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Scripts for running the influenza reassortment detector



  • The code for this analysis were run on the MIT Rous cluster, which is equipped with the SunGrid Engine scheduler. This set of scripts was written with the assumption that they would be run on a computing cluster equipped with SGE, to deal with the large amount of data that results from it.
  • Python 3.4 and packages:
    • pytables
    • pandas
    • networkx
    • numpy
    • biopython
  • You should also be comfortable working at the command line.


  • The variable $HANDLE refers to the unique identifier for the project at hand.
  • Each step listed below will have a high-level overview of the purpose of each of the scripts involved, followed by the exact command to enter in the terminal.
  • The $ character at the beginning of each line is for the terminal prompt, and does not need to be typed in.


Initialize directory

Purpose: To create the necessary directories, and ensure that the necessary script files are present.

To run:

  • $ python

Preprocess CSV file

Purpose: The script will identify isolates for which whole genome sequence are available, and clean the metadata associated with it.

To run:

  • $ python "$HANDLE"

Split FASTA file by segment

Purpose: The data downloaded from the IRD would be a single, large FASTA file. The scripts and will split the single FASTA file into 8 FASTA files by segment.

To run:

  • Open up the script, and change the handle variable at the top of the script to your $HANDLE.
  • $ python
  • $ cd shell_scripts
  • $ qsub
  • $ cd ..
  • Wait until all of the jobs have finished running. Under the directory /split_fasta/ you should see 8 FASTA files, one from each segment.
  • This step should take on the order of minutes to complete, depending on your CPU speed. Memory requirements are not high.

Generate alignment and distance matrix

Purpose: As the title suggests, perform a multiple sequence alignment on all of the sequences, and compute the distance matrix from the alignment.

To run:

  • Open up the script, and modify the handle variable at the top of the script to your $HANDLE.
  • $ python
  • $ cd shell_scripts
  • $ qsub
  • $ cd ..
  • Wait until all of the jobs have finished running. On a large dataset, this may take hours to days to finish, depending on CPU load.

Convert distance matrix into similarity matrix and threshold

Purpose: In this step, the distance matrix will be converted into a similarity matrix, and thresholded based on previously-computed/defined thresholds.

To run:

  • $ python $HANDLE
  • $ cd shell_scripts
  • $ qsub
  • $ cd ..

Wait until all of the jobs have been completed.

Compute thresholds (if not pre-computed elsewhere)

  • $ qlogin
  • $ cd /path/to/project/directory
  • $ python $HANDLE
  • This step should take on the order of 30 minutes for a small dataset (~5000 isolates).
  • When done, exit the qlogin session: $ exit

Compile the similarity matrices (affmats) together.

  • $ python $HANDLE
  • $ cd shell_scripts
  • $ qsub
  • $ cd ..
  • Wait until all of the jobs have been completed.

Sum similarity matrix

Purpose: This convenience step creates a summed similarity matrix from the thresholded similarity matrices. NOTE: Large amounts of RAM are required.

To run:

  • Login to a compute node for interactive work, by running $ qlogin. For the complete set of IRD sequences, approximately 27GB of RAM should be required.
  • $ cd path/to/project (remember to change the directory path as appropriate)
  • $ python $HANDLE
  • When done, exit out of the qlogin session: $ exit

This step should take a few minutes.

Search for edges of maximal similarity

Purpose: The scripts here will search for clonal descent edges that represent maximal similarity.

To run:

  • $ python $HANDLE
  • Open up the script, and edit the batch_size variable. There is an art to determining the batch size, as a smaller batch size allows for faster runtimes per SGE job, but more jobs are required.
  • $ python $HANDLE
  • $ cd shell_scripts
  • $ qsub
  • $ cd ..
  • Expect this step to take a long time (~1 day)
  • Also note that the final batch will return exit code 1, which is normal.

Combine found edges into a condensed graph.

Purpose: To combine the found edges into a single networkx graph.

To run:

  • $ python $HANDLE
  • This step should run within minutes.

Compile a list of nodes to perform source pair searches on.

Purpose: To decide which edges' sinks to reconsider as likely to be reassortant instead of clonal descent.

To run:

  • Determine a percentile cutoff; in the manuscript, we used a 10th percentile cutoff, so the $PERCENTILE variable below was 10.
  • $ python $HANDLE $PERCENTILE

Perform source pair searches

Purpose: The set of scripts here will look amongst the isolates for the max similarity source pair.

To run:

  • Open up the script and change:
    • The number of compute slots and RAM requirement in the get_header function call.
    • The number of isolates to process per batch.
  • Run the source pair finder: $ python $HANDLE
  • $ cd shell_scripts
  • $ qsub
  • $ cd ..

Wait for the job to finish completing. This may take a day or so to complete.

Generate final graph for analysis

Purpose: The scripts here will combine the edges together into a single graph, annotate PWIs, and check and clean the graph edges' integrity.

To run:

  • $ python $HANDLE
  • $ python $HANDLE
  • $ python $HANDLE
  • Each script should be fast and take on the order of minutes.

At this point, you should see a file: $HANDLE_Final Graph.pkl. This is the graph file that gets used with downstream analyses.


Scripts for running the influenza reassortment detector







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