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Evmts vm example

✨ EVMts Vm example

Starter project of using Bun with EVMts. EVMts is a JavaScript framework for building blockchain applications. It includes the following features

  • An EVM that runs in Node.js and the browser
  • A bundler and LSP that allows one to import solidity files directly into JavaScript

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🤝 Getting Started

  1. Install Node Modules
bun install
  1. Run tests
bun test
  1. Run bun script in watch mode
bun dev


The EVMts vm allows one to execute Solidity code directly in JS. It can fork a live network similar to ganache anvil or hardhat. It can also optionally take JavaScript functions as predeploys. In EVMts 1.0 this vm is used in a framework to enable optimistic updates.

EVMts bundler configuration

EVMts works via a bun plugin. This includes:

  1. EVMts configuration which is in the tsconfig.json. Note in future EVMts will be configurable via a evmts.config.ts file.

The minimal configuration simply needs to specify typescript uses the @evmts/ts-plugin but it also has other configuration options. This template globally configured the contract addresses for ExampleContract.sol

  1. Bun plugin configuration in the plugins.ts file along with loading the plugin file in bunfig.toml

This enables bun to import solidity files


EVMts LSP gives you language server functionality in your editor. In EVMts this includes many nice features

  • Natspec comments on hover
  • go-to-definition takes you directly to the solidity code that defined the contract method or event
  • Etherscan links to your contracts on hover

Below is an example of go-to-definition support

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VSCode instructions

Special steps are needed to get the LSP features working in VSCode. Most editors should work out the box but please open an issue if you run into trouble.

To use this plugin with Visual Studio Code, you should set your workspace's version of TypeScript, which will load plugins from your tsconfig.json file.

  1. Open a typescript file in your project in vscode
  2. Open command pallet +p or +p
  3. Select >Typescript: Select TypeScript Version in command pallet
  4. Select Use workspace version

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You now should get all the EVMts LSP features such as natspec comments on hover and go-to-solidity-definition support

For more details see: Using the workspace version of TypeScript.

⭐ Github

If you like Evmts give it a ⭐ at the Evmts monorepo

🔗 See also


An example of using the EVMts vm


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