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Running and Evaluating a Simulated Experiment

Schmluk edited this page Mar 29, 2019 · 1 revision

To test and compare the performance of planners, we provide a simulation environment and evaluation tools.

Simulation Framework

The simulation environment is similar to the one presented in unreal_cv_ros. We use gazebo to model the MAV physics and unreal_cv_ros for perception and collision detection. The planner node requests trajectories, which are followed using the mav_nonlinear_mpc and mav_lowlevel_attitude_controller controllers. During execution, unreal_cv_ros produces pointclouds. These are integrated by the voxblox server into a map, based upon which the planner then proposes new trajectories.

Conducting an Experiment

We provide utility ros nodes and launch scripts, that make conducting and evaluating experiments as simple as possible:

  • Start the unreal game map on which the experiment takes place.

  • Run run_experiment.launch

    This launchfile coordinates the startup of all components of the simulation framework, as well the launch and termination of the planner. Furthermore, a data directory is created that stores the generated information.

  • After termination, run evaluate_experiment.launch

    This launchfile takes a data directory, computes different evaluation metrics and produces graphs.

  • To reenact the behaviour of a planner, run replay_experiment.launch

    This launchfile replays a rosbag of the planner visualization topics, can also use fast forward etc.

Results and Monitoring Tools

During simulation, the planner and eval_data_node produce the following raw data (in a predefined structure):

  • The current voxblox map is periodically saved
  • together with the elapsed simulated time, wall time, cpu time and the number of integrated pointclouds
  • After every replanning step, the cpu time per function, the total simulated and cpu time as well as the number of considered TrajectorySegments is recorded.
  • The complete rosparam configuration is dumped, such that the planner and other settings can be recovered.
  • A rosbag of the visualization topics is recorded in "tmp_bags". (When evaluation, it is looked up and moved to the right folder)

During evaluation, the eval_plotting_node and eval_voxblox_node use this data to compare the saved maps against a ground truth pointcloud and compute the following metrics:

  • Mean and standard deviation of the absolute difference between constructed map and ground truth
  • Percentage of the ground truth pointcloud that was discovered (is contained in the map).

Additionally, the following visualizations are produced:

  • The folder meshes contains the periodically saved mesh instances to reconstruct exploration progress.
  • Additionally, every mesh is colored according to the absolute difference to ground truth, where dark green represents 0, red the maximum error threshold (by default 2x the voxel size), and gray voxel outside this threshold (these are also not included in the error computation).
  • The folder graphs contains a 'SimulationOverview.png', containing line graphs for reconstruction quality and exploration progress over time,
  • And a 'PerformanceOverview.png', showing where the computation time was allocated and how much total computation time was consumed.

All produced data is stored in csv files, which can be used for further visualization. The data_log.txt contains additional information about the experiment execution and processing.