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A set of smart contracts to implements some games on blockchain in fair.

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v0.1-v0.3 BM_rand + round

  • v0.1 base BM_rand. 0-1, tag release.
    • v0.1.2 workflow control. Timely and step dependency.
    • v0.1.3 token
    • v0.1.4 multi_P _
    • v0.1.5 detailed validation
  • v0.2 base game SC. tag release.
    • 0.2.1 change to detail game logic: six seeds.
    • 0.2.2 card boot
    • 0.2.3 result parser.
    • 0.2.4 new table
    • 0.2.5 table/game list
    • 0.2.6 trusteeship/disconnect
    • 0.2.7 agent workflow _
  • v0.3 base game version complete. tag release.

v0.4 mallard target

(1) player bet

  • Action params construction.

eg. ("100.0000 SYS", "0.0000 SYS", "3.0000 SYS", "4.0000 SYS", "3.0000 SYS")

  • Param parser, rules order:

betDealer, betPlayer, betTie, betDealerPush, betPlayerPush

  • Multi_index table construction. (betType, betAmount) =>
    betDealer = "100.0000 SYS"
    betPlayer = "0.0000 SYS"
    betTie = "3.0000 SYS"
    betDealerPush = "4.0000 SYS"
    betPlayerPush = "3.0000 SYS"

(2) card boot

  • bootArray, fix size: 416, index range [0, 415]. Once card used, the value changed to -1.
  • validCardArr, storage the index of valid cards in bootArray as value. Once card used, delete the element and the size of array minus one.++vector.erase()++
    • shuffle function
  • Six seeds. Generated by the root seed parameter. Get a 64 chars via SHA256. Every 9 chars make up one seed in order. (10 chars unused at last.)++SUBSTRING++
  • Card parser in bootArray.
    • card number
    • Poker suit
$$cardnumber = (index+1) % 13$$ $$suitcolor = (index+1)/13 % 4$$

result parser:

flag symbol full name
0 S Spades
1 H Hearts
2 D Diamonds
3 C Clubs

(3) reveal

  • card apply, 4 cards, or 5 cards, or 6 cards?
    • player_hands
    • banker_hands

Refer to the rules table:

  • who win? dealer, player, tie, dealerPush or playerPush? or multy win.
$$points = sum of all cards %10$$
  • odds token.
type odds
dealer 1:0.95
player 1:1
tie 1:8
dealerPush, playerPush 1:11

state tableround field add:

  • result: round result, who win?
  • player_bet_info add:
    • playerBonus, token amount transfer to player. minus from dealerBalance.
    • dealerBonus. add into dealderBalance.

(4) notices

  • Bet recall function is implemented on the server end, not SC. Server-end keep the bet cache.
  • All actions of SC need both operator and server account authority verification. ++TEST++
  • Push determined by the first two cards.
  • Add conditions, delete minPerBet, oneRoundMaxTotalBet:
    oneRoundMaxTotalBet_BP;   // (1000)max of banker and player total bet. 
    minPerBet_BP;             // (100)min of per banker or player bet.
    oneRoundMaxTotalBet_Tie;  // (100)max of tie total bet.
    minPerBet_Tie;            // (10)min of per tie bet.
    oneRoundMaxTotalBet_Push; // (50)max of push total bet.
    minPerBet_Push;           // (1)min of per push bet.
$$oneRoundDealerMaxPay = oneRoundMaxTotalBet_Push*11*2 + max(oneRoundMaxTotalBet_BP*1, oneRoundMaxTotalBet_Tie*8)$$ $$minTableDeposit = oneRoundDealerMaxPay*minTableRounds$$
  • Add verification: verify if dealerBalance > oneRoundDealerMaxPay*2 is false, can't start a new round and call inline action::pausetable.
  • Add actions:
    1. pausetable (can recover by continuetable)
    2. continuetable
    3. closetable (can't recover)

v0.5 target

NOTICE: Checking all transfer actions, if the amount == 0, don't transfer.

