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etan-status committed Aug 28, 2023
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eip: 7495
title: SSZ PartialContainer
description: New SSZ type to represent a flexible container with stable serialization and merkleization
author: Etan Kissling (@etan-status)
status: Draft
type: Standards Track
category: Core
created: 2023-08-18

## Abstract

This EIP introduces a new [Simple Serialize (SSZ) type]( to represent `PartialContainer[T, N]` values.

A `PartialContainer[T, N]` is an SSZ `Container` with stable serialization and merkleization even when individual fields become optional or new fields are introduced in the future.

## Motivation

Partial containers are currently not representable in SSZ. Adding support provides these benefits:

1. **Stable signatures:** Signing roots derived from a `PartialContainer[T, N]` never change. In the context of Ethereum, this is useful for transaction signatures that are expected to remain valid even when future updates introduce additional transaction fields. Likewise, the overall transaction root remains stable and can be used as a perpetual transaction ID.

2. **Stable merkle proofs:** Merkle proof verifiers that check specific fields of a `PartialContainer[T, N]` do not need continuous updating when future updates introduce additional fields. Common fields always merkleize at the same [generalized indices](

3. **Compact serialization:** SSZ serialization is compact; inactive fields do not consume space.

## Specification

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

### Type definition

`PartialContainer[T, N]` defines a wrapper around an SSZ `Container` type indicated by `T`. `N` indicates the maximum number of fields to which `T` can grow in the future. `N` MUST be `> 0`.

When wrapped in a `PartialContainer[T, N]`, `T` MAY define fields of type `Optional[E]`. Such fields can either represent a value of SSZ type `E`, or absence of a value (indicated by `None`). The [default value]( of an `Optional[E]` is `None`.

For the purpose of serialization, `PartialContainer[T, N]` is always considered ["variable-size"]( regardless of `T`.

### Stability guarantees

The serialization and merkleization of a `PartialContainer[T, N]` remains stable as long as:

- The maximum capacity `N` does not change
- The order of fields within `T` does not change
- New fields are always added to the end of `T`
- Required fields of `T` remain required `E`, or become an `Optional[E]`
- Optional fields of `T` remain `Optional[E]`, or become a required `E`

When an optional field becomes required, existing messages still have stable serialization and merkleization, but will be rejected on deserialization if not present.

### Serialization

Serialization of `PartialContainer[T, N]` is defined similarly to the [existing logic]( for `Container`. Notable changes are:

- A [`Bitvector[N]`]( is constructed, indicating active fields within the `PartialContainer[T, N]`. For required fields `E` and optional fields `Optional[E]` with a present value (not `None`), a `True` bit is included. For optional fields `Optional[E]` with a `None` value, a `False` bit is included. The `Bitvector[N]` is padded with `False` bits up through length `N`
- Only active fields are serialized, i.e., fields with a corresponding `True` bit in the `Bitvector[N]`
- The serialization of the `Bitvector[N]` is prepended to the serialized active fields
- If variable-length fields are serialized, their offsets are relative to the start of serialized active fields, after the `Bitvector[N]`

def is_active_field(element):
return not is_optional(element) or element is not None

# Determine active fields
active_fields = Bitvector[N](([is_active_field(element) for element in value] + [False] * N)[:N])
partial_value = [element for element in value if is_active_field(element)]

# Recursively serialize
fixed_parts = [serialize(element) if not is_variable_size(element) else None for element in partial_value]
variable_parts = [serialize(element) if is_variable_size(element) else b"" for element in partial_value]

# Compute and check lengths
fixed_lengths = [len(part) if part != None else BYTES_PER_LENGTH_OFFSET for part in fixed_parts]
variable_lengths = [len(part) for part in variable_parts]
assert sum(fixed_lengths + variable_lengths) < 2**(BYTES_PER_LENGTH_OFFSET * BITS_PER_BYTE)

# Interleave offsets of variable-size parts with fixed-size parts
variable_offsets = [serialize(uint32(sum(fixed_lengths + variable_lengths[:i]))) for i in range(len(partial_value))]
fixed_parts = [part if part != None else variable_offsets[i] for i, part in enumerate(fixed_parts)]

# Return the concatenation of the active fields `Bitvector` with the active
# fixed-size parts (offsets interleaved) and the active variable-size parts
return serialize(active_fields) + b"".join(fixed_parts + variable_parts)

### Deserialization

Deserialization of a `PartialContainer[T, N]` starts by deserializing a `Bitvector[N]`. That value MUST be validated against the definition of `T`:

- For each required field within `T`, the corresponding bit in the `Bitvector[N]` MUST be `True`
- For each optional field within `T`, the corresponding bit in the `Bitvector[N]` is not restricted
- All extra bits in the `Bitvector[N]` that exceed the number of fields within `T` MUST be `False`

The rest of the data is [deserialized]( as `T`, consulting the `Bitvector[N]` to determine what optional fields are present. Absent fields are skipped during deserialization and assigned `None` values.

