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Merge 9b5a91f into 521a142
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arkgil committed Jul 9, 2018
2 parents 521a142 + 9b5a91f commit b7bffef
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Showing 7 changed files with 501 additions and 6 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion rebar.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
{fed1, [{relx, [ {overlay_vars, ["rel/vars.config", "rel/fed1.vars.config"]},
{overlay, [{template, "rel/files/ejabberd.cfg", "etc/ejabberd.cfg"}]} ]}]},
{reg1, [{relx, [ {overlay_vars, ["rel/vars.config", "rel/reg1.vars.config"]},
{overlay, [{template, "rel/files/ejabberd.cfg", "etc/ejabberd.cfg"}]} ]}]}
{overlay, [{template, "rel/files/ejabberd.cfg", "etc/ejabberd.cfg"}]} ]}]},
{test, [{deps, [ {gun, "1.0.0-pre.5"}]}]}

Expand Down
78 changes: 73 additions & 5 deletions src/ejabberd_cowboy.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,8 +130,9 @@ do_start_cowboy(Ref, Opts) ->
TransportOpts = gen_mod:get_opt(transport_options, Opts, []),
Modules = gen_mod:get_opt(modules, Opts),
Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile(get_routes(Modules)),
ProtocolOpts = [{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]} |
gen_mod:get_opt(protocol_options, Opts, [])],
{MetricsEnv, MetricsProtoOpts} = maybe_init_metrics(Opts),
ProtocolOpts = [{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch} | MetricsEnv]} |
gen_mod:get_opt(protocol_options, Opts, [])] ++ MetricsProtoOpts,
case catch start_http_or_https(SSLOpts, Ref, NumAcceptors, TransportOpts, ProtocolOpts) of
{error, {{shutdown,
{failed_to_start_child, ranch_acceptors_sup,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,7 +181,9 @@ get_routes([], Routes) ->
get_routes([{Host, BasePath, Module} | Tail], Routes) ->
get_routes([{Host, BasePath, Module, []} | Tail], Routes);
get_routes([{Host, BasePath, Module, Opts} | Tail], Routes) ->
get_routes([{Host, BasePath, Module, HandlerOpts} | Tail], Routes) ->
get_routes([{Host, BasePath, Module, HandlerOpts, []} | Tail], Routes);
get_routes([{Host, BasePath, Module, HandlerOpts, _Opts} | Tail], Routes) ->
%% ejabberd_config tries to expand the atom '_' as a Macro, which fails.
%% To work around that, use "_" instead and translate it to '_' here.
CowboyHost = case Host of
Expand All @@ -190,8 +193,8 @@ get_routes([{Host, BasePath, Module, Opts} | Tail], Routes) ->
{module, Module} = code:ensure_loaded(Module),
Paths = proplists:get_value(CowboyHost, Routes, []) ++
case erlang:function_exported(Module, cowboy_router_paths, 2) of
true -> Module:cowboy_router_paths(BasePath, Opts);
_ -> [{BasePath, Module, Opts}]
true -> Module:cowboy_router_paths(BasePath, HandlerOpts);
_ -> [{BasePath, Module, HandlerOpts}]
get_routes(Tail, lists:keystore(CowboyHost, 1, Routes, {CowboyHost, Paths})).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,3 +227,68 @@ maybe_insert_max_connections(TransportOpts, Opts) ->
NewTuple = {Key, Value},
lists:keystore(Key, 1, TransportOpts, NewTuple)

-spec measured_methods() -> [mongoose_cowboy_metrics:method()].
measured_methods() ->

-spec measured_classes() -> [mongoose_cowboy_metrics:status_class()].
measured_classes() ->
[<<"1XX">>, <<"2XX">>, <<"3XX">>, <<"4XX">>, <<"5XX">>].

base_metrics_prefix() ->

middlewares_with_metrics() ->

-spec maybe_init_metrics(list()) -> {MetricsEnv :: list(), MetricsProtocolOpts :: list()}.
maybe_init_metrics(Opts) ->
case proplists:get_value(metrics, Opts, false) of
true ->
BasePrefix = base_metrics_prefix(),
HandlerToPrefixMappings = build_metric_prefixes(
BasePrefix, proplists:get_value(modules, Opts, []), #{}),
[create_metrics(Prefix) || Prefix <- maps:values(HandlerToPrefixMappings)],
{[{record_metrics, true}, {handler_to_metric_prefix, HandlerToPrefixMappings}],
[{middlewares, middlewares_with_metrics()}]};
false ->
{[], []}