  • Smart contract account's operation: delete all of table closed.
  • Add a global variable: CardsMinLimit, initial with 100.
  • Add a bool field in table-stats: isPrivate. If it's true, UI could hidden this table in list.
  • Add an ACTION depositable: allow dealer to supply deposit for its existing table.
    • NOTE: AUTO START: if table status == PAUSED, change it to ROUND_END.
    • params: (uint64_t tableId, name dealer, asset deposit)
  • Add an ACTION changeprivat: allow dealer to change the isPrivate field via this action.
  • Change ACTION newtable params:
parameter required default
name dealer *required
asset deposit *required
bool isPrivate *option 0 (public)
asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_BP *option 1000
asset minPerBet_BP *option 100
asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_Tie *option 100
asset minPerBet_Tie *option 1
asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_Push *option 50
asset minPerBet_Push *option 1
  • Add an ACTION dealerWitdaw: allow dealer to withdraw from dealerBalance.
    • NOTE: Must keep dealerBalance >= oneRoundDealerMaxPay*2 at least.
    • NOTE: If dealer want to withdraw all, close the table.
  • Change ACTION closetable: transfer all the dealerBalance to dealer account before closing this table.
    • NOTE: table closed can't be recovery any more.

v0.6 target

Add lizard.

  • modify 3 ACTION: newtable, playerbet, verserveseed(reveal)
  • modify the state table structure.


Modify the params: (name dealer, asset deposit, bool isPrivate)


Modify the params: (uint64_t tableId, name player, string bet)

string bet

This is a JSON. JSON resolver in SC

Betting options

name code odds notes
big big 1:1 score =[11,17] without triple
small small 1:1 score =[4,10] without triple
odd odd 1:1 score =odd without triple
even even 1:1 score =even without triple
any triple anytri 1:24
specific triple tri1/tri2/tri3/tri4/tri5/tri6 1:150
specific double pair1/pair2/pair3/pair4/pair5/pair6 1:8
total(4,17) total4/total17 1:50
total(5,16) total5/total16 1:18
total(6,15) total6/total15 1:14
total(7,14) total7/total14 1:12
total(8,13) total8/total13 1:8
total(9,12) total9/total12 1:6
total(10,11) total10/total11 1:6
two combinations c12/c13/c14/c15/c16/c23/c24/c25/c26/c34/c35/c36/c45/c46/c56 1:5
single s1/s2/s3/s4/s5/s6 1:1

JSON data structure example:

    "small": "0.5000 SYS",
    "total6": "2.5000 SYS",
    "tri2": "10.0000 SYS"


  • 1 diceResult

root_seed split to 3 sub_seeds.

diceNumber = random(sub_seed) % 6 + 1

score = sum of 3 diceNumbers.

diceResult data structure example:

  • 2 roundResult

parse to Betting options
roundResult data structure example:


size(roundResult) = 7/9

  • 3 odds redeem
    • pBonus (odds chose, lots of judgments and loops.)
    • dBouns

Traverse player_bet_info
According to the odds in the Betting options table as above, calculate pBonus/dBonus. Transfer to player with pBonus and add to dealerBalance with dBouns.

state table structure

  • table fields: uint64_t tableId, name dealer, bool trusteeship, bool isPrivate, asset dealerBalance

  • round fields:

    uint64_t betStartTime
    uint64_t tableStatus
    checksum256 dealerSeedHash
    checksum256 serverSeedHash
    string dealerSeed
    string serverSeed
    bool dSeedVerity
    bool sSeedVerity
    std::vector<player_bet_info> playerInfo
    string diceResult
    string roundResult

  • player_bet_info

    name player
    string bet (JSON)
    asset pBonus
    asset dBonus

v0.6.1 target

  • newtable set the betPerMin/oneRoundMaxTotalBet. (string betConfig)
  • Abstract symbol as a variable could be set. ("SYS","EOS" etc.)
  • Delete unused code/include.

remove unused codes

remove unused codes inherit from mallard.

support any currency(default SYS)

  • Add betPerMin/oneRoundMaxTotalBet control. (including currRoundBetSum in table state.)