### Merkleization

To merkleize a `PartialContainer[T, N]`, a `Bitvector[N]` is constructed, indicating active fields within the `PartialContainer[T, N]`, using the same process as during serialization.

class PartialContainer(Generic[T, N]):
data: T
active_fields: Bitvector[N]

The [merkleization specification]( is extended with the following helper functions:

- `chunk_count(type)`: calculate the amount of leafs for merkleization of the type.
- `PartialContainer[T, N]`: always `N`, regardless of the actual number of fields in `T`
- `mix_in_object`: Given a Merkle root `root` and an auxiliary SSZ object `obj` return `hash(root + hash_tree_root(obj))`.

Merkleization `hash_tree_root(value)` of an object `value` is then extended with:

- `mix_in_object(merkleize(([hash_tree_root(element) if is_active_field(element) else Bytes32() for element in] + [Bytes32()] * N)[:N]), value.active_fields)` if `value` is a `PartialContainer[T, N]`.

## Rationale

### What are the problems solved by `PartialContainer[T, N]`?

Current SSZ types are only stable within one version of a specification, i.e., one fork of Ethereum. This is alright for messages pertaining to a specific fork, such as attestations or beacon blocks. However, it is a limitation for messages that are expected to remain valid across forks, such as transactions or receipts. In order to support evolving the features of such perpetually valid message types, a new SSZ scheme needs to be defined.

To avoid restricting design space, the scheme has to support extension with new fields, obsolescence of old fields, and new combinations of existing fields. When such adjustments occur, old messages must still deserialize correctly and must retain their original Merkle root.

### Why not `Union[T, U, V]`?

Typically, the individual `Union` cases share some form of thematic overlap, sharing certain fields with each other. In a `Union`, shared fields are not necessarily merkleized at the same [generalized indices]( Therefore, Merkle proof systems would have to be updated each time that a new flavor is introduced, even when the actual changes are not of interest to the particular system.

Furthermore, SSZ Union types are currently not used in any final Ethereum specification and do not have a finalized design themselves. The `PartialContainer[T, N]` serializes very similar to current `Union[T, U, V]` proposals, with the difference being a `Bitvector[N]` as a prefix instead of a selector byte. This means that the serialized byte lengths are comparable.

### Why not a `Container` full of `Optional[E]`?

If `Optional[E]` is modeled as an SSZ type, each individual field introduces serialization and merkleization overhead. As an `Optional[E]` would be required to be ["variable-size"](, lots of additional offset bytes would have to be used in the serialization. For merkleization, each individual `Optional[E]` would require mixing in a bit to indicate presence or absence of the value.

Additionally, every time that the number of fields reaches a new power of 2, the Merkle roots break, as the number of chunks doubles. The `PartialContainer[T, N]` solves this by artificially extending the Merkle tree to `N` chunks regardless of the actual number of fields defined by the current version of `T`. Therefore, the number of fields is constant and the Merkle tree shape is stable. The overhead of the additional empty placeholder leaves only affects serialization of the `Bitvector[N]` (1 byte per 8 leaves); the number of required hashes during merkleization only grows logarithmically with the total number of leaves.

## Backwards Compatibility

`PartialContainer[T, N]` is a new SSZ type and does not conflict with other SSZ types currently in use.

## Test Cases

class Foo:
a: uint64
b: Optional[uint32]
c: Optional[uint16]

value = PartialContainer[Foo, 32](a=64, b=None, c=16)
assert bytes(serialize(value)).hex() == "0500000040000000000000001000"

## Reference Implementation

See [EIP assets](../assets/eip-7495/, based on `protolambda/remerkleable`.

## Security Considerations


## Copyright

Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](../
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from dataclasses import fields, is_dataclass
import io
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, Type, Union as PyUnion, get_args, get_origin
from textwrap import indent
from remerkleable.bitfields import Bitvector
from remerkleable.complex import ComplexView, encode_offset
from remerkleable.core import View, ViewHook, OFFSET_BYTE_LENGTH
from remerkleable.tree import NavigationError, Node, PairNode, \
get_depth, subtree_fill_to_contents, zero_node

T = TypeVar('T')
N = TypeVar('N')

