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Op(inionated) Cart

Opinionated cart engine for Ruby on Rails

OpCart makes things simple through inflexibility and lack of features.

OpCart assumes you are using:

  • Stripe for payments
  • Rails ~> 4.2.0
  • Postgres ~> 9.3
  • Devise ~> 3.3 for authentication
  • ActiveJob with a job queue configured
  • SSL already

OpCart assumes you don’t:

  • have hundreds of products and want search indexing
  • need promotion/coupon support
  • need to track inventory
  • charge for shipping
  • have complex products to sell (e.g. variants like different sizes and colors)
  • like Spree or other open-source carts


Add op_cart to your Gemfile:

gem 'op_cart', '~> 1.0.0'

Copy the migrations and run them:

rake op_cart:install:migrations db:migrate

Add a checkout route to your config/routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount OpCart::Engine => "/store"

When updating OpCart, you will need to run rake op_cart:install:migrations again.

Data Models and Classes

  • Product
    • name
    • description
    • image_url
    • price (in cents)
    • allow_purchases (to hide product and disable sales)
    • charge_taxes
    • user_id (creator)
  • Order
    • status
    • total
    • tax_charge
    • shipping_address_id
    • user_id
  • Line Item
    • unit_price
    • quantity
    • price
    • sellable_snapshot (object freeze)
    • sellable_type
    • sellable_id
    • order_id
  • Payment
  • PaymentGateway
  • Cart (cookie?)
  • Address
  • Shipment
  • Tax Calculator