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MD + Git optimized TODO list manager with CLI and rich console UI


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This is the internal README with build instructions, source code information etc. The external README with usage and installation instructions is in the drtodo folder. That is what is published in


This now builds with poetry. Install poetry, then run poetry install in the root folder. It will install all dependencies in a new environment and also the todo command. Run todo --help to test everything works.


Must have poetry installed in the system. Then install the dependencies with poetry install --no-root.

Building documents

Documents are built programmatically by doing two things, generating all man pages in raw MD format from DrToDo itself, and generating detailed CLI options using typer CLI.

This is done by and the result is the drtodo/ file. That file is published to as the main README.

All documentation is available in the script itself with todo man or using the --help option with various commands.

You need to build docs manually with poetry run python before you can build the drtodo with poetry build.

Appendix: token format example

tokens =
  {'type': 'paragraph', 'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'This is my cool project readme file.'}]},
  {'type': 'blank_line'},
      'type': 'heading',
      'attrs': {'level': 1},
      'style': 'axt',
      'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'This is my MD file'}]
  {'type': 'blank_line'},
  {'type': 'paragraph', 'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'Favorite ice cream flavors:'}]},
      'type': 'list',
      'children': [
              'type': 'list_item',
              'children': [{'type': 'block_text', 'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'Vanilla'}]}]
              'type': 'list_item',
              'children': [{'type': 'block_text', 'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'Peanut butter'}]}]
              'type': 'list_item',
              'children': [{'type': 'block_text', 'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'Chocolate'}]}]
      'tight': True,
      'bullet': '-',
      'attrs': {'depth': 0, 'ordered': False}
  {'type': 'heading', 'attrs': {'level': 2}, 'style': 'axt', 'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'TODO'}]},
  {'type': 'blank_line'},
      'type': 'list',
      'children': [
              'type': 'list_item',
              'children': [
                      'type': 'block_text',
                      'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': '['}, {'type': 'text', 'raw': 'x] write a readme'}]
              'attrs': {'checked': True, 'task_text': 'write a readme\n'},
              'task_item': {
                  'checked': True,
                  'text': 'write a readme\n',
                  'id': '56a01da3793c8fe2087a89a299d13bf977509f64',
                  'index': 0,
                  'token': ...,
                  'parent': ...
              'type': 'list_item',
              'children': [
                      'type': 'block_text',
                      'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': '['}, {'type': 'text', 'raw': ' ] make it useful'}]
              'attrs': {'checked': False, 'task_text': 'make it useful\n'},
              'task_item': {
                  'checked': False,
                  'text': 'make it useful\n',
                  'id': '5869ea7816051ecdb5b9cce2d0fe09b365f9cc5b',
                  'index': 1,
                  'token': ...,
                  'parent': ...
      'tight': True,
      'bullet': '-',
      'attrs': {'depth': 0, 'ordered': False}
      'type': 'heading',
      'attrs': {'level': 2},
      'style': 'axt',
      'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': 'Bugs assigned to me'}]
  {'type': 'blank_line'},
      'type': 'list',
      'children': [
              'type': 'list_item',
              'children': [
                      'type': 'block_text',
                      'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': '['}, {'type': 'text', 'raw': ' ] bug 1'}]
              'attrs': {'checked': False, 'task_text': 'bug 1\n'},
              'task_item': {
                  'checked': False,
                  'text': 'bug 1\n',
                  'id': '7a787ec3027b21b04a06ae2e3a89afaa05625175',
                  'index': 2,
                  'token': ...,
                  'parent': ...
              'type': 'list_item',
              'children': [
                      'type': 'block_text',
                      'children': [{'type': 'text', 'raw': '['}, {'type': 'text', 'raw': ' ] bug 2'}]
              'attrs': {'checked': False, 'task_text': 'bug 2\n'},
              'task_item': {
                  'checked': False,
                  'text': 'bug 2\n',
                  'id': 'f237ece391025aecbf37c97aebe4ed5f16651577',
                  'index': 3,
                  'token': ...,
                  'parent': ...
      'tight': True,
      'bullet': '-',
      'attrs': {'depth': 0, 'ordered': False}

Command line options

$ todo --help

 Usage: todo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 DrToDo, MD: a straightforward todo list manager for markdown files in git repos.

╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --verbose             -v  --quiet  -q    Verbose or quiet output                                                        │
│                                          [default: verbose]                                                             │
│ --version             -V                 Show version and exit                                                          │
│ --install-completion                     Install completion for the current shell.                                      │
│ --show-completion                        Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the             │
│                                          installation.                                                                  │
│ --help                                   Show this message and exit.                                                    │
╭─ Advanced options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --global         -G  --local         -L        Force operation on global or local todo list. Default is chosen smartly: │
│                                                local if folder is under a git repo initialized for DrToDo, global       │
│                                                otherwise.                                                               │
│ --section                                TEXT  Section name in markdown file to use for todo list, with optional        │
│                                                heading level, e.g. '## TODO'                                            │
│ --done-section                           TEXT  Section name in markdown file to use for done items, with optional       │
│                                                heading level, e.g. '## DONE'                                            │
│ --reverse-order      --normal-order            Whether todo items should be in reverse order (latest first)             │
│                                                [default: normal-order]                                                  │
│ --mdfile                                 PATH  Markdown file to use for todo list                                       │
╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ add     Add a new todo item to the list                                                                                 │
│ backup  Manage backups of markdown files                                                                                │
│ clean   Cleans up the todo list, removing all done items or moving them to a done section                               │
│ debug   List configuration, settings, version and other debug info. [or dbg]                                            │
│ done    Mark one or more todo items as done                                                                             │
│ init    Initialize DrToDo folder and files (in global location, use --local to override)                                │
│ list    List todo items in the list [or ls]                                                                             │
│ man     Show detailed help and context for settings, file format and heuristics                                         │
│ remove  Remove/delete todo items from the list [or rm]                                                                  │
│ show    Show markdown file(s) with rich rendering. Defaults to the active, configured files.                            │
│ undone  Mark one or more todo items as NOT done (undone)                                                                │

 DrToDo can manage items in a global todo list (typically in ~/.drtodo) and in a local todo list (if the current folder is
 under a git repo configured for DrToDo). Settings are read from config files and env variables (see todo man config).


MD + Git optimized TODO list manager with CLI and rich console UI







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