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f0cker edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 16 revisions


Always backup your config files before updating, including the crackqdb.sqlite database.


To update your installation the process should be as follows.

Kill the docker containers then remove the containers and images:

sudo docker system prune --all

Download the latest version.

Then just rerun the installation script:

sudo ./ docker/nvidia/ubuntu (or which ever build you chose)

The database should migrate automatically keeping your users, sessions and templates. The Jobs and Queues will be cleared though.


Since version 0.1.0 CrackQ is now configured to use the latest stable Haschat release, if you want to use the latest from git edit the file ./docker/common/ (commenting out the stable install lines and uncomment the git repo latest):

#install stable hashcat
tar xvfz v*.tar.gz && mv hashcat-* hashcat
#or install latest hashcat from git
#git clone

If you see any error like the below message when updating your installation, you may just need to delete the pycache directory. There may also be brain dump files (brain.) and core dumps (core., created by hashcat if it crashes) from the previous install:

 Permission denied: '/opt/crackq/crackq/__pycache__/

The SQLite database is located at /var/crackq/files/crackqdb.sqlite and should automatically migrate previous database schemas when updating. However, if you experience any problems, raise an issue and we should be able to resolve them with flask sql migrate.