betPerMin/oneRoundMaxTotalBet control

name odds include betPerMin_(name) oneRoundMaxTotalBet_(name)
bsoe 1:1 big,small,odd,even 10.0000 SYS 3000.0000 SYS
anytri 1:24 anytri 0.5000 SYS 400.0000 SYS
trinum 1:150 tri1/tri2/tri3/tri4/tri5/tri6 0.1000 SYS 100.0000 SYS
pairnum 1:8 pair1/pair2/pair3/pair4/pair5/pair6 1.0000 SYS 1000.0000 SYS
txx 1:50/18/14/12/8/6 totalxx 0.5000 SYS 500.0000 SYS
twocom 1:5 c12/c13/c14/c15/c16/c23/c24/c25/c26/c34/c35/c36/c45/c46/c56 1.0000 SYS 1500.0000 SYS
single 1:1 s1/s2/s3/s4/s5/s6 10.0000 SYS 3000.0000 SYS
$$diff_max = oneRoundMaxTotalBet_bsoe*2 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_txx*14 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_twocom*5*3 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_single*3$$ $$pair_nontri_max = oneRoundMaxTotalBet_bsoe*2 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_pairnum*8 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_txx*50 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_twocom*5 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_single*2$$ $$tri_max = oneRoundMaxTotalBet_anytri*24 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_trinum*150 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_pairnum*8 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_txx*14 + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_single*1$$ $$oneRoundDealerMaxPay = max(diff_max, pair_nontri_max, tri_max)$$

betPerMin/oneRoundMaxTotalBet naming rule, for example:

betPerMin_bsoe, betPerMin_anytri ... use betPerMin add the name of "control table" as above.

  • currRoundBetSum_bsoe, currRoundBetSum_anytri ...

  • Modify the control of:

    • asset oneRoundDealerMaxPay;
    • asset minTableDeposit;

v0.7 target

agent workflow.

add a new state table

struct alias_info
    string alias;          
    name account;  

SC::pushaliasnam(string alias, name account)

Insert the alias info into state table "alias-info".

SC::playerbet modify

Add param:

  • name agent, client get EOS account by given alias through search the "alias-info".
  • string nickname, client allow user to input a nickname just for showing instead of 12 EOS account name.

state table: tableround_info modify

Add fields in struct player_info_bet:

  • name agent, will be used in reveal stage.
  • string nickname, for showing.(do not care about repetition)

platform commssion

$$platformtotransfer = (pBonus + dBonus)*2/1000$$
pBonus = pBonus*998/1000;
dBonus = dBonus*998/1000;

default commission rate of platform: 2/1000

agent commission

Reveal stage, got player-bet obj:

  • pBonus
  • dBonus
  • agent, if agent exist in "alias-info" && agent != dealer, return the commission to agent account.

transfer type(if dBonus>0, agent got commssion):

$$agenttotransfer = dBonus*5/100$$

default commission rate of agent: 5/100

v0.7.1 target


table status modify

            ROUND_START = 1,
            ROUND_BET = 2,
            ROUND_REVEAL = 4,
            ROUND_END = 0,
            ROUND_SHUFFLE = 6, // shuffle stage for mallard game.
            PAUSED = 3, // must be changed under ROUND_END status.
            CLOSED = 5

sc::verserverseed modify

reveal stage, end of this sc:

  • if (validCardVec.size() <= CardsMinLimit)
    • tableStatus = ROUND_SHUFFLE;

add state table: shuffle_info

TABLE shuffle_info
        uint64_t tableId;
        uint64_t roundNum;
        string roundResult;
        std::vector<card_info> playerHands;
        std::vector<card_info> bankerHands;

table_stats add a field: cardboot(init/default with 1)

abstract the reveal logic as a function, used by normal workflow and shuffle 3 non-bet workflow.

add sc::shuffle

  • Re construct 416 size vector.
  • Random one card, according to the point of this card, random the same amount cards and delete them.
  • Empty the item of current tableId in table:shuffle_info.
  • Call reveal function 3 times without bet and settlement. Storage the result into table:shuffle_info.
  • table_stats->cardboot +1;
  • tableStatus = ROUND_END;

