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Grup Grup Front End

A React framework based front-end for the 'Grup Grup' application.

Material UI (Google)

The Material UI library is utilised to make standardised UI components.

Component Breakdown

Base Component Defaults

Unless specified, these components are basic building blocks of the UI for the application.

Component Material UI Options set as default
Dialog UI Container
Text Input Textfield Variant: Outlined
Dialog Button Button Variant: Outlined
Link Link Variant: Inherit

Login Dialog

Component Material UI Options
Dialog UI Container
Email Input Textfield Required
Password Textfield Type: Password
Login Button
Signup Link Link

Sign Up Dialog

Component Material UI Options
Parent UI Container
Email Input Textfield Required
Password Textfield Required
Confirm Password Textfield Required
Login Button

Application Page

This serves as the main component

Component Material UI Notes
Page UI Container Top level component
Application header Custom Component
  • Holds either a search bar or a user
  • When containing a profile, then the content is the shared content of that user
  • Content Container Grid List
  • Single column layout is achieved by setting column number to '1'
  • Multicolumn layout is created by increasing columns based on page width
  • Content Card Grid List Tile Small and large cards as a gateway to individual pieces of content
    Nav Footer Bottom Navigation Actions:
  • Home
  • New Upload
  • Profile
  • Hamburger Menu
  • Search Bar

    Displayed in the application header

    Component Material UI Options
    Parent Container
    Input Textfield Autocomplete
    Search Options Toggle Button Exclusive selection for "Grid" and "Newsfeed" icons


    • Search is carried out on 'enter' being pressed (keycode '13')
    • Possibly will need some form of submit button for users unaware of pressing enter

    Profile Card

    Displayed in the application header.

    Component Material UI Notes
    Container Card
    Display Name Typography
  • Variant: h1
  • Located at top of card
  • Profile Picture Cardmedia
  • Max width 50%
  • Left aligned
  • Actions CardActions
  • Icon for email/messaging
  • If user's own profile, link to edit profile action
  • Bio Typography
  • Variant: body2
  • Color: textSecondary
  • component: p
  • Content Cards

    Used for posts and individual images

    Small content cards

    'Thumbnail' cards to access content

    Component Material UI Options
    Container Card
    Thubnail Card Media Occupies whole card

    Large content cards

    Full application width cards containing hero image (or possibly carousel) from content

    Component Material UI Options
    Container Card
    Hero CardMedia Can be nominated image or carousel
    Tag List CardActionArea
  • Each tag is clickable to trigger a search for that tag
  • Search results could include username of the card owner to show their content with the same tag before showing other content with same tag
  • Display Name Link Clicking link goes to userprofile
    Description Typography
  • Variant: body1
  • Color: textSecondary
  • component: p
  • Application Menu

    Accessed from the bottom navigation bar

    Component Material UI Notes
    Container Menu Holds customised menu options
    Option Passed in as a prop

    Edit Profile

    Dialogue accesed from the menu (or by the user viewing their own profile annd using link)

    Component Material UI Notes
    Container Drawer Rises from bottom and is scrollable
    Heading Typography
  • Variant: h1
  • Located at top of drawer
  • Sections for Editing AccordianMenu Contains sections for 'about' and 'update password'

    Profile 'About' Section

    Component Material UI Notes
    Display Name Textfield Only required when blank
    Email Textfield
    Bio Textfield
  • Almost as container
  • Character limit counter(?)
  • Profile Picture
  • Styled Image
  • Updates on Load(?)
  • Upload Button (Dialog) Button
    Update Button (Dialog) Button

    Change Password Section

    Component Material UI Notes
    Previous Password Textfield Required
    New Password Textfield Required
    Confirm New Password Textfield Required
    Save changes (Dialogue) Button

    New Upload Page

    Component Material UI Notes
    Parent Long Scrolling Dialogue Comes up from bottom of screen and holds all fields
    Image Thumbnail Custom Component

    Optional Extra Components

    • Single post view
    • Single image view
    • Private images collection not yet posted
    • Post creation from entire user image collection


    No description, website, or topics provided.






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