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2.2 Set Google Plus Account

ezibyte edited this page Sep 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

2.2 Google Plus Setup

Video Tutorial:

(Scroll down for text tutorial)

Video Tutorial Link

Text Tutorial

  1. Open Google Developer Projects Console in your favourite browser.

  2. Click on button "Create Project". Project Setup

  3. In the project window, set the project name and project ID. It will take few minutes to create the project.

  4. Go back to project list: Google Developer Projects Console and select your newly created project.

  5. On the left pane, click on "Consent Screen" button.

  6. Fill out the details as shown in the given image. Product Name and Email is must, rest are optional. Fill as much as details you have and then save the project. Fill application basic settings

  7. Again in the left, click on "API" Button and find Google Plus API. Enable it. Enable Google Plus API

  8. Now again in left pane, click on "Credentials" button and then click on button "Create new Client ID".

  9. Select Installed Application > iOS. Fill Google Plus application details

  10. Set the bundle ID and app store ID as you have setup in iOS application.

Set the app store ID if you have or fill it as 123456 otherwise sometimes it does not create app.

  1. Make sure to enable Deep Linking.

  2. Click on Create Client ID Button to make the client ID.

  3. Your client is ready to be used in iOS Application with EziSocial Plugin. Note down client ID and keep it handy to be used in plugin. Note down client ID