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Release v1.1.9

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@Naeemedmo Naeemedmo released this 07 Mar 14:05
· 25 commits to master since this release

Change Log

All the commits since the last tag are as followed:
495dbfb move-pipeline-to-actions: improve text in readme
5197546 move-pipeline-to-actions: use external link for example in readme
56491c0 move-pipeline-to-actions: remove redundant shell key
665e6c1 move-pipeline-to-actions: change the condition for release back to only master run
685266b move-pipeline-to-actions: add user token to pypi upload
356dbca move-pipeline-to-actions: fix bugs in Create Github release
8af9d09 move-pipeline-to-actions: add changelog to github release
dab7157 move-pipeline-to-actions: raw directive must be replaced by image for twine check
6db6f33 move-pipeline-to-actions: update the version to 1.1.9
fbbfcdf move-pipeline-to-actions: use reusable workflows instead of one workflow
840b98b move-pipeline-to-actions: update deployment step
6a77583 move-pipeline-to-actions: remove circle-ci and add main workflow
bca99b9 Bump version (#89)
ff47dd3 Bump version; bump