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Redesign of I/Q recording

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@f4exb f4exb released this 09 Aug 05:18
· 3625 commits to master since this release

Redesign of I/Q recording

Creation of a new FileSink (or File Recorder) channel plugin. Consequently the recording feature of all relevant device plugins has been removed. This changes the way recording I/Q is made. Now you have to add this FileSink plugin in the Channels area using the channel selector. This is more consistent since this concerns the recording of the baseband and offers new functionality:

  • Possibility to record only part of the baseband (decimation by a power of two) centered anywhere (use of a NCO)
  • Possibility to record multiple parts of the same baseband simultaneously
  • So called "spectrum squelch" to trigger recording when some part of the power spectrum exceeds a threshold value

Also consequently the former FileSink output device plugin has been renamed to FileOutput making it consistent with the devices and channels naming convention.

Implements #543 and #532

Other changes and fixes

  • ATV Demod: introducing of new analog TV shader. Creation of an Analog TV Screen component thus pixel sub sampling with OpenGL is done in a class in its own right. Refinment of pixel sub sampling algorithm. This is a contribution of Vort.
  • RollupWidget: exclude dialogs from children widgets that can be used as roll up widgets. Corrects empty box appearing in the body of the plugin UI when a dialog is opened from this UI
  • SoapySDR: prepend the driver name to the device label so it can be differentiated if handled by SoapySDR remote. Implements #586