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Resolves #6 with initial unit test coverage of some of the basic func…
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ssmith committed Jun 22, 2016
1 parent 9422e6d commit 4667948
Showing 1 changed file with 118 additions and 0 deletions.
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import unittest
import time

import go

class GeneralTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def test_deampify_url(self):
input_string = ''
expected = ''
self.assertEqual(expected, go.deampify(input_string))

def test_prettyday_should_return_never(self):
self.assertEqual('never', go.prettyday(0))
self.assertEqual('never', go.prettyday(-1))

def test_prettyday_should_return_today(self):
_today =
self.assertEqual('today', go.prettyday(_today))

def test_prettyday_should_return_yesterday(self):
yesterday = - 1
self.assertEqual('yesterday', go.prettyday(yesterday))

def test_prettyday_should_return_num_of_days(self):
today =
month_ago = today - 30
self.assertEqual('30 days ago', go.prettyday(month_ago))

def test_prettyday_should_return_num_of_months(self):
today =
months_ago = today - 95
self.assertEqual('3 months ago', go.prettyday(months_ago))

def test_prettytime_should_return_never(self):
self.assertEqual('never', go.prettytime(420))
self.assertEqual('never', go.prettytime(-1))

def test_prettytime_should_return_today(self):
timestamp = time.time()
self.assertEqual('today', go.prettytime(timestamp))

def test_prettytime_should_return_yesterday(self):
timestamp = time.time() - (24 * 3600)
self.assertEqual('yesterday', go.prettytime(timestamp))

def test_prettytime_should_return_num_of_days(self):
timestamp = time.time() - (6 * 24 * 3600)
self.assertEqual('6 days ago', go.prettytime(timestamp))

def test_prettytime_should_return_num_of_months(self):
timestamp = time.time() - (95 * 24 * 3600)
self.assertEqual('3 months ago', go.prettytime(timestamp))

def test_should_return_true_for_int(self):

def test_should_return_false_for_int(self):

def test_makeList_should_return_list(self):
_list = [1, 2, 3]
_num_set = {42, 35}
_string = 'foo'

self.assertTrue(isinstance(go.makeList(_list), list))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(go.makeList(_string), list))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(go.makeList(_num_set), list))

self.assertEqual(go.makeList(_list), _list)
self.assertNotEqual(go.makeList(_string), _string)
self.assertNotEqual(go.makeList(_num_set), _num_set)

def test_escapekeyword_should_replace_singlequote(self):
# %27 (as seen in expected) is the character used in web
# applications for a single quote
keyword = "\'test\'"
expected = "%27test%27"
self.assertEqual(expected, go.escapekeyword(keyword))

def test_canonicalUrl_should_return_none(self):
# When None is passed in None should be returned
self.assertEqual(None, go.canonicalUrl(None))

def test_canonicalUrl_should_return_correct_url(self):
url = ""
self.assertEqual(url, go.canonicalUrl(url))

# Validates that jinja2.utils.urlize works the way we expect
url = "("
self.assertEqual("", go.canonicalUrl(url))

def test_sanitary_should_return_None(self):
# While in theory underscores are fine, we block them as unsanitary
url = "this_is_an_invalid_name"
self.assertEqual(None, go.sanitary(url))

# There's a branch that specifically checks the last character is valid or /
url = "this-is-an-invalid-name_"
self.assertEqual(None, go.sanitary(url))

def test_sanitary_should_return_url(self):
url = "this-is-a-valid-name"
self.assertEqual(url, go.sanitary(url))

url = "this-is-a-valid-name/"
self.assertEqual(url, go.sanitary(url))

def test_getSSOUsername_should_return_testuser(self):
# Will have to be changed if/when SSO is made generic
self.assertEqual("testuser", go.getSSOUsername())

if __name__ == '__main__':

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