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Releases: exceptionless/Exceptionless.Net


29 Mar 12:41
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What's Changed

  • Updated samples to target .NET 8
  • Remove Deprecated Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions by @niemyjski in #315

Upgrading to 6

If upgrading from a previous version, the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


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12 Oct 13:30
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Version 6.0.3 is a maintenance release that added additional internal logging to try and help detect any issues with error stack trace parsing in various environments.

Upgrading to 6

If upgrading from a previous version, the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


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18 May 13:58
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Version 6.0.2 is a maintenance release that resolves an issue where events may not be sent during application shutdown. We also improved the client diagnostic logs for easier troubleshooting.

New Features

  • Add support for IConfiguration when using netstandard. by @niemyjski in #307

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Application.ThreadException, HttpApplication.Error, Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException may not be logged by @niemyjski in #308
  • Fixed NullReferenceException in FileExceptionlessLog 3927be6

Upgrading to 6

If upgrading from a previous version, the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


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09 May 20:14
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Version 6.0.1 is a maintenance release that resolves an issue where events may not be sent during application shutdown. We also improved the client diagnostic logs for easier troubleshooting.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with async event handlers and improved diagnostic logging by @niemyjski in #306

Upgrading to 6

If upgrading from a previous version, the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


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04 May 02:44
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Version 6.0 includes many new enhancements and bug fixes! We spent time to clear out the entire backlog and resolved all feature requests and issues logged! We did introduce some breaking changes around serialization as we wanted to ensure any custom data sent to us is never serialized with a different casing. We tried our best to make sure to keep the breaking changes very minimal. As a result, these breaking changes should only affect very few consumers. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

New Features

  • All logging targets now call SetDefaultMinLogLevel to Trace so all log messages are now recorded on startup. Previously only warning log levels were sent until the server settings were loaded.
  • Added ability to record http headers by @niemyjski in #300
  • Add Windows environment info collector to the WPF platform by @mgnslndh in #291
  • Added ability to remove User Identity by @niemyjski in #293
  • Added NLog 5 support
  • Fixes #238: Add ability to exclude Modules from getting sent with error reports by @niemyjski in #302

Bug Fixes

  • Lock conflicts occur when multiple sites (with are deployed on a server by @niemyjski in #305
  • NLog ExceptionlessTarget - ApiKey and ServerUrl and Message and UserIdentity with Layout support by @snakefoot in #299
  • NLog ExceptionlessTarget call ProcessQueueAsync when flushing by @snakefoot in #301
  • NLog ExceptionlessTarget calls SetDefaultMinLogLevel when target is initialized by @snakefoot in #303

Breaking changes

  • Preserving custom object property names sent to SetProperty and AddObject by @niemyjski in #304 We updated the serializer to respect all custom serialized data and fixed a few other serialization related issues.
  • Upgraded NLog from v4 to v5

New Contributors

Upgrading to 6.0.0

If upgrading from a previous version, the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


24 Jan 14:26
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Version 5.0 includes support for Blazor! In order to support Blazor we introduced a few breaking changes to make some synchronous code asynchronous. We tried our best to make sure to keep the breaking changes very minimal. As a result, these breaking changes should only affect very few consumers. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

New Features

  • Added support for Blazor support and Blazor sample application (#288)

