of x and y are integers.)

When constructing binaries, value and size can be any expression.

Including Literal Strings

As syntactic sugar, a literal string may be written instead of an element.


which is syntactic sugar for

<<\h \e \l \l \o>>

Matching Binaries

This section describes the rules for matching binaries using the bit syntax.

There can be zero or more segments in a binary pattern. A binary pattern can occur in every place patterns are allowed, also inside other patterns. Binary patterns cannot be nested.

The pattern <<>> matches a zero length binary.

Each segment in a binary can consist of zero or more bits.

A segment of type binary must have a size evenly divisible by 8 (or divisible by the unit size, if the unit size has been changed).

A segment of type bitstring has no restrictions on the size.

When matching value value must be either a variable or an integer or floating point literal. Expressions are not allowed.

:size must be an integer literal, or a previously bound variable.

Getting the Rest of the Binary or Bitstring

To match out the rest of a binary, specify a binary field without size:

(case foo
  (<<(a (:size 8)) (rest :binary)>>

The size of the tail must be evenly divisible by 8.

To match out the rest of a bitstring, specify a field without size:

(case foo
   (<<(a (:size 8)) (rest :bitstring)>>

There is no restriction on the number of bits in the tail.


<<\a \b \c>>
<<a b (c :size 16)>>

(case <<1 2 3>>
  (<<a b c>>
     {a b c})))

(case <<1 2 3>>
  (<<a b (c :size 16)>>
     {a b c})))

(case <<(1 :size 16) 2 (3 :binary)>>
  (<<(d :size 16) e (f :binary)>>
     {d e f})))

 <<"This is a test">>
(binary "This is a test")

(binary \a \b \c)
(binary a b (c :size 16))

(case (binary 1 2 3)
  ((binary a b c)
     {a b c})))

(case (binary 1 2 3)
  ((binary a b (c :size 16))
     {a b c})))

(case (binary (1 :size 16) 2 (3 :binary))
  ((binary (d :size 16) e (f :binary))
     {d e f})))










(apply fun [args ...])


(quote expr ...)




(string "values")


(list expr ...)
[expr ...]


(tuple expr ...)
{expr ...}


(macroexpand-1 expr ...)


(fn (arg ...) expr ...)


ns declarations are used to define the namespace in which a set of definitions live. The generally also define the context, that is what other namespaces are available, what functions from other namespaces are imported and what attributes are defined. A basic namespace declaration looks as follows.

(ns my-super-module)

This defines a namespace the defn and defmacro definitions that follow are part of that namespace. The namespace must be defined before the functions using that namespace. You may also have as many namespaces as you would like per file, though that is not encouraged.

Namespace Body

The namespace body may consist of any number of require, use and clauses in any order and in any conversation.

Requiring Namespaces

Other namespaces are not available in your namespace until you declare your need in a require or use clause. For example the following namespace will fail during compile.

(ns my-converter)

(defn+ convert-string (str)
    (erlang/binary_to_list str))

This would fail during compilation because you have not declared your that you are going to use the erlang namespace. We can fix this by adding a require clause.

(ns my-converter
   (require erlang))

(defn+ convert-string (str)
    (erlang/binary_to_list str))

Suddenly everything compiles happily.

There are several variations to the require clause that you can use. The variation you use is really up to you. For example to require multiple namespaces you could have them all in the same require clause or each on individual require clauses.

(require erlang string test)

(require erlang)
(require string)
(require test)

in general it is much more common to include everything in a single require clause.

Aliasing with Require

Sometimes namespaces names are very long and its annoying to use them in the namespace body. To avoid this you can add an :as element to the require clause. This allows you to use both the original name and the aliased name in your namespace body. For example, if we use erl_prim_loader we might want to rename it as loader.

(ns my-example
   (require (erl_prim_loader :as loader)))

(defn name-example ()

(defn alias-example ()

Both of these examples are functionally equivalent.

