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Everynet RAN Routing API Specification

Note: This document is a draft (beta) specification of the RAN Routing API

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Everynet operates a Neutral-Host Cloud RAN, which can support customers with two different integration options:

  • LNS may subscribe to specific devices (by DevEUI) on the Everynet RAN using proprietary RAN API (recommended)
  • Devices may roam to Everynet RAN using the LoRa Alliance Backend Interfaces specification

There are several benefits to this first implementation. The most obvious is that it allows a host to subscribe and unsubscribe to individual devices, as the use case and business model support. It also eliminates message traffic from devices that are no longer subscribed to the LNS (or never were).


This API is intended to connect Everynet Cloud RAN (RAN) with customer LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS). The API is LNS-agnostic.

Everynet RAN core funtionality is LoRaWAN traffic routing. It receives messages from gateways and then matches each message with the customer using either DevAddr or pair (DevEUI, JoinEUI). The relations between device details and customer details are stored in a routing table.

Everynet RAN API is designed to let customer control the routing table. It also provides both upstream and downstream messaging capabilities.

Cloud RAN does not store any device-related cryptographic keys and is not capable of decrypting customer traffic. Maintaining data ownership gurantees without an access to the device keys the RAN enabled with a purpose-built MIC challenge procedure.

All streaming interactions between RAN and LNS are organized via messaging API. It is based on asynchronous secure websockets (wss://).

Subscription Management

To start receiving uplinks or join requests we require LNS to explicitly subscribe (and unsubscribe) for every device using the API methods below.

Note that subscriptions are simply rows in the RAN traffic routing table, hence the naming convention.

The methods are HTTP-based and are not available via WebSocket interface.

Method Description, ClientID, Optional[DevEUIs]) Select device subscriptions from the routing table. List of devices is specified via DevEUIs parameter. If DevEUIs parameter is not set, then all device subscriptions are returned.
devices.insert(CoverageID, ClientID, DevEUI, OneOf[JoinEUI, DevAddr], Optional[Details]) Insert device subscription into the routing table to start receiving messages from the specified device. Both DevEUI and DevAddr are mandatory parameters for ABP devices. while DevEUI and JoinEUI are mandatory parameters for OTAA devices. Provided DevEUI must be unique, while single DevAddr may be assigned to several DevEUIs simultaneously. Optional Details field provides additional device information, such as geographical coordinates or device model.
devices.update(CoverageID, ClientID, DevEUI, JoinEUI, Optional[ActiveDevAddr], Optional[TargetDevAddr]) Update device subscription in a routing table by DevEUI. This API function is intended to be used by the LNS to set new device address after the join request has been processed. Optional parameters that are ommited won't be updated, null values are not allowed.
devices.drop(CoverageID, ClientID, DevEUIs) Deletes device subscription from the routing table by DevEUI.
devices.drop_all(CoverageID, ClientID) Deletes all device subscriptions from the routing table.


Select device subscriptions from the routing table.

List of devices is specified via DevEUIs parameter. If DevEUIs parameter is not set, then all device subscriptions are returned.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
CoverageID yes int This ID refers to one of the available Everynet network deployments: Brazil, Indonesia, USA, Italy, Spain, UK, ...
ClientID yes int This ID refers to the client.
DevEUIs no str[] List of DevEUI hex strings.


Select multiple devices data:

$ curl -s --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq
    "DevEUI": "dddddddddddddddd",
    "JoinEUI": "dddddddddddddddd",
    "ActiveDevAddr": "dddddddd",
    "TargetDevAddr": null,
    "Details": null,
    "CreatedAt": "2022-05-30T10:06:44.726471"
    "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "JoinEUI": null,
    "ActiveDevAddr": "ffffffff",
    "TargetDevAddr": null,
    "Details": null,
    "CreatedAt": "2022-05-31T07:20:00.360463"
    "DevEUI": "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
    "JoinEUI": "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
    "ActiveDevAddr": null,
    "TargetDevAddr": null,
    "Details": null,
    "CreatedAt": "2022-05-31T07:32:16.545797"

