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This is the source of, the official site of the Kitten programming language. It’s implemented as a primitive “static site generator” written in Kitten, consisting of functions which simply print HTML.

To build the site, you need to have a build of the Kitten compiler. Make sure the common vocab common.ktn is installed in the same directory as the kitten executable. By default, the Makefile will use whatever kitten executable is found in your PATH; you can override this by setting the KITTEN variable when invoking make.

make KITTEN=path/to/kitten

This target can also be invoked as make default. To delete the generated HTML, run make clean. I use the make deploy target to upload the HTML to the server over SFTP—however, you will not be able to run deployments yourself without a server login.

To add a page:

  • Create a directory for it

  • Create a Kitten source file in that directory named index.ktn

  • Add the directory name to TARGETS in the Makefile

Common website-related functions such as page_template should go in Kittenlang.ktn. If you want to add a general-purpose utility function, consider submitting a pull request to the common vocab instead.