2.table fields(two games)

add global const var:

  • comission_rate_platform_default = 2/1000

modify sym_info

  • add one field: minPerBet_default


  • Delete all the default value of params with "min" and "max", which set by dealer. Assert the params' value >0 and assert the mininum value must great than or equal to minPerBet_default.
  • Add two agent related params, which have no default value and set by dealer, >=0, storage them into 'tablesinfo':
    • commission_rate_agent
    • commission_rate_player
  • mallard::oneRoundDealerMaxPay_temp += (oneRoundMaxTotalBet_tie + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_bp + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_push)*(comission_rate_platform_default + commission_rate_agent + commission_rate_player);
  • lizard::oneRoundDealerMaxPay_temp += (oneRoundMaxTotalBet_bsoe + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_anytri + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_trinum + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_pairnum + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_txx + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_twocom + oneRoundMaxTotalBet_single)*(comission_rate_platform_default + commission_rate_agent + commission_rate_player);

add sc::edittable

  • mallard: uint64_t tableId, bool isPrivate, name code, string sym, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_bp, asset minPerBet_bp,asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_tie, asset minPerBet_tie,asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_push, asset minPerBet_push
  • lizard: uint64_t tableId, bool isPrivate, name code, string sym, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_bsoe, asset minPerBet_bsoe, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_anytri, asset minPerBet_anytri, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_trinum, asset minPerBet_trinum, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_pairnum, asset minPerBet_pairnum, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_txx, asset minPerBet_txx, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_twocom, asset minPerBet_twocom, asset oneRoundMaxTotalBet_single, asset minPerBet_single

3.commission logic

SC::playerbet add a commission settlement logic:

  • player/agent/platform, all paid by the banker(dealerBalance).

v0.8 target

Requirement change, workflow:

①new idea -> ②analyze -> ③add plan here(markdown) -> ④coding -> ⑤testing -> ⑥commit to github -> ⑦verify ⑧modify interface file -> ⑨commit -> ⑩verify -> ⑪send to client colleague -> ⑫explain

  • ①②③⑦⑩:web
  • ④⑤⑥⑧⑨⑪⑫: liS

1. sym_info

Put the sym_info records into On-chain state table.

  • create a new state table obj: currencyinfo
  • adjust sym_info struct: {code[pk], symName, minPerBet_default}
  • add SC:init
    • empty parameter
    • permission: contract account.
    • insert the init support currency token type.
  • test if successfull when find item from by code.
  • test get table.

2. fix max tables per dealer

  • Add a limit of the maximum number of tables that can be created per person.
  • Set a global var named "maxinum_table_per_dealer", default as 100.
  • SC::newtable need to verify if the tables owned by current dealer is over the "maxinum_table_per_dealer".
  • Exclude closed tables.

3. aliasinfo account unique

  • Null or "" values are not accepted in SC::pushaliasnam.
  • Account in aliasinfo must be unique.

4. fix bug: deposit assert

  • dealerBalance + deposit >= minTableDeposit

5. adminaccount

  • add a new global var named: adminaccount = "useraaaaaaak"

6. modify the important interface's permission

  • erasingdata, change to adminaccount
  • initsymbol, change to adminaccount
  • shuffle, bac specific. Change to serveraccount

7. modify erasingdata content

  • modify the name from erasingdata to clear12cache.
  • delete content: delete one item according to the key{tableId}.
  • modify the key which could delete all(used when update SC with data changed). From -1 to one gloabl var named: delall_key = 103718369455

8. modify initsymbol

  • add verification: transfer minperbet new symbol added to verify from adminaccount to contractaccount. If success, insert symbol to currencyinfo, otherwise break off.