Select single device data:

$ curl -s --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq
    "DevEUI": "dddddddddddddddd",
    "JoinEUI": "dddddddddddddddd",
    "ActiveDevAddr": "dddddddd",
    "TargetDevAddr": null,
    "Details": null,
    "CreatedAt": "2022-05-30T10:06:44.726471"
    "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "JoinEUI": null,
    "ActiveDevAddr": "ffffffff",
    "TargetDevAddr": null,
    "Details": null,
    "CreatedAt": "2022-05-31T07:20:00.360463"


Subscribe to the device messages. Insert device into the routing table to start receiving messages from the specified device.

Both DevEUI and DevAddr are mandatory parameters for ABP devices. while DevEUI and JoinEUI are mandatory parameters for OTAA devices.

Provided DevEUI must be unique, while single DevAddr may be assigned to several DevEUIs simultaneously.

For some NetID types, the DevAddr space is much smaller than the number of possible DevEUIs and it is possible that multiple devices (DevEUIs) share the same DevAddr. RAN supports mupliple DevEUIs pointing to one DevAddr and provides an array of DevEUIs in the Upstream message. It is expected that LNS provides a correct DevEUI in the UpstreamAck message.

Optional Details field provides additional device information, such as geographical coordinates or device model.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
CoverageID yes int This ID refers to one of the available Everynet network deployments: Brazil, Indonesia, USA, Italy, Spain, UK, ...
ClientID yes int This ID refers to client. This identifier may be obtained automatically from credentials, provided by user.
DevEUI yes str Hex string, represents 64 bit integer of end-device identifier. This field should be unique for each device.
DevAddr conditional* str Hex string, represent 32 bit int device address. Single DevAddr may be assigned to several DevEUIs simultaneously. This param must be passed only for ABP devices.
JoinEUI conditional* str Hex string, represents 64 bit int unique JoinEUI. This param must be passed only for OTAA devices.
Details no str Some JSON in string form. This field provides additional device information, such as geographical coordinates or device model. Size of data, passed as this param, may be limited by server.

* Only one of DevAddr or JoinEUI shall be provided, providing both values will result in an error.


Create device with a known DevEUI and JoinEUI:

    "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "JoinEUI": "ffffffffffffffff"
$ curl -s --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"DevEUI":  "ffffffffffffffff",
"JoinEUI": "ffffffffffffffff"
}' | jq

  "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
  "JoinEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
  "ActiveDevAddr": null,
  "TargetDevAddr": null,
  "Details": null,
  "CreatedAt": "2022-05-31T07:12:02.875460"

Create device with a known DevAddr:

    "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "DevAddr": "ffffffff"
$ curl -s --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
"DevAddr": "ffffffff"
}' | jq
  "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
  "JoinEUI": null,
  "ActiveDevAddr": "ffffffff",
  "TargetDevAddr": null,
  "Details": null,
  "CreatedAt": "2022-05-31T07:14:04.473749"


Update device subscription in a routing table by DevEUI. This API function is intended to be used by the LNS to set new device address after the join request has been processed. Optional parameters that are ommited won't be updated, null values are not allowed.

Parameters ActiveDevAddr and TargetDevAddr are used to handle two security contexts during the join procedure. The security-context is only switched after the device sends its first uplink with TargetDevAddr. It is valid for both LoRaWAN 1.0.x and 1.1.

