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Form Factory

Don't forget to follow the project's author, Ezz, and consider starring the project to show your ❤️ and support

Form factory is an extension of Reactive Form Group/Control that makes create beautiful dynamic strong typed Material forms easy!


After working on several Angular projects, i found myself copypasting the same forms over and over from project to another with minmal change to fields labels and names, and from here i decided to build a library that will make copypasting experiance easier ^^

One upon time I worked on project that will draw the layout and the forms dynamically based on response from an API with the most smallest coupling.

I've been using the same exact same HTML declaration always with little css adjustment to make them form fields shape differently.

therefore, I started working on this library with a goal of easy defining forms and fields with much less HTML boilerplate.

Getting started

  1. run npm install @ezzabuzaid/ngx-form-factory in your workspace directory
  2. import FormFactoryModule in a feature module
  3. create an instance of Form in a component and define your fields
form = new Form({
  name: new Field({
    label: 'Name',
  birthdate: new DateField({
    label: 'Birthdate',
  1. put the required markup
<ngx-form-factory [formGroup]="form"></ngx-form-factory>

and here you go! all setup is done.

ngx-form-factory will loop over all defined form fields and create corresponding for each of them. those fields will be included in a component to give them nice look.

Property Type Default Description
formGroup @Input() undefined Form instance
title @Input() undefined Form title that will be shown in
implicitFields @Input() true whether you want auto create form
submitButton @Input() true whether to show submit button or not
submitButtonDisableState @Input() false initial submit button disable state
autoValidateSubmitButton @Input() true whether you want auto disable and enable submit button
onSubmit @Output() new EventEmitter< SubmitEvent >() listen to submit button click
[form-header] ng-content project HTML in <mat-card-subtitle>

| [form-body] | ng-content | | project HTML in <mat-card-content> , handy when implicitFields is false so you can originize your fields as you need with <ngx-form-field>

| [form-footer] | ng-content | | project HTML in <mat-card-actions>


The library has two important classes with additional options as argument

  • Form extends FormGroup with additional instance methods, it take the same parameter as FormGroup class

  • Field(options: IFieldOptions) extends FormControl with additional instance methods

    • addValidator(validator) add an array of Validator without lossing the existing ones

    • getElement() return the asocciated element with that Field

    • on(eventName) the same as element.addEventListener(eventName, handler) but instead it will return an Observable.

    • constructor(options)
  • DateField(options: IDateFieldOptions)

  • SelectField(options: ISelectFieldOptions)

  • TimeField(options: ITimeFieldOptions)

  • RadioField(options: IRadioFieldOptions)

  • RawField(options: IRawFieldOptions)

    Special field type that takes a component to be used as field, have two important attributes, inputs and output that maps to component inputs and outputs.

    In case you have special or complex field you can utilize RawField to make it compatible with Form , it acts as Component Adaptar.

    Please see an example in src/app/typeahead-field

Other field types that only can be used with Field class

export enum EFieldType {
   * Textarea field
   * Basic field type, equal to input[type="password"]
   * Basic field type, equal to input[type="email"]
   * Material checkbox
   * Material radio field
   * Basic field type, equal to input[type="number"]
   * Field type that using "intl-tel-input" library with material design to display countries dial-number
   * Field type that used "intl-tel-input" library with material design to display list of countries
   * Field that will be registerd in the Form group without being shown in the DOM

const field = new Field({
  label: 'Some Label',
  type: EFieldType.TEXTAREA,

Note: COUNTRY and TEL types are using intl-tel-input library, so make sure to install it if you want to use it


  • Form
import { Form, SubmitEvent } from  '@ezzabuzaid/ngx-form-factory';

interface IUserInfo {
	name: string;
	age: number;

	template:"<ngx-form-factory (onSubmit)="onSubmit($event)" [formGroup]="form"></ngx-form-factory>"
export class DumpComponent {

	public form = new Form<IUserInfo>({
		name: new Field({label: 'Name'}),
		age: new Field({label: 'Age', type: EFieldType.NUMBER})

	onSubmit(event: SubmitEvent<IUserInfo>){
			// call the server with event.value
  • Standalone Field