-spec build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix :: list(), Modules :: [tuple()], Acc) -> Acc
when Acc :: #{module() => mongoose_cowboy_metrics:prefix()}.
build_metric_prefixes(_BasePrefix, [], Acc) ->
build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix, [{_Host, _Path, Handler, _HandlerOpts, Opts} | Tail], Acc) ->
case proplists:get_value(metrics, Opts, []) of
MetricsOpts when is_list(MetricsOpts) ->
HandlerPrefix = proplists:get_value(prefix, MetricsOpts, Handler),
Prefix = BasePrefix ++ lists:flatten([HandlerPrefix]),
build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix, Tail, maps:put(Handler, Prefix, Acc));
false ->
build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix, Tail, Acc)
build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix, [{Host, Path, Handler, HandlerOpts} | Tail], Acc) ->
build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix, [{Host, Path, Handler, HandlerOpts, []} | Tail], Acc);
build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix, [{Host, Path, Handler} | Tail], Acc) ->
build_metric_prefixes(BasePrefix, [{Host, Path, Handler, [], []} | Tail], Acc).

-spec create_metrics(mongoose_cowboy_metrics:prefix()) -> any().
create_metrics(Prefix) ->
CountMetrics = [mongoose_cowboy_metrics:request_count_metric(Prefix, M) || M <- measured_methods()] ++
[mongoose_cowboy_metrics:response_count_metric(Prefix, M, C)
|| M <- measured_methods(), C <- measured_classes()],
LatencyMetrics = [mongoose_cowboy_metrics:response_latency_metric(Prefix, M, C)
|| M <- measured_methods(), C <- measured_classes()],
[mongoose_metrics:ensure_metric(global, M, spiral) || M <- CountMetrics],
[mongoose_metrics:ensure_metric(global, M, histogram) || M <- LatencyMetrics].
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions src/mongoose_cowboy_metrics.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
%% Copyright 2016 Erlang Solutions Ltd.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% @doc Functions for generating names of metric's updated by `mongoose_cowboy_metrics_mw_after'
%% To generate metric names use `request_count_metric/2', `response_latency_metric/2' and
%% `response_count_metric/3'. See `mongoose_cowboy_metric_mw_after' module to check what values
%% `Prefix', `Method' and `Class' may take.


%% API

-type prefix() :: list().
-type method() :: binary(). %% <<"GET">>, <<"POST">>, etc.
-type status_class() :: binary(). %% <<"2XX">>, <<"4XX">>, etc.
-type metric_name() :: list().


%% API

-spec request_count_metric(prefix(), method()) -> metric_name().
request_count_metric(Prefix, Method) ->
Prefix ++ [Method, request, count].

-spec response_count_metric(prefix(), method(), status_class()) -> metric_name().
response_count_metric(Prefix, Method, Class) ->
Prefix ++ [Method, response, Class, count].

-spec response_latency_metric(prefix(), method(), status_class()) -> metric_name().
response_latency_metric(Prefix, Method, Class) ->
Prefix ++ [Method, response, Class, latency].
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions src/mongoose_cowboy_metrics_mw_after.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
%% Copyright 2016 Erlang Solutions Ltd.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% @doc Cowboy middleware updating metrics related to request handling
%% This middleware needs to run after `mongoose_cowboy_metrics_mw_before' and `cowboy_router'
%% middleware. However, it does not need to run after `cowboy_hander' middleware because metrics are
%% updated in `onresponse' callback which is called whenever the request is sent.
%% It is executed only if listener's env variable `record_metrics' is set to `true'.
%% This middleware does not create any metrics, they need to be created earlier using
%% `mongoose_metrics' module. Metric names used by the middleware are contructed as follows:
%% - take some `Prefix', a list
%% - take a request method, `Method', one of:
%% - `<<"GET">>'
%% - `<<"HEAD">>'
%% - `<<"POST">>'
%% - `<<"PUT">>'
%% - `<<"DELETE">>'
%% - `<<"OPTIONS">>'
%% - `<<"PATCH">>'
%% - take a request status class, `Class', and create a string like e.g. `<<"2XX">>' for success
%% status codes
%% - for each `Method' and `Class' define following metric names
%% - `Prefix ++ [Method, request, count]' - updated by `1' whenever a request with method `Method'
%% is about to be handled
%% - `Prefix ++ [Method, response, Class, count]' - updated by `1' whenever a response of status
%% class `Class' to a request with method `Method' is sent
%% - `Prefix ++ [Method, response, Class, latency]' - updated by number of microseconds which
%% passed since request timestamp was recorded by `mongoose_cowboy_metrics_mw_before' whenever
%% a response of status class `Class' to a request with method `Method' is sent
%% As you might have already guessed it makes sense to define `count' metrics as spirals, and
%% `latency' metrics as histograms. The middleware will always try to update the metric regardless
%% of whether it was created. Note that it's run after `cowboy_router' middleware, which means that
%% error responses returned by the router (such as 404 for no matching handler) won't be recorded.
%% And what about `Prefix'? By default prefix is the name of the handler handling the
%% request wrapped in a list. However, you might provide `handler_to_metric_prefix' map as Cowboy
%% listener environment value, where keys are handler names and values are corresponding prefixes.
%% You can use functions from `mongoose_cowboy_metrics' module to generate names of metrics recorded
%% by this module.



