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Basic monolithic build task. to be broken up
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bitprophet committed May 8, 2012
1 parent bc3ecda commit e4bbad1
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions patchwork/packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
Functions for configuring/compiling/installing/packaging source distributions.

import posixpath

from fabric.api import task, sudo, cd, settings

from ..files import directory, exists

def build(name, version, iteration, workdir, uri, force=""):
Build a package from source, using fpm.
Keyword arguments:
* ``name``: Shorthand project/package name. Used both for determining what
file to download, and what the unpacked directory is expected to be.
Example: ``"php"``, as found in ``"php-5.4.0.tar.gz"``.
* ``version``: Upstream release version. Example: ``"5.4.0"``.
* ``iteration``: Your own version for this build. Usually you'll want to
increment this every time you're ready to actually distribute the package
for real. Example: ``3``.
* ``workdir``: Base working directory. Sources will be unpacked inside of
it in their own directories, and the staging directory is created as a
child of this directory as well. Example: ``"/opt/build"``.
* ``uri``: Download URI. May (and probably should) contain interpolation
syntax using the following keys:
* ``name``: same as kwarg
* ``version``: same as kwarg
* ``package_name``: same as ``