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Flexibus - Flexible EventBus

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This EventBus is based on Guava. Hopefully it doesn't break the license (otherwise please contact me).


Provided modifications opens this EventBus for magic things like:

  • changing event handler annotation
  • providing strategy for event dispatching - DispatchStrategy
  • providing strategy for finding handler methods - MethodHandlerFinder
  • providing exception handler - ExceptionHandler
  • using parameters of primitive types in handler methods
  • ...and it doesn't depend on guava library (Guava is a sizeable jar file)

Example configuration of EventBus

	EventBus defaultBus = new EventBus(); // Uses default settings: exception logging, dead event logging, searches for methods annotated with @EventHandler

	EventBus simpleBus = EventBus.builder()
		.withLoggingExceptionHandler() // Logs exceptions
		.withDeadEventLogHandler()     // Logs dead events
		.withAsyncDispatchStrategy()   // Dispatches events in asynchronous way (you can change it to SyncDispatchStrategy)
		.annotatedMethodHandlerFindingStrategy(YourAnnotation.class) // Searches for methods annotated with @YourAnnotation

	EventBus advancedBus = EventBus.builder()

Eventbus for Spring Framework!

Along with flexibus there is also flexibus-spring project that integrates eventbus with spring environment. Try it out or take a look at examples:


	@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = TestConfiguration.class)
	public class TestConfiguration {

		public EventBus eventBus() {
			return new EventBus();

		public SpringEventBusPostProcessor springEventBusPostProcessor() {
			return new SpringEventBusPostProcessor(eventBus());


Event emitter

	public class EventEmitter {

		private EventBus eventBus;

		public void shouldDeliverEvent() {"Hello");


Event receiver

	public class EventReceiver {

		public void handle(String event) {
			// ...


Maven dependency

In order to use this library add repository location into your pom.xml and add appropriate dependency.