At least one of ActiveDevAddr or TargetDevAddr values must be provided.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
CoverageID yes int This ID refers to one of the available Everynet network deployments: Brazil, Indonesia, USA, Italy, Spain, UK, ...
ClientID yes int This ID refers to client.
DevEUI yes str Hex string representing DevEUI of the updated device. Returns an error if device is missing from the routing table.
JoinEUI yes str Hex string representing JoinEUI of the updated device.
ActiveDevAddr conditional str Hex string, represent 32 bit int device address. Used to update current device address.
TargetDevAddr conditional str Hex string, represent 32 bit int device address. This DevAddr was generated and sent to device by Join Server (via Join Accept), but NS is not informed about this change right now (by Uplink)


    "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "JoinEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "TargetDevAddr": "ffffffff"
$ # This call is not required, here is just for example to see the difference after update
$ curl -s --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq
    "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "JoinEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
    "ActiveDevAddr": null,
    "TargetDevAddr": null,
    "Details": null,
    "CreatedAt": "2022-05-31T07:20:00.360463"

$ curl -s --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
"JoinEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
"TargetDevAddr": "ffffffff"
}' | jq

  "DevEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
  "JoinEUI": "ffffffffffffffff",
  "ActiveDevAddr": null,
  "TargetDevAddr": "ffffffff",
  "Details": null,
  "CreatedAt": "2022-05-31T07:20:00.360463"


Deletes device subscription from the routing table by DevEUI.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
CoverageID yes int This ID refers to one of the available Everynet network deployments: Brazil, Indonesia, USA, Italy, Spain, UK, ...
ClientID yes int This ID refers to the client. This identifier may be obtained automatically from credentials, provided by user.
DevEUIs no str[] List of DevEUI represented as hex strings. Subscription info about devices from the list will be deleted from routing table.


    "DevEUIs": [
$ curl -s --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"DevEUIs": ["ffffffffffffffff"]}' | jq

  "deleted": 1


Deletes all device subscriptions from the routing table.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
CoverageID yes int This ID refers to one of the available Everynet network deployments: Brazil, Indonesia, USA, Italy, Spain, UK, ...
ClientID yes int This ID refers to client. This identifier may be obtained automatically from credentials, provided by user.


$ curl -s --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer secrettoken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

  "deleted": 10

Multicast Management

This API provides management multicast group (create, delete) and management of devices in those groups (add, remove).

To start sending multicast downlinks AS must create multicast group and add devices to this group and then send multicast-downlink.

The methods are HTTP-based and are not available via WebSocket interface.

Method Description
create_multicast_group(name, addr) This method provides to create multicast group.
delete_multicast_groups(List[addr]) This method provides to remove multicast group by group addr.
get_multicast_groups(List[addr]) This method provides to show multicast groups with all devices by specified list of addrs, if list is empty then this method return all multicast groups.
add_device_to_multicast_group(addr, dev_eui) This method provides to add the device to a specified multicast group.
remove_device_from_multicast_group(addr, dev_eui) This method provides to remove the device from a specified multicast group.

Create multicast group

Creates new multicast group.

If multicast group with this addr already exists, will return error.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
name yes str Multicast group name
addr yes str Hex string representing address of multicast group. This address may be used to send downlinks


curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "name": "My first multicast group",
  "addr": "dafa0c11"
}' | jq

  "addr": "dafa0c11",
  "created_at": "2022-08-26T13:35:30.969638",
  "name": "My first multicast group",
  "devices": []

Delete multicast groups

Deletes multicast groups.

If no multicast group with this addr exists, it won't be deleted.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
addrs yes str[] Array of hex string, each represents address of multicast group, which must be deleted


curl -s -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "addrs": ["dafa0c11"]
}' | jq

  "deleted": 1

Get multicast groups

Get info about multicast groups.

If empty addrs provided, will return all multicast groups you have.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
addrs yes str[] Aray of hex strings, each represents multicast group addresses


curl -s -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "addrs": []
}' | jq

    "created_at": "2022-08-26T13:35:30.969638",
    "name": "My first multicast group",
    "addr": "dafa0c11",
    "devices": [

Add device to multicast group

Adds device to multicast group.

If no multicast group with this addr exists, will return error.

If not device with this dev_eui exists, will return error.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
addr yes str Hex string representing address of multicast group you want to use to add device in it.
dev_eui yes str Hex string representing dev_eui of device you want to add to multicast group.


curl -s -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "addr": "dafa0c11",
  "dev_eui": "fafafafafafafafa"
}' | jq

  "is_added": true

Remove device from multicast group

Removes device from multicast group.