You may want to create a field without Form at all, in this case all what you need is to create an instance of Field

import {  Field } from  '@ezzabuzaid/ngx-form-factory';

	template:"<ngx-form-field [field]="myField"></ngx-form-field>"
export class DumpComponent {

	public myField = new Field({ label: 'My Label' });

  • RawField
public form = new Form<IUserInfo>({
	user: new RawField(
		component: TypeaheadFieldComponent,
		inputs: {
			provider: of()
Please check `src/app/typeahead-field` which contain detailed implemention of how you can consume and customize RawField as peer your need


interface IBaseFieldOptions<T> {
   * Group fields by section name
   * used to reflow the fields to shape together in the HTML as line of maximum 3 fields
  section?: string;
   * Give the field unique id to locate it's element in the DOM
   * generate uniquly, unless you want to give it specific one
  id?: string;
   * HTMLInputElement autocomplete
   * @see
  autocomplete?: string;
   * @param validatorOrOpts A synchronous validator function, or an array of
   * such functions, or an `AbstractControlOptions` object that contains validation functions
   * and a validation trigger.
  validatorOrOpts?: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[] | AbstractControlOptions | null;
   * @param asyncValidator A single async validator or array of async validator functions
   * @note quoted from Angular docs
  asyncValidator?: AsyncValidatorFn | AsyncValidatorFn[] | null;
   * @param formState Initializes the control with an initial value,
   * or an object that defines the initial value and disabled state.
  value?: T | { value: T; disabled: boolean };
   * type of the field that you want to
  type?: EFieldType;
   * Object that represent the expected error names and the message for each of them to show
   * {
   *  "required": "please enter some info, this field is required",
   *  "minlength": (value) => `${value.length} is less than the minumum length`,
   * }
  errors?: { [key: string]: string | ((value: any) => string) };
export interface IFieldOptions<T> extends IBaseFieldOptions<T> {
   * Field placeholder
  label?: string;
   * small text to show underneath the field
  hint?: string;
interface IDateFieldOptions extends IFieldOptions<Date> {
   * Minumum allowed date to enter
   * by default material date picker will disable anydate the comes before it
  min?: Date;
   * Maximum allowed date to enter
   * by default material date picker will disable anydate the comes after it
  max?: Date;
export class SelectOption {
     * The Label that will be shown in the select option
    public value: string,
     * The value of the option that will be used as field value
    public key?: string | number
  ) {
    if (isNullOrUndefined(this.key)) {
      this.key = this.value;

interface ISelectFieldOptions<T> extends IFieldOptions<T> {
   * An Observable that will return List of SelectOption
   * Observable made specifically for a use cases where the options will come from an API rather than hardcoded
  options: Observable<SelectOption[]>;
   * Indicates if the select field is multiple select
  multiple?: boolean;
export interface ITimeFieldOptions extends IFieldOptions<string> {
   * Minumum allowed time to enter
   * e.g: 10:02
  min?: string;
     * Maximum allowed time to enter

     * e.g: 10:02
  max?: string;
interface IRawFieldOptions<T> extends IBaseFieldOptions<T> {
   * the component which will act as field
  component: Type<ControlValueAccessor>;
   * Component inputs
  inputs?: { [key: string]: any };
   * Component outputs
  outputs?: {
    [key: string]: (event: any) => any;
interface IRadioFieldOptions<T> extends IFieldOptions<T> {
   * An Observable that will return List of SelectOption
   * Observable made specifically for a use cases where the options will come from an API rather than hardcoded
  options: Observable<SelectOption[]>;


Don't hesitate to open issues and make a pull request to help improve code

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


This library will be maintained under the semantic versioning guidelines. Releases will be numbered with the following format: <major>.<minor>.<patch>

For more information on SemVer, please visit



The MIT License (MIT)