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Tim Head edited this page Nov 12, 2015 · 4 revisions

There are three different kinds of everware users:

  1. I want to use code in a repository that is everware-ready
  2. I want to make my own code everware-ready
  3. I want to host my own everware instance

The rest of this document deals with using a repository that is already everware-ready. Read being everware compatible to learn how to make your code compatible with everware. To host your own instance of everware read: hosting an everware instance.

Using an everware compatible repository

You need two ingredients for this.

The first ingredient you will need is a link to a git repository that is compatible with everware. If you do not have one, take a look at the everware gallery. In this example we will use everware-dimuon-example.

The second ingredient you will need is access to a running everware instance. There are a few public ones:

Open in a new browser window. Paste the URL of the git repository you want to try out (everware-dimuon-example) on the webpage and click "Launch". This should clone the repository, build the environment, and connect you to it after a few seconds. You are now ready to explore the code and what it does.