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Semantic Construct

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [...] Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

- John 1:1-3

Semantic Construct is a puzzle game about building a world with words.


You can play here.

Rules are written in relatively simple and mostly correct English:

Simple English

Drag around words to create and modify the very rules of the world:

Helpful Hints


To get an interactive development environment run:

lein figwheel

and open your browser at localhost:3449. This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:

(js/alert "Am I connected?")

and you should see an alert in the browser window.

To clean all compiled files:

lein clean

To create a production build run:

lein do clean, cljsbuild once min

And open your browser in resources/public/index.html. You will not get live reloading, nor a REPL.
