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Writing asynchronous code can quickly become painful, especially when you need to make multiple calls, due to each method taking it's own callback and having it's own idea of error handling and cancellation. Promises alleviate this by providing a uniform interface and by turning callback style into the same return style of synchronous code. You can view the javadoc at


Clone this library, then run

gradle install


repositories {

dependencies {
  compile 'me.tatarka.ipromise:ipromise:1.0-SNAPSHOT'

Or for Android

dependencies {
  compile 'me.tatarka.ipromise:ipromise-android:1.0-SNAPSHOT'



Or for Android



This library has a few unique features to give you control over your asynchronous code.

  1. You can send multiple messages to show progress, etc.
  2. Error control is out not baked in to the promises. Instead you can represent errors using a Result<T,E>. This way you are free to use promises in contexts where you know an Exception will never be thrown.
  3. You can control how messages are buffered for redelivery when a listener is attached. The default is just to save the last one, but you can save all of them, none of them, or implement your own scheme. (see PromiseBuffer).
  4. You can control in what context callbacks are executed. By default they are executed on a single background thread; but you can, for example, run them on your UI thread so you don't have to worry about posting them back.
  5. Special consideration has been given to Android to handle the Activity lifecycle so you don't run into the same pitfalls as you do with AsyncTask


You can turn this:

async1(arg, new Callback1() {
	public void onResult(MyResult1 result1) {
		async2(result1, new Callback2() {
			public void onResult(MyResult2 result2) {
				// Finally! do something with result2.

Into this:

async1(arg).then(new Chain<MyResult1, Promise<MyResult2>>() {
	public Promise<MyResult2> chain(MyResult1 result1) {
		return async2(result2);
}).listen(new Promise.Listener<MyResult2>() {
	public void receive(MyResult2 result) {
		// Isn't this nicer?

See how it reads nice and sequentially instead of heavily indented? If that doesn't look like a huge improvement to you, lets add some error checking. After all, async1() and async2() may fail.

async1(arg, new Callback1() {
	public void onResult(MyResult1 result1) {
		async2(result1, new Callback2() {
			public void onResult(MyResult2 result2) {
				// Finally! do something with result2.
			public void onError(Error error) {
				// Take care of the error on the second callback
	public void onError(Error error) {
		// Take care of the error on the first callback

See how the error handling is all over the place? And you would have duplicate code if your error handling in both places was the same.

async1(arg).then(new Result.ChainPromise<MyResult1, MyResult2, Error>() {
	public Promise<Result<MyResult2, Error>> success(MyResult1 result1) {
		return async2(result1);
}).listen(new Result.Listener<MyResult2, Error>() {
	public void success(MyResult2 result) {
		// Isn't this nicer?
	public void error(Error error) {
		// Error checking in one place!

Much nicer! Now lets say the user decides they don't want to wait anymore and cancels the action.

// The library I'm using doesn't have a way to cancel method calls :(
boolean isCanceled = false;

async1(arg, new Callback1() {
	public void onResult(MyResult1 result1) {
		if (isCanceled) return; // Easy to forget one of these
		async2(result1, new Callback2() {
			public void onResult(MyResult2 result2) {
				if (isCanceled) return;
				// Finally! do something with result2.
			public void onError(Error error) {
				// Take care of the error on the second callback
	public void onError(Error error) {
		// Take care of the error on the first callback

public void userCancel() {
	isCanceled = true;

This code is starting to look like a mess! With promises it's so much easier:

Promise<Result<Result2, Error>> promise = async1(arg).then(new Result.ChainPromise<Result1, Result2, Error>() {
	public Promise<Result<Result2, Error>> success(Result1 result1) {
		return async2(result1);
}).listen(new Result.Listener<Result2, Error>() {
	public void success(Result2 result) {
		// Isn't this nicer?
	public void error(Error error) {
		// Error checking in one place!

public void userCancel() {
	promise.cancel(); // That's it!

And if the library does support cancellation of methods, it can just listen for a cancellation on the promise.

Implementing Promises

So you have lots of code lying around that uses callbacks? Wrapping it up is super easy.

public void asyncWithCallback(Arg arg, Callback callback) {

public Promise<Result<MyResult, Error>> asyncWithPromise(Arg arg) {
	final Deferred<Result<MyResult, Error>> deferred = new Deferred<Result<MyResult, Error>>();
	asyncWithCallback(arg, new Callback() {
		public void onResult(MyResult result) {
			deferred.resolve(Result.<MyResult, Error>success(result));
		public void onError(Error error) {
			deferred.resolve(Result.<MyResult, Error>error(error));
	return deferred.promise();

You can also use a Task to easily run code in a separate thread and return a Proimse.

// Runs in a seperate thread 
public Proimse<MyResult> async() {
  return Task.DoOnce<MyResult>() {
    public MyResult runOnce(CancelToken cancelToken) {
      return sync();

// Handles exceptions 
public Promise<Result<MyResult, Error>> asyncError() {
  return Task.DoOnceFailable<MyResult, Error>() {
    public MyResult runFailable(CancelToken cancelToken) throws Error {
      return syncThatThrows();

You can also pass an Executor to a Task for more control.


