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Updating Servers

RM edited this page May 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

How to update an existing Enemy Territory dedicated server to ET: Legacy dedicated server (in 5 min).

Note: Create a backup of your server files before you start!

  1. Get the latest ET: Legacy.
  2. Extract compressed downloaded file. For Linux systems use file etlded, for Windows etlded.exe.
  3. Copy etlded(.exe) to your server path of Enemy Territory beside etded(.exe) - this is usually your fs_basepath.
  4. Stop the game server and set correct chmod for etlded file (Linux only).
  5. Start etlded(.exe) instead of etded(.exe) with a new and empty fs_homepath (etlded +set fs_homepath "YOUR_NEW_HOMEPATH")
  6. Done ^^ - have fun!

Note: Don't use the same path for fs_homepath and fs_basepath.

Some cvars might need to be adjusted. Please refer to List of Cvars and the FAQ.

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