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Viewing logs remotely

Amber Yust edited this page Mar 19, 2017 · 2 revisions

Remote log access

via browser

Assuming the site is running properly, logs can be viewed by clicking on the Server Logs link on the sidebar of the admin page. The interface to view these logs is managed by the log library used, and there's not a great way to deal with some of its clunkiness. Below, these clunky issues are outlined to help avoid confusion:

  • You must first select the log storage directory to view the contents of. In this case, we only have one and its /roster/storage/logs.
  • Logs are split into sub directories by date, so you can only view one date at a time.
  • Once a date is selected, it will take you to a console with all of the log messages for the day.
  • By default, the messages are sorted so that newest messages are at the top. Click the Reverse switch to order it differently. This can be useful if a log report was split across multiple messages in the code, in which case the default reversed order may display them oddly.
  • By default, only messages at the INFO level are shown. Click the hamburger menu in the top left corner and select the additional levels you're interested in.
    • In particular, if you're seeing start messages for a cron task, but no finish message, a cron failure is reported at the ERROR level and not the INFO level.
  • The logs are searchable with the filter text field in the top right.
  • Clicking the /roster/storage/logs - dates link in the top left will take you back to the date selection page if you need to bounce between different dates.
  • The Time switch is off by default but provides more information than the Date switch (which provides no additional info that Time doesn't already).
  • The green tags on the left side of each message entry display the log level and grouping. The level and grouping are also searchable with the filter.

Viewing log files in container

sudo dokku enter roster
cd ../roster/storage/logs

Change roster to roster-staging for the staging instance.

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