If you have to return multiple results over time, just use send() instead of resolve(). You do, however need to make sure to call close() when you are finished sending.

public Promise<MyProgress> asyncWithPromise(Arg arg) {
  final Deferred<MyProgress> deferred = new Deferred<MyProgress>();
  asyncWithProgressCallback(arg, new Callback() {
    public void onProgress(MyProgress progress) {
		public void onFinish() {
	return channel.progress();

On the receiving end, you can attach a CloseListener to respond to when the promise has been closed.

promise.listen(new Listener<MyProgress>() {
  public void receive(MyProgress progress) {
    // This is called with every progress update.
}).onClose(new CloseListener() {
  public void close() {
    // This is called when there will be no more updates.

There are various different ways to handle old messages when multiple ones are sent. For this reason, you can pass a PromiseBuffer to a Deferred which will determine how messages are buffered and redelivered when a listener is attached.

For the common cases you can pass in an enumeration.

  • Proimse.BUFFER_NONE - This means that if there is no listener when a message is sent, the message is dropped.
  • Promise.BUFFER_LAST - This means the last message is saved. This is the default since it acts like most promise implementations when one message is sent.
  • Progress.REATIN_ALL - This means all messages are saved.

You can also pass in your own instance of PromiseBuffer if you need more control.

When choosing a buffer strategy keep in mind that all messages saved will be kept in memory until the Promise is garbage collected.


If you have or want to create asynchronous methods that support cancellation, you need to use a CancelToken. This ensures the cancel propagates to all Promises.

public Promise<Integer> mySuperSlowMethod() {
	final CancelToken cancelToken = new CancelToken();
	final Deferred<Integer> deferred = new Deferred<Integer>(cancelToken);
	new Thread(new Runnable() {
		long total = 0;
		for (long i = 0; i < BAZZILION; i++) {
			if (cancelToken.isCanceled()) break;
			total += i; // Do some hard work
	return deferred.promise();

public Promise<MyResult> yourSuperSlowMethod() {
	final CancelToken cancelToken = new CancelToken();
	final Deferred<MyResult> deferred = new Deferred<MyResult>(cancelToken);
	final Callback callback = new Callback() {
		public void onResult(MyResult result) {
	cancelToken.listen(new CancelToken.Listener() {
		public void canceled() {
	return deferred.promise();

Callback Execution

As mentioned in the feature section, callbacks are not executed in the calling context, but instead by using an Executor. This makes them much easier to reason about since their execution context is always the same. By default all callbacks are executed on a single background thread, but you can configure this is a few different ways.

The easiest way is to call CallbackExecutors.setDefault(executor) which sets it globally for all promises. This should only be called once for you application, though this is not enforced. If you need more granular control you can create a builder with Deferred.Builder.withCallbackExecutor(executor) and then call build() to get a deferred with your Executor. Finally, Deferred has a constructor that takes an Executor as an argument.

When using a custom Executor, you must ensure that all jobs are run in the same order they are posted for a given Promise. If you don't you risk the callbacks being fired in an unexpected order.

For Android, it's a good idea to use the provided AndroidCallbackExecutors.mainLooperExecutor() which will run all callbacks on the UI thread.

For unit testing, you can use CallbackExecutors.sameThreadExecutor() to run callbacks on the same thread as the messages that are sent. This way you can send a message and ensure the callback is called without using any thread synchronization.


Managing the Activity lifecycle in Android with asynchronous calls can be very tricky. Loaders improve this, but fall short in many situations and have a clunky api. Instead, you can use the AsyncManager. It will handle Activity destruction, configuration changes, and posting results to the UI thread.

If you just want to load data in the background and show it on screen when you are done, it is incredibly easy.

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
  private AsyncManager asyncManager;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // If you are using the support library, use AsyncManagerCompat.get(this)
    asyncManager = AsyncManager.get(this);
    asyncManager.start(Task.of(mySlowTask), new AsyncAdapter<String>() {
      public void start() {
        // This is where you would show your progress indicator. This is called
        // when the promise starts, and on configuration change if the promise
        // hasn't completed.

      public void receive(String result) {
        // This is where you will get your result. This is called when the
        // promise completes on configuration changes if the promise has
        // completed.

  // It is important that this does not have a reference to surrounding Activity
  // to prevent memory leaks
  private static Task.DoOnce<String> mySlowTask = new Task.DoOnce<String>() {
    public String run(CancelToken cancelToken) {
      return doSomeSlowWork();

Loading/Reloading on a button press is similarly easy. Try doing that with loaders!

public clas MyActivity extends Activity {
  // You can pass a tag to the PromiseManager to allow multiple tasks/callbacks
  // If you don't pass one, PromiseManager.DEFAULT is used.
  private static final String MY_TASK = "my_task"

  private AsyncManager asyncManager;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    asyncManager = AsyncManager.get(this);
    final AsyncItem buttonAsync = asyncManager.add(
      new Task<String>() {
        public Promise<String> start() {
          return doAsyncWork();
      new AsyncAdapter<String>() {
        public void start() {

        public void receive(String result) {

    findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View view) {

You can see more examples on how to use AsyncManager in ipromse-android-example

A Note on Memory Usage

This library does it's best effort to reduce memory usage by removing listeners when they are no longer needed and only keeping one copy of the messages in the buffer even when you Map or Filter. However, you need to keep in mind a few things to make sure you don't leak any memory.

By default, a Promise will store it's last result for as long is it lives. You can configure this by passing a different PromiseBuffer to the Deferred. This means that you should not keep a reference Promise or Deferred longer than necessary.

You should also remember that anonymous inner classes (which you are probably using for callbacks) will keep a reference to their outer class even if you don't reference anything from it. This means that the outer class will not be garbage collected until the Promise is closed or canceled.


small proimse/future library for java and Android







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