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What is

The 5th iteration of ESI website. Main goals:

  • Static site hosted on GitHub Pages
  • Easy content creation and editing
  • Pages for:
    • Events
    • Sponsors
    • Teams
    • Games
    • Short Links

All easily solved and maintained by Jekyll!

Updating Events

Notes: Follows the example file in _drafts/

  1. Create a new file in the folder _events/
  2. Name the file <date of event>-<name of event>.md (e.g. is the Smash Weekly on Sept 1st, 2016)
  3. In the new file add the metadata and fill in the content:
    • Leave content which is unknown or non-existent blank
      layout: "event"
      title:  "General Meeting"
      date:   2016-01-01 00:00:00
      date-end: 2016-01-01 00:00:00
      categories: "event"
      location: "Round Meeting Room"
      - "lol"
      - "something"
      image-link: "/images/logos/esi/esi.png"
      description: "This is a general meeting"
      // Event info
  4. Add event discription with links, images, text, headers, etc.
    • Markdown styling (symbolized by the .md extension) follows the following syntax

Webmaster Stuff

1. Setup

  1. Pre-Setup
  2. Clone this repository into a good folder
    • Use: git clone
    • NOTICE: If you installed GitHub for Desktop you could clone through that for simplicity :)
  3. Proceed to either the Setup - Local or Setup - Docker instructions.

2. Setup - Local

  1. Install Ruby:
    • Are you on Linux or OSX/MacOS?
    • Are you on Windows?
      • Installed with RubyInstaller
      • Remember to check the box to add Ruby to your path
  2. Install Jekyll
  3. Navigate to the project folder. (Command pwd should print something like .../
    • Navigate with the cd (change directory) and ls (list) commands
  4. Install the required gems: bundle install
  5. Bring up the Jekyll site locally: bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Navigate to the site:

2. Setup - Docker

NOTE: There are problems with the auto rebuilding support, at least on Windows, as such this method will be less produce when making edits. This also

  1. Install Docker
  2. Navigate to the project folder. (Command pwd should print something like .../
  3. Either run:
    • Docker:
      # Replace `pwd` with $pwd` on PowerShell
      docker build -t esi .
      docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/srv/jekyll -p 4000:4000 esi bash
      jekyll serve
      # If the site doesn't reload between changes reload the server with
      # ctrl + c
      # jekyll serve
    • Docker Compose
      docker-compose up
  4. Navigate to the site:

Helpful Stuff:

It helped us! May it help you!

Building stuff:

What isn't possible in Jekyll?

  1. Use liquid in .yaml front matter (e.g. when creating posts) discussed here