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This repo provides a sample set of automated tests for application.


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Comments automated tests

This repo provides a sample set of automated tests for application.

Used tools

Running the tests

There are two supported browsers:

The tests are going to connect to a remote driver. It can be either a WebDriver run as a standalone process or Selenium Grid.

Also, please pay attention to configuration options and reporting.


Using docker's image

First of all, you need to run desired WebDriver (chromedriver or geckodriver) as a standalone application (instructions for ChromeDriver). If you have a working Selenium Grid, you can use it instead.

Then, run the following command with the correct value for SELENIUM_URL and BROWSER (see configuration options for the details):

docker run -it \
       --network=host \
       --env SELENIUM_URL=http://host.docker.internal:4444 \
       --env BROWSER=firefox \
       --volume $(pwd)/allure-results:/jcat/allure-results \

❗As the browser driver is run on the localhost, we have to give proper URL for SELENIUM_URL option. Docker provides several networking features for each OS which allow binding of host machine's hostname into a container. As the result, if you bind a container to host's network with --net=host and want access host's resources, correct hostname is

  • host.docker.internal for Windows or OSX
  • localhost for Linux

❗If Selenium Grid is run on your local environment using docker, you have to add --network=<Selenium Grid network> to the command above.

Using docker-compose

To be able to use this type of run, you need to have Docker engine release 1.13.0+. A simple way to check: docker-compose -v

First of all, you need to download a YAML file:

curl -o docker-compose.yaml

Then, run tests:

docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit --timeout 120

❗ This command runs the Selenium Grid with firefox and chrome browsers and executes the tests in parallel. If you need one of browsers, add jcat-on-firefox or jcat-on-chrome to the end of the command.

After the tests execution, the Allure results directories are created: allure-results-chrome and allure-results-firefox.

If you need Selenium Grid for development purposes, run docker-compose up -d firefox60 chrome66. As the Grid's port is mapped to a host machine, you view Grid's console on http://localhost:4444/grid/console.

Use docker-compose down to destroy the environment.

From source code

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Package tests with mvn clean package (a JAR file is located under target directory and is named like comments-at-x.x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar , where x.x.x is a version property from pom.xml).
  3. Run tests with java -jar comments-at-x.x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar

For instance,

java -Dbrowser=firefox -Dselenium-url= \
     -jar comments-at-0.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

runs tests on Firefox browser using geckodriver started on 4444 port.

Configuration options

Environment variable (Docker) System property (Java) Options Default value (Docker / Java) Description
BROWSER browser eitherchrome or firefox chrome / chrome A browser for testing
SELENIUM_URL selenium-url Any remote URL http://selenium-hub:4444/wd/hub / http://localhost:9515 An URL to remove driver or Selenium Grid


The Allure files are stored to allure-results directory within the directory where you run the tests. Just run allure serve to see the Allure HTML report.

Application pages

Main screen

Actions panel on main screen

Comment screen