If no multicast group with this addr exists, will return {"is_removed": false}.

If not device with this dev_eui exists, will return {"is_removed": false}.

Params info:

Param Required Type Description
addr yes str Hex string representing address of multicast group you want to use to remove device from.
dev_eui yes str Hex string representing dev_eui of device you want to remove from multicast group.


curl -s -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "addr": "dafa0c11",
  "dev_eui": "fafafafafafafafa"
}' | jq

  "is_removed": true

Message Streaming

Message streams are available through a RAN Streaming API, implemented as single websocket at URL:

  • wss://.../api/v1/gateway/

For example, for EU region:

  • wss://

To interact with both upstream and downstream messages, you should connect to the RAN Streaming API.

LNS must handle Websocket ping-pong functionality properly.

Upstream Traffic = Uplinks + Join Requests

Everynet RAN considers both join requests and uplinks as part of the upstream traffic without any distinction.

For billing purposes, the LNS must either acknowledge or reject every upstream message based on the MIC challenge procedure.

Messages from RAN to LNS

Message Description
UpstreamMessage Data message received upstream from a device.

Messages from LNS to RAN

Message Description
UpstreamAckMessage Confirmation that the LNS has received the UpstreamMessage and successfully resolved the MIC-challenge.
UpstreamRejectMessage Notification that the LNS received the UpstreamMessage but failed to solve the MIC-challenge.

MIC Challenge Procedure

To ensure the integrity of upstream traffic and for billing purposes, the LNS is required to either acknowledge or reject each upstream message.

Acknowledgment procedure is designed this way to let RAN check whether LNS has correct device keys in possession without revealing these keys.

Procedure for the LNS:

  1. Upon receiving an UpstreamMessage, compute the MIC using the phy_payload_no_mic data and the NwkKey/NwkSKey stored at the LNS.
  2. Verify that the received mic_challenge contains the computed MIC.
  3. If correct, send the UpstreamAckMessage to RAN (with calculated MIC in the mic field); if not, send the UpstreamRejectMessage.

The size of the mic_challenge field varies from 2 to 4096 and is reduced with every successful mic challenge solved and acknowledged with UpstreamAckMessage.

Failure to follow this procedure may lead to the LNS being unsubscribed from the device's traffic. This MIC challenge procedure is patent-pending.

Downstream Traffic = Downlinks + Join Accepts

Everynet RAN classifies both join accepts and downlinks as downstream traffic without distinction.

Messages from LNS to RAN

Message Description
DownstreamMessage LNS request to schedule a downlink to a device.
MulticastDownstreamMessage LNS request to schedule a multicast downlink to multiple devices.

Note: Only devices with an active subscription can receive downstream messages. All other messages will be discarded.

Messages from RAN to LNS

Message Description
DownstreamAckMessage Confirmation that the Streaming API server received and scheduled a downstream message for processing. Same for multicast and regular downlinks.
DownstreamResultMessage Notification that the Streaming API server completed processing the downstream message.
MulticastDownstreamResultMessage Notification that the Streaming API server processed a multicast downstream message.

Message Types

Message Types Overview

The communication between the RAN and LNS is facilitated using two primary message types: FromRAN and FromLNS. These messages encapsulate various sub-messages specific to direction of interaction.

FromRAN Message Breakdown

This message type represents communication from the RAN to the LNS.

  • UpstreamMessage: Represents data received upstream from a device.
  • DownstreamAckMessage: A confirmation indicating that the Streaming API server received a downstream message and scheduled it for processing.
  • DownstreamResultMessage: A notification indicating the completion status of a processed downstream message.
  • MulticastDownstreamResultMessage: A notification detailing the outcome of a multicast downstream message processed by the Streaming API server.

FromLNS Message Breakdown

This message type represents communication from the LNS to the RAN.