Making Erlang Modules Appear Like Joxa Namespaces (Joxification)

Its much more common in Joxa to use the - in names as opposed to the _ as is common in Erlang. To make thing more comfortable for the namespace definer Joxa offers the joxify element for require clauses. the joxify element basically aliases defined names from a name containing _ to a name containing -. It also does this for all the functions in the module.

Lets use our erl_prim_loader example again.

(ns my-example
   (require (erl_prim_loader :joxify)))

(defn name-example ()

(defn alias-example ()

Again both of these are functionally Equivalent.

Attribute Clauses

Attribute clauses are the simplest of the three clauses There are simply a three element list where the first element is the identifier 'attr', the second element is a Joxa term that provides the key value and the third is a Joxa term that provides the value.

Attributes follow the form:

(attr <key> <value>)

These allow you to define attributes on the namespace. Some of which are consumable by the compiler, others just informational, all though are consumable via the module_info. You should note that both the key and the value must be literal values, no evaluation occurs there.

Using Namespaces

The use clause is a way of importing functions into the namespace so that you can use them without prepending the namespace. Use clauses are, by far, the most complex of the namespace clauses as they both manipulate and subset the functions being imported while at the same time aliasing the function if desired. As you can see below each clause may consist of a namespace name, or a list that contains a few subclauses. The sub-clause is always headed by a namespace name, followed by an action, followed by the subject of that action. The action/subject may be repeated to further refine and modify the imported values. The sub-clause action/subject may occur in any order. Even though some do not make sense when used together. So, for example you could have the following

(use string)

(use (string :only (tokens/2)))

(use (string :exclude (substr/3

(use (string :rename ((substr/3 str-substring)
                      (join/2 str-join))))

(use (string :as str
             :only (join/2

(use (string :as str
             :only (tokens/2)))

(use (string :as str
             :exclude (substr/3

(use (string :as str
             :rename ((substr/3 str-substring)
                      (join/2 str-join))))

You should think about use clauses as a series of actions that occur from left to right. Lets take an example and work through it. The following is a fairly complex example that highlights some things that we might want to do.

(use (string :exclude (substr/4 join/2)
             :rename ((sub-word/3 str-subword) (join/2 str-join))))

Lets break this down into actions.

  1. The namespace declaration. In this case string, this goes to the namespace and gets a list of all the functions that that namespace exports. That list of functions is then passed to the next 'operation'.
  2. Exclude, this excludes the specified functions from the function list that was imported. Every action/sub-clause pair after this exclude will only operate on the functions that have not been excluded. The opposite of exclude is only. Only subsets the list of functions to just those specified in the only clause.
  3. Joxify, This does the exact same thing that joxify does in require. However, it does it only on the module name and the functions that we currently have in the list. After this point the functions in the list can only be referred to by the joxified name.
  4. Rename. This does what you would think. It renames a function giving it a different name. This does this on the list of functions being passed forward. In this example we are renaming sub-word/3 to str-subword. However if we tried to rename substr/4 which we excluded it would have no effect since its not in the list of imports being carried forward. NOTE note the joxification of sub-word/3. Since we specified joxify earlier we must must refer to it as sub-word/3 instead of sub_word/3.

Author's Note

When you use require vs use is entirely up to you. Joxa is a young language and there has not yet been time to hash out what is the best practice here. I have had the good fortune to code in many languages and several of those languages have supported 'import' clause's like use. In the best of those languages the general practice is to use the use clause only when you are importing operators the require clause for everything else. In the case of Joxa I will define operators as anything thats used in a conditional statement, including guards. The main thing you want to remember is that use impairs locality of code just a bit (that is knowing where the code that is being executed is coming from). There are times (like conditionals) when the clarity of the code is improved enough to make that locality hit worth while, but in general thats not true. In the end, just remember that the more transparent code is the easier it is to maintain and extend and choose use and require with an eye towards transparency.


