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How To Set Up Developer Environment for Taucmdr Lab Extension

$> conda create -n taucmdr \
  --override-channels \
  --strict-channel-priority \
  -c conda-forge \
  -c anaconda \
  python=3.6 jupyterlab nodejs

$> conda activate taucmdr
(tacumdr) $> cd [path-to-taucmdr-lab-extension-folder]
(taucmdr) $> jlpm install
(taucmdr) $> jupyter labextension install . --no-build
(taucmdr) $> conda install -c plotly plotly=4.7.1
(taucmdr) $> conda install "ipywidgets=7.5"
(taucmdr) $> jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly@4.7.1
(taucmdr) $> jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotlywidget@4.7.1

Launch Jupyter Lab

By default, the following command starts jupyter lab and loads it in your default web browser. If prompted by Jupyter Lab, allow it to "Build".

$> conda activate taucmdr
(taucmdr) $> jupyter lab

Adding a kernel for Python 2.7 to Jupyter Lab

$> conda create -n py27 python=2.7
$> conda activate py27
(py27) $> conda install ipykernel

Make Taucmdr accessible to the Python 2.7 kernel

$> conda activate py27

# Find out where your site-packages directory is
(py27) $> python -m site
sys.path = [
    '/home/walker/miniconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages',   <--- !!! HERE !!!
USER_BASE: '/home/walker/.local' (exists)
USER_SITE: '/home/walker/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages' (doesn't exist)

(py27) $> echo [path-to-taucmdr-packages-directory] > /home/walker/miniconda3/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/taucmdr-paths.pth

# Taucmdr should now be importable
(py27) $> python -c "import taucmdr"
... should be OK