  • UpstreamAckMessage: Serves as an acknowledgment that the LNS received an UpstreamMessage and successfully resolved the MIC-challenge.
  • UpstreamRejectMessage: Indicates that the LNS received the UpstreamMessage but failed to solve the MIC-challenge.
  • DownstreamMessage: A message request from the LNS, instructing the scheduling of a downlink to a device.
  • MulticastDownstreamMessage: A request from the LNS aiming to schedule a multicast downlink for a group of devices.


Direction: FromRAN

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True Unique ID (UUID). This field is used by the UpstreamAckMessage or UpstreamRejectMessage to identify corresponding UpstreamMessage to acknowledge.
dev_euis uint64[] True List of LoRaWAN DevEUIs potentially associated with the upstream message
radio oneof LoRaUpstreamRadio or FSKUpstreamRadio True Radio data
phy_payload_no_mic bytes True PHYPayload with detached MIC
mic_challenge fixed32[] True List of MICs for upstream traffic
position Position False Geographical position of the device


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "42b7ef6a-7bc7-4672-9489-eb39e37fbd21"
dev_euis: [8844537008791951183, 8844537008791951184]
radio {
  lora {
    frequency: 868100000
    spreading: 12
    bandwidth: 125000
    rssi: -52
    snr: -3.0
phy_payload_no_mic: "EFGH5678"
mic_challenge: [1308830714, 114830713, 170883]
position {
  lat: 51.509865
  lng: -0.118092
  alt: 35.0


Direction: FromLNS

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True ID (UUID) of the corresponding UpstreamMessage
dev_eui uint64 True DevEUI of the device associated with the upstream message
mic uint32 True LNS-calculated MIC according to the MIC challenge procedure


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "42b7ef6a-7bc7-4672-9489-eb39e37fbd21"
dev_eui: 8844537008791951183
mic: 1308830714


Direction: FromLNS

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True ID (UUID) of the corresponding UpstreamMessage
result_code RejectResultCode (see below) True Code indicating the reason why the upstream was rejected
result_message string Optional An optional message providing a human-readable explanation for the rejection


Result Code Value


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "42b7ef6a-7bc7-4672-9489-eb39e37fbd21"
result_code: MIC_FAILED
result_message: "Upstream MIC challenge failed"


Direction: FromLNS

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True Unique ID (UUID) for the downstream message. Will be to associated with DownstreamAck and DownstreamResult feedback messages later.
dev_eui uint64 True DevEUI of the device
target_dev_addr uint32 Optional Target device address, optional. Mandatory for join accept messages. In the due course of the Join procedure device may end up having two device addresses: device address that was active before join procedure has started and target device address provided in JoinAccept message
tx_window TransmissionWindow True The transmission window for the downstream message
phy_payload bytes True The physical payload of the downstream message


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "e2321bba-52af-4cd7-8d45-081a16923e15"
dev_eui: 8844537008791951183
target_dev_addr {
  value: 4294967295
tx_window {
  radio {
    lora {
      frequency: 868100000
      spreading: 12
      bandwidth: 125000
      power: -3
  timing {
    deadline: 1234567890123
phy_payload: "IJKL9012"


Direction: FromLNS

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True Unique ID (UUID) for the multicast downstream message. Will be to associated with DownstreamAck and MulticastDownstreamResult feedback messages later.
addr uint32 True Address of the multicast group
tx_window MulticastTransmissionWindow True The transmission window for the multicast downstream message
phy_payload bytes True The physical payload of the multicast downstream message


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "87f6aa33-3144-452f-84e4-19ca26552f73"
addr: 12345678
tx_window {
  radio {
    lora {
      frequency: 868100000
      spreading: 12
      bandwidth: 125000
      power: -3
  timing {
    tmms_list: {
      tmms: [1234567890123, 1234567890456]
phy_payload: "QRST7890"


