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Sample Node.js SharePoint webhook application

This is a sample webhook application built with the use of Node.js. Feel free to explore.

Notification sample

Azure AD application and certificate configuration

To test out this sample, you will have to create a service application on Azure AD.

For more information you can read this article: Building daemon or service app with the Microsoft Graph API. Instead of defining Microsoft Graph permissions, you will need to configure it for SharePoint Online instead.

Read & Write permissions

In the linked article you can read how to do it for a C# application. This can be done a bit differently for Node.js. The Azure AD application creation stays the same.

  • Run $ npm install -g keycred

  • Run $ keycred

    • Fill in the questions
  • Once you provided all the info, your certificate gets created: Certificate information

  • Add the following information in your Azure AD manifest file:

    • customKeyIdentifier
    • value
    • keyId
"keyCredentials": [
        "customKeyIdentifier": "customKeyIdentifier",
        "keyId": "keyId",
        "type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
        "usage": "Verify",
        "value":  "value"

keyCredentials config

  • In your folder, create a new privatekey.pem file and paste in the private key information:
  • Add the fingerPrint ID to the config.json file (check configuration section)


Follow the next steps if you want to test it out:

  • Clone this repo
  • Open your command prompt and navigate to the folder
  • Add your configuration to the config.json file (you can use the sample file)
    • adalConfig
      • authority: change the tenant name
      • clientId: specify your Azure AD client application ID
      • subscriptionUrl: the URL that SharePoint has to call. Use ngrok for testing.
      • resouce: the URL of your SharePoint site for which you want to retrieve the access token
      • fingerPrint: finger print of your certificate
    • webhookConfig
      • url: URL of the SharePoint site
      • listName: name of the list / library to which you want to subscribe your webhook
      • clientState: clientState name you want to use for your subscription
  • Run: $ npm install
  • Run: $ tsd install

During development:

  • open another command prompt. Navigate to the ngrok folder and run:*
    • $ ngrok http 3000
    • copy the https forwarding URL of ngrok and use it in the config.json file for the subscriptionUrl
  • Run: $ npm run debug or if you already transpiled the TS files (via $ gulp transpile) you can run $ npm start
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000/create which automatically creates a new subscription for the config you provided


Sample Node.js SharePoint webhook application







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