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The Source 👩‍💻

The Source is a tutorial search service powered by crowd-sourced ratings and reviews.

This was created for Chingu 7, it may be completed in the future.

If anyone wants to contribute it is welcome.


Leen Kim Benjamin Brooke Eric Miller
Github Github Github



npm run dev

Starts the React app in development mode at http://localhost:8282

  • supports hot code reloading
  • automatic transpilation and bundling
  • server rendering and indexing of ./pages
npm build
npm start

npm build builds a production ready version of the React app. npm start will start the built app.

npm test

Starts the Jest / Enzyme testing suite

Environment Variables

Key Description
BACKEND_DEV Backend host and port in development - http://localhost:7272
COOKIE Name of cookie containing JWT
DEBUG Toggle extra Apollo Server console logs
FRONTEND_DEV Frontend host and port in development
GOOGLE_ID Client ID Google Plus OAuth
GOOGLE_SECRET Client Secret Google Plus OAuth
JWT_SECRET Used in creation of Json Web Token
PRISMA_ENDPOINT Prisma database url
PRISMA_SERVICE_SECRET Required to access Prisma database
PRISMA_TOKEN Sent with seed request to Prisma
PORT Backend Server port

Tech Stack

Backend Dependencies (production)

Pkgs Use Description Link
apollo-server-express A GraphQL Server for Express docs
axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and JavaScript github
bcryptjs Library to help hash passwords github
cookie-parser Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies github
csv-parse Parser to convert CSV text into arrays or objects docs
dotenv Loads variables from .env files into process.env github
express Web framework for Node.js docs
graphql-import Converts .graphql file into typeDef string docs
graphql-resolvers Resolver composition library github
jsonwebtoken An implementation of JSON Web Tokens github
nodemon Monitors changes and reloads node automatically docs
passport Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js docs
passport-google-oauth20 Google authentication for Passport github
prisma-client-lib Everything needed to run Prisma Client with JavaScript docs

Backend Dependencies (development)

Pkgs Use Description Link

Frontend Dependencies (production)

Pkgs Use Description Link
next development Framework for server-side rendered React apps docs
react development JavaScript library for building user interfaces docs
react-dom development React package for working with the DOM github
apollo-boost state mgmt Zero-config Apollo Client github
next-with-apollo development Apollo HOC for Next.js github
react-apollo state mgmt React data container for Apollo Client github
graphql development JS ref implementation of GraphQL (requirement for apollo-boost and react-apollo) github
graphql-tag development JS template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries github
@zeit/next-sass styling Compiles .scss files to .css files github
@zeit/next-css styling Required for importing fonts and other assets in .scss files github
node-sass styling Nodejs bindings for LibSass github
nprogress UI Progress bar for loading components github

Frontend Dependencies (development)

Pkgs Use Description Link
jest testing JavaScript Testing docs
babel-jest testing Jest plugin to use babel for transformation github
enzyme testing JavaScript Testing utilities for React docs
enzyme-adapter-react-16 testing Enzyme adapter for React docs
eslint linter An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript docs
eslint-plugin-jest linter ESLint rules for Jest github
eslint-plugin-prettier linter Runs prettier as an eslint rule github
eslint-config-airbnb-base linter Airbnb's ESLint config github
eslint-plugin-import linter Supports linting of ES6 import/export syntax github
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y linter Static AST checker for accessibility rules on JSX elements github
eslint-plugin-react linter React specific linting rules for ESLin github
babel-eslint linter Custom parser for ESLint github
husky development Pre-git commit linting hooks docs
lint-staged development Lint files staged by git github
prettier development Opinionated code formatter docs
file-loader bundling A file loader module for webpack github
url-loader bundling A loader for webpack which transforms files into base64 URI github




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