Direction: FromRAN

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True Transaction ID for the downstream acknowledgement message
mailbox_id uint64 True Mailbox ID associated with the downstream acknowledgement


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "e2321bba-52af-4cd7-8d45-081a16923e15"
mailbox_id: 1234567890


Direction: FromRAN

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True Transaction ID for the downstream result
result_code DownstreamResultCode True The result code for the downstream transmission
result_message string True Detailed result message
mailbox_id uint64 True Mailbox ID associated with the result


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "e2321bba-52af-4cd7-8d45-081a16923e15"
result_code: WindowNotFound
result_message: "Transmission window not found."
mailbox_id: 1234567890


Direction: FromRAN

Field Type Mandatory Description
protocol_version uint32 True RAN protocol version
transaction_id bytes True Transaction ID for the multicast downstream result
results MulticastDeviceResult[] True List of results for each device in the multicast group
mailbox_id uint64 True Mailbox ID associated with the multicast result


protocol_version: 1
transaction_id: "87f6aa33-3144-452f-84e4-19ca26552f73"
results: [
    dev_eui: 8844537008791951183
    result_code: WindowNotFound
    result_message: "Transmission window not found"
mailbox_id: 1234567890



Field Type Mandatory Description
lat float True Latitude of the position
lng float True Longitude of the position
alt float Optional Altitude of the position


lat: 51.509865
lng: -0.118092
alt: 35.0


Field Type Mandatory Description
frequency uint32 True Radio frequency
spreading uint32 True Spreading factor
bandwidth uint32 True Bandwidth of the radio channel
rssi int32 True Received Signal Strength Indicator
snr float True Signal to Noise Ratio


frequency: 868100000
spreading: 12
bandwidth: 125000
rssi: -52
snr: -3.0


Field Type Mandatory Description
frequency uint32 True Radio frequency
bit_rate uint32 True Data transmission rate
rssi int32 True Received Signal Strength Indicator


frequency: 868100000
bit_rate: 50000
rssi: -52


Result Code Value
Success 0
WindowNotFound 1
GatewayNotFound 2
TooLate 3
NoAck 4
GatewayError 5


Field Type Mandatory Description
frequency uint32 True Radio frequency
spreading uint32 True Spreading factor
bandwidth uint32 True Bandwidth of the radio channel
power int32 True Power setting for the transmission


frequency: 868100000
spreading: 12
bandwidth: 125000
power: -3


Field Type Mandatory Description
frequency uint32 True Radio frequency
frequency_deviation uint32 True Frequency deviation
bit_rate uint32 True Data transmission rate
power int32 True Power setting for the transmission


frequency: 868100000
frequency_deviation: 5000
bit_rate: 50000
power: -3


Field Type Mandatory Description
radio oneof LoRaDownstreamRadio or FSKDownstreamRadio True Radio data for the transmission window
timing oneof delay (uint32), tmmslist (TMMSList) or deadline (uint64) True Timing data for the transmission window


radio {
  lora {
    frequency: 868100000
    spreading: 12
    bandwidth: 125000
    power: -3
timing {
  delay: 1


Field Type Mandatory Description
radio oneof LoRaDownstreamRadio or FSKDownstreamRadio True Radio data for the multicast transmission window
timing oneof tmmslist (TMMSList) or deadline (uint64) True Timing data for the multicast transmission window


radio {
  fsk {
    frequency: 868100000
    frequency_deviation: 5000
    bit_rate: 50000
    power: -3
timing {
  tmms_list: {
    tmms: [1234567890123, 1234567890456]


Field Type Mandatory Description
dev_eui uint64 True DevEUI of the device
result_code DownstreamResultCode True The result code for the multicast transmission
result_message string True Detailed result message for the multicast device


dev_eui: 8844537008791951183
result_code: WindowNotFound
result_message: "Transmission window not found."


Field Type Mandatory Description
tmms uint64[] True List of TMMS values


tmms_list: {
  tmms: [1234567890123, 1234567890456]


Everynet RAN Routing API Specification






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