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vscode setup

7sempra edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 1 revision

First, download and install VS Code.

Second, install the following extensions (which should be recommended):

  • ZipFS
  • Vue Language Features (Volar)

Finally, enable Yarn PnP integration:

  1. Hit CTRL+SHIFT+P > "Select Typescript version"
  2. Select "Use workspace version"

Updating Yarn SDKs

The roster uses a special feature of yarn to manage dependencies: Yarn Plug n Play (Yarn PnP). This is an alternative method for storing dependencies that completely bypasses the traditional node_modules location. As such, VS Code has no idea what's going on and throws red squiggles around all imports. To solve this, we periodically need to run the following command and check in any resulting code changes:

$ yarn dlx @yarnpkg/sdks vscode
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