PartialFields = Dict[str, tuple[Type[View], bool]]

class PartialContainer(ComplexView):
_field_indices: Dict[str, tuple[int, Type[View], bool]]
__slots__ = '_field_indices'

def __new__(cls, backing: Optional[Node] = None, hook: Optional[ViewHook] = None, **kwargs):
if backing is not None:
if len(kwargs) != 0:
raise Exception("cannot have both a backing and elements to init fields")
return super().__new__(cls, backing=backing, hook=hook, **kwargs)

for fkey, (ftyp, fopt) in cls.fields().items():
if fkey not in kwargs:
if not fopt:
raise AttributeError(f"Field '{fkey}' is required in {cls.T}")
kwargs[fkey] = None

input_nodes = []
active_fields = Bitvector[cls.N]()
for findex, (fkey, (ftyp, fopt)) in enumerate(cls.fields().items()):
fnode: Node
assert fkey in kwargs
finput = kwargs.pop(fkey)
if finput is None:
fnode = zero_node(0)
active_fields.set(findex, False)
if isinstance(finput, View):
fnode = finput.get_backing()
fnode = ftyp.coerce_view(finput).get_backing()
active_fields.set(findex, True)

if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise AttributeError(f'The field names [{"".join(kwargs.keys())}] are not defined in {cls.T}')

backing = PairNode(
left=subtree_fill_to_contents(input_nodes, get_depth(cls.N)),
return super().__new__(cls, backing=backing, hook=hook, **kwargs)

def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs)
cls._field_indices = {
fkey: (i, ftyp, fopt) for i, (fkey, (ftyp, fopt)) in enumerate(cls.fields().items())}
if len(cls._field_indices) == 0:
raise Exception(f"PartialContainer {cls.__name__} must have at least one field!")

def __class_getitem__(cls, params) -> Type["PartialContainer"]:
t, n = params

if not is_dataclass(t):
raise Exception(f"partialcontainer doesn't wrap `@dataclass`: {t}")
if n <= 0:
raise Exception(f"invalid partialcontainer capacity: {n}")

class PartialContainerView(PartialContainer):
T = t
N = n

PartialContainerView.__name__ = PartialContainerView.type_repr()
return PartialContainerView

def fields(cls) -> PartialFields:
ret = {}
for field in fields(cls.T):
fkey =
fopt = get_origin(field.type) == PyUnion and type(None) in get_args(field.type)
ftyp = get_args(field.type)[0] if fopt else field.type
ret[fkey] = (ftyp, fopt)
return ret

def active_fields(self) -> Bitvector:
active_fields_node = super().get_backing().get_right()
return Bitvector[self.__class__.N].view_from_backing(active_fields_node)

def __getattr__(self, item):
if item[0] == '_':
return super().__getattribute__(item)
(findex, ftyp, fopt) = self.__class__._field_indices[item]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(f"unknown attribute {item}")

if not self.active_fields().get(findex):
assert fopt
return None

data = super().get_backing().get_left()
fnode = data.getter(2**get_depth(self.__class__.N) + findex)
return ftyp.view_from_backing(fnode)

def _get_field_val_repr(self, fkey: str, ftyp: Type[View], fopt: bool) -> str:
field_start = ' ' + fkey + ': ' + (
('Optional[' if fopt else '') + ftyp.__name__ + (']' if fopt else '')
) + ' = '
field_repr = repr(getattr(self, fkey))
if '\n' in field_repr: # if multiline, indent it, but starting from the value.
i = field_repr.index('\n')
field_repr = field_repr[:i+1] + indent(field_repr[i+1:], ' ' * len(field_start))
return field_start + field_repr
except NavigationError:
return f"{field_start} *omitted from partial*"

def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.type_repr()}:\n" + '\n'.join(
indent(self._get_field_val_repr(fkey, ftyp, fopt), ' ')
for fkey, (ftyp, fopt) in self.__class__.fields().items())

def type_repr(cls) -> str:
return f"PartialContainer[{cls.T.__name__}, {cls.N}]"

def serialize(self, stream: BinaryIO) -> int:
active_fields = self.active_fields()
num_prefix_bytes = active_fields.serialize(stream)

num_data_bytes = sum(
ftyp.type_byte_length() if ftyp.is_fixed_byte_length() else OFFSET_BYTE_LENGTH
for findex, (_, (ftyp, _)) in enumerate(self.__class__.fields().items())
if active_fields.get(findex))

temp_dyn_stream = io.BytesIO()
data = super().get_backing().get_left()
for findex, (_, (ftyp, _)) in enumerate(self.__class__.fields().items()):
if not active_fields.get(findex):
fnode = data.getter(2**get_depth(self.__class__.N) + findex)
v = ftyp.view_from_backing(fnode)
if ftyp.is_fixed_byte_length():
encode_offset(stream, num_data_bytes)
num_data_bytes += v.serialize(temp_dyn_stream) # type: ignore

return num_prefix_bytes + num_data_bytes

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