%% cowboy_middleware callbacks

%% cowboy_middleware callbacks

execute(Req, Env) ->
case proplists:get_value(record_metrics, Env, false) of
true ->
{req_timestamp, StartTs} = proplists:lookup(req_timestamp, Env),
{handler, Handler} = proplists:lookup(handler, Env),
Method = get_req_method(Req),
HandlerToPrefixMappings = proplists:get_value(handler_to_metric_prefix, Env, #{}),
Prefix = maps:get(Handler, HandlerToPrefixMappings, [Handler]),
mongoose_metrics:update(global, mongoose_cowboy_metrics:request_count_metric(Prefix, Method), 1),
OnResponse = on_response_fun(StartTs, Method, Prefix),
{ok, cowboy_req:set([{onresponse, OnResponse}], Req), Env};
false ->
{ok, Req, Env}

%% Internals

-spec on_response_fun(erlang:timestamp(), mongoose_cowboy_metrics:method(),
mongoose_cowboy_metrics:prefix()) -> cowboy:onresponse_fun().
on_response_fun(StartTs, Method, Prefix) ->
fun(Status, _Headers, _Body, RespReq) ->
EndTs = erlang:timestamp(),
Latency = calculate_latency(StartTs, EndTs),
Class = calculate_status_class(Status),
mongoose_metrics:update(global, mongoose_cowboy_metrics:response_count_metric(Prefix, Method, Class), 1),
mongoose_metrics:update(global, mongoose_cowboy_metrics:response_latency_metric(Prefix, Method, Class), Latency),

-spec calculate_latency(erlang:timestamp(), erlang:timestamp()) -> Microsecs :: non_neg_integer().
calculate_latency(StartTs, EndTs) ->
timestamp_to_microsecs(EndTs) - timestamp_to_microsecs(StartTs).

-spec timestamp_to_microsecs(erlang:timestamp()) -> Microsecs :: non_neg_integer().
timestamp_to_microsecs({MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}) ->
(MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs) * 1000000 + MicroSecs.

-spec get_req_method(cowboy_req:req()) -> mongoose_cowboy_metrics:method().
get_req_method(Req) ->
{Method, _} = cowboy_req:method(Req),

-spec calculate_status_class(100..599) -> mongoose_cowboy_metrics:status_class().
calculate_status_class(S) when S >= 100, S < 200 -> <<"1XX">>;
calculate_status_class(S) when S >= 200, S < 300 -> <<"2XX">>;
calculate_status_class(S) when S >= 300, S < 400 -> <<"3XX">>;
calculate_status_class(S) when S >= 400, S < 500 -> <<"4XX">>;
calculate_status_class(S) when S >= 500, S < 600 -> <<"5XX">>.

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/mongoose_cowboy_metrics_mw_before.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
%% Copyright 2016 Erlang Solutions Ltd.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% @doc Cowboy middleware, one of the two responsible for recoding HTTP API metrics
%% The job of this middleware is to record the timestamp of when the request comes in and to set.
%% It's executed only if listener's env variable `record_metrics' is set to `true'.
%% This middleware should be placed as soon as possible in the middleware chain, so that request
%% timestamp of the request will be captured as quickly as possible.



%% cowboy_middleware callbacks

%% cowboy_middleware callbacks

execute(Req, Env) ->
case proplists:get_value(record_metrics, Env, false) of
true ->
Ts = erlang:timestamp(),
{ok, Req, [{req_timestamp, Ts} | Env]};
false ->
{ok, Req, Env}

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