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Asturias NetConf

This project contains the demos explained in the talk Asturias NetConf.

Every web host is based on the standard template ASP.NET Core Web Application within Visual Studio.

Before running the projects, a couple of steps should be done:

  1. Create the database for project Host. Execute the following command from a console within project directory:
dotnet ef database update -c ApplicationDbContext
  1. Seed each the database with users data. The parameter seed will be caught in the Program entry point. Execute the following command from a console within project directory:
dotnet run -- seed

Demo 1

Create our first SSO server

This project will act as an identity server implementing the protocol OpenId Connect for our applications. To accomplish this we'll use the library Identity Server 4 as well as ASP.NET Core Identity available as nuget packages.

The project, in addition to being based on the standard template, contains a Quickstart template from IS4 Samples repo.

The relevant code for this demo is in Startup class where everything is configured.

Demo 2

Connect an App with our SSO server

For this demo we have two additional projects within Clients folder. A web application and a web api to demonstrate the multiple purposes of our SSO server.

Relevant parts of code here are:

  • Web App (ECApp): The Startup class has all the configuration needed to connect to an SSO using the extension method AddOpenIdConnect included in the standard packages for ASP.Net core.
    This configuration it's defined in the class Host.Configuration.Clients and added in the InMemory repository through the extension method .AddInMemoryClients(Clients.Get()) as well as the resources needed to startup the SSO server.
  • Web API (ECApi): In this case, we'll use the library to IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation to parse and validate the tokens receive in every call to our API.
    We'll also set up an authorization policy to require a specific scope. You can see the policy in action in the FilmsController class: adding the attribute [Authorize("ECApiPolicy")] with the policy name.


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