Breaking changes

  • Internalized all Demystifier classes (@mlaboss-rsb #282).
  • Exceptionless Package
    • ExceptionlessClient
      • renamed UpdateUserEmailAndDescription to UpdateUserEmailAndDescriptionAsync and made it async.
      • removed ProcessQueue, replace this call with the async version ProcessQueueAsync.
      • removed ProcessQueueDeferred, we recommend calling ProcessQueueAsync in IAsyncDisposable pattern. See the upgrade docs for more information.
      • renamed Shutdown extension method to ShutdownAsync and made it async.
      • renamed SubmitSessionEnd extension method to SubmitSessionEndAsync and made it async.
      • renamed SubmitSessionHeartbeat extension method to SubmitSessionHeartbeatAsync and made it async.
    • SettingsManager
      • renamed CheckVersion to CheckVersionAsync and made it async.
      • renamed UpdateSettings to UpdateSettingsAsync and made it async.
    • DefaultEventQueue
      • removed Process, replace this call with the async version ProcessAsync.
    • ProcessQueueScope
      • removed this class, we recommend calling await client.ProcessQueueAsync in IAsyncDisposable pattern. See the upgrade docs for more information.
    • ISubmissionClient
      • removed PostEvents, replace this call with the async version PostEventsAsync.
      • removed PostUserDescription, replace this call with the async version PostUserDescriptionAsync.
      • removed GetSettings, replace this call with the async version GetSettingsAsync.
      • removed SendHeartbeat, replace this call with the async version SendHeartbeatAsync.
  • Exceptionless.WebApi Package
    • ExceptionlessClient extension methods
      • renamed UnregisterWebApi to UnregisterWebApiAsync and made it async.
  • Exceptionless.Windows Package
    • ExceptionlessClient extension methods
      • renamed Unregister to UnregisterAsync and made it async.
  • Exceptionless.Wpf Package
    • ExceptionlessClient extension methods
      • renamed Unregister to UnregisterAsync and made it async.

Upgrading to 5.0.0

If upgrading from v2, v3 or v4, the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!

New Contributors


23 May 15:11
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Version 4.8.0 is a maintenance release that added support for .NET 6 (and removed support for .NET 5) and bug fixes. There are also some breaking changes in regard to targeting newer runtimes.

What's Changed

  • Add ExceptionlessWindowsEnvironmentInfoCollector by @elachlan in #270
  • Improve handling of Exception by @elachlan in #272
  • bump timeout higher, value shouldn't matter unless latch isn't triggered by @elachlan in #276
  • Fix Exception.HResult is not being mapped to error.code property by @elachlan in #274
  • Upgrade packages to .NET 6 by @niemyjski in #278

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.7.0...v4.8.0


26 Jan 13:41
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Version 4.7.0 is a maintenance release that focused on some performance and bug fixes. There are also some breaking changes in regard to targeting newer runtimes.

What's Changed


We also bumped the minimum runtime of some packages as those runtimes are deprecated.

  • Upgraded Core packages from targeting net452 to net462 by @benaadams in #250
  • Upgraded WinForms and WPF packages from .NET 3.0 to .NET 5.0 by @niemyjski in #249 (We will bump this to 6.0 LTS when 5.0 is deprecated).

New Contributors

Upgrading to 4.7.0

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


10 Jan 23:37
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Version 4.6.2 is a feature release that added improved support for running in Serverless environments (e.,g Azure Functions and AWS Lambda) (#243). We also added a Serverless Sample project.


  • Added support for running in Serverless environments (e.g., Azure Functions and AWS Lambda) (#243). We added a new client configuration property called ProcessQueueOnCompletedRequest to control if queue is automatically processed when a request is completed. This is currently used by the ASP.NET Core NuGet Package and is set by default based on environment variables of the Serverless runtimes.
  • Added new disposable pattern for ensuring events are submitted, this is useful in critical code sections where you want to ensure events are submitted before the function returns.
    // will automatically trigger a client.ProcessQueue call when this method completes even if there is an unhandled exception
    using var _ = client.ProcessQueueDeferred();
    client.SubmitFeatureUsage("Serverless Function");

Upgrading to 4.6.2

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!


10 Jan 23:25
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Version 4.6.1 is a maintenance release that updated the default NuGet package tags for better discovery.

Upgrading to 4.6.1

If upgrading from v2 or v3 the upgrade process should include just updating your NuGet packages. Please see the upgrade guide for more information.

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We're listening and we'd love to hear your feedback! Please send us your feedback by clicking on one of the links below!