&rest Arguments to Functions

Rest arguments in a language like Joxa, where arity is basically part of the namespace, take a bit of thought to get your mind around. Basically, Joxa like Lisp has the ability to group all remaining arguments into a list at the discretion of the function implementer. This changes the way those functions are called and perhaps referred to.

Defined Functions

In module defined functions rest arguments work like you would expect. For example:

(defn+ i-am-a-rest-fun (arg1 arg2 &rest arg3)
    {arg1 arg2 arg3})

In this case, any time i-am-a-rest-fun is called, the arguments are collapsed down for the third argument. This happens for any call that has more then three arguments.

In this case of namespaces i-am-a-rest-fun/3 can actually be referred to by any arity that is 3 or greater. For example i-am-a-rest-fun/545 still refers to i-am-a-rest-fun/3 because those extra arguments are simply collapsed to the three. With that in mind you could define i-am-a-rest-fun/2 without a problem. However, you could never define i-am-a-rest-fun/5 because i-am-a-rest-fun/3 overrides anything with arguments three or greater. to give a concrete example, you could define:

(defn+ i-am-a-rest-fun (arg1 arg2)
    {arg1 arg2})

and it would be valid and make sense. However, you could not define

(defn+ i-am-a-rest-fun (arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4)
    {arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4})

Because i-am-a-rest-fun/3 already fills that namespace completely.

Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions work exactly like defined functions. I could do

(fn (one two &rest three)
   {one two three})

I can then assign that to the variable foo and call foo as:

(foo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

and it would do the correct thing.

Variables that Refer to Functions

For the most part variables that reference rest functions work exactly like you would expect. However, in the case where the 'restful-ness' of a variable can not be defined at compile time, a function is created that does the resolution at run time. This mostly happens when variables are passed as arguments to functions. At the moment the argument boundary can not be crossed, so when those variables are used as functions, they are wrapped in a function that does the runtime resolution and calls the correct function with the correct args. This may affect performance.


Apply also works exactly as you would expect. Any resolvable rest call has the arguments handled correctly at compile time. Any un-resolvable rest call has a function created to correctly handle the arguments at runtime.

Importing Rest Functions via Use

The use clause in module declarations take a bit of thinking. To refer to a function in a use clause use the actual arity. In our function above you would use (use :only i-am-a-rest-fun/3)

Type Specs

Mutually Recursive Modules

In Joxa code must exist at compile time before it is called. That means that if you are compiling a module and it calls other modules those other modules must exist to be called (at compile time). If they are not it is a build failure. Unfortunately, this makes mutually recursive functions somewhat difficult. In general mutually recursive modules are something to be avoided. However, at times they are needed and there is no way to get around that need. When this occurs Joxa provides a facility to get around it. This is very similar to its forward declarations via defspecs. That way is to define a spec for the remote function. Lets take a look at an example of this

(ns Joxa-exp-nmr-ns1)

(defn+ final ()

;; Forward declaration for ns2
(defspec Joxa-exp-nmr-ns2/recurse-ns1 () (erlang/any))

(defn+ recurse-ns2 ()

;; ======

(ns joxa-exp-nmr-ns2)

(defspec joxa-exp-nmr-ns1/final () (erlang/any))

(defn+ recurse-ns1 ()

Notice that joxa-exp-nmr-ns1 has a dependency on joxa-exp-nmr-ns2 and vice versa. In normal Joxa code this would not be compilable because the code that is being called must be available before it is called. However, we have gotten around this problem by providing remote defspecs. In joxa-exp-nmr-ns1 we pre-declare joxa-exp-nmr-ns2/recurse-ns1 while in joxa-exp-nmr-ns2 we pre-declare joxa-exp-nmr-ns1/final. This allows the Joxa compiler to check the function against the specs instead of the real module. Of course, there is no way for the compiler to know if those functions actually exist, so if you make a mistake you may actually get runtime errors. So be careful.