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AYTABTU (v1.6.7)

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@fjl fjl released this 12 Jul 09:37

Geth v1.6.7 (All Your Transaction Are Belong To Us) is another fine maintenance release:

  • The transaction pool now tracks 'local' transactions based on sender address (#14737).
    • Transactions sent by local addresses are exempt from gas pricing- and overall queue size limits.
  • Docker images are smaller because consensus tests are no longer included (#14734, #14792).
  • Extend RPC formatting error messages with field details to better describe the failure (#14686).
  • Add Whisper v5 CLI flags to Geth and add a Whisper Go client library (#14540).

Important notice to projects running public nodes (MyEtherWallet, Etherscan, Infura, etc): The sender address of any transaction submitted via RPC will be considered a local address, and all transactions from such addresses will be exempt of the gas price and pool size enforcement. To avoid DOS attacks due to the exemption algorithm, please run with --txpool.nolocals to disable special exemptions for local accounts.

For other minor changes in this release, see the 1.6.7 milestone.

Binaries and mobile libraries are available on our download page.