9. modify tablesinfo strut

  • add two new fields: playercommission, agentcommission into the player_bet_info
  • modify the SC:playerbet, record the playercommission and agentcommission into tablesinfo per bet.

v0.8.1 target

  • combine dealerseed serverseed RECOVER
  • add salt in reveal root_seed before sha256.
  • permission adjust: all dealer action add server permission additional.
  • deposittable modify: delete the first param: name dealer.
  • clear12cache: can only delete tables whose status are ROUND_END or PAUSE

v0.8.2 import12data

  • add new interface:upgrading, permission:adminaccount with one param {bool flag}.
    • If true, {!existing->trusteeship, dealerseed} and {existing->trusteeship, serverseed} can't start a new round.
  • add new interface: import12data, permission:adminaccount. Importing the current SC's state data struct with one item.

v0.8.3 target

  • remove all alias code including:
    • bet param{agent} change to name type
    • aliasinfo state table
    • delete SC::pushaliasnam

NOTE: keep nickname! code clean and testing, fixed, tested.

  • fix bug: initsymbol verify token that not exsit should be failed.
    • fixed: wrong account or wrong symbol can't pass the verification now.
  • fix bug: get table has 10ms modification response.
    • fixed: can't get all table data once the data collection is too big, get 100 rows per time.

get_table_rows_ex::walk_table_row_range::auto end_time = cur_time + fc::microseconds(1000 * 10); /// 10ms max time

  • fix bug: import12data verification.
    • fixed, import12data don't need verification, controlled by the admin.
  • fix bug: depositable can't automate recover the table round.
    • fixed, remove the automate.
  • fix bug: exitruteship=>dealerseed,permission error.
    • fixed, init table field{trusteeship=false} in newtable.


exercise: update sc with data struct change

  1. Add one redundancy fields
  2. Do step in sc_deploy_update.docx

repeat 1,2 with 3 times at least.


strategy:udpate SC with state data struct modification

  • edit SC state data struct and modify import12data with new data strut.
  • localDB via getTableRows storage all exsit data items.
  • server account call erasingdata
  • server account call import12data with all items storaged in localDB.


alias_info lifetime

rules: delete the item obj in "alias_info" when the item inactive for one month.

TODO: add one field "lastoptime" in "alias_info", add one option in SC::erasingdata, batch delete

now - lastoptime > 30 days.

spreadcode generate

  • create an alias of EOS account A.
  • if A is a dealer, spreadcode =
    • "alias[A]"
    • "alias[A]-gameid-tableid"
  • if A want to advertise the other dealer B, spreadcode =
    • "alias[A]-alias[B]"
    • "alias[A]-alias[B]-gameid-tableid"

if alias[B] is not exsit, use B.

seed server

Nodejs-based server-side executable program load balanced with localDB.

data structure

field explaination
tableId unique identifier, equal with table-state's tableId.
seed Locally acquired random number seeds.
seedHash result of hash seed

Execute {get table} per second to get all tables' state data. Filter with:

  • ROUND_END&&trusteeship || ROUND_START&&!trusteeship
    • table-obj -> tableId, acquired local seed, hash seed. Insert {tableId, seed, seedHash} into localDB.
    • call SC: serverseed(tableId, seedHash)
    • table-obj -> tableId, data obj from localDB with tableId, acquired plaintext seed.
    • call SC: verserveseed(tableId, seed)
    • delete the data obj from localDB with the tableId handled.

If one of the seed servers was attacked, load balancer could switch another server automated . If the time point of attack was during bet stage(ROUND_BET), SC could't acquire serverseed when reveal stage. The result of this round is based on the dealerseed.


  • Use dealerseed to reveal when serverseed not exsit.
  • Return all bet amount when no one seed in reveal stage. (both dealer seed and server seed are not exsit)

random result uniform distribution

  • Need a big data analysis model by python script.
  • Adjust variate of the solution to obtain a best result.
  • Seed source.

1. The limit changed to five grid restrictions, dealer and player are separated. 2. The card table is suspended when dealer is offline and not hosted. 3. The free-agent field is added to the table properties of the status table, removing the third parameter of verifyseverseed.

List of modification points in the test phase:

  1. table field added: commission_rate_player_spread, newtable, edittable, import12data. The other 3 interfaces add params: commission_rate_player_spread
  2. playerbet add param name spreadAccount, playerbet add field spreadAccount, spreadaccountcommission
  3. verserveseed: The commission part of the interface body is added at the end.


A set of smart contracts to implements some games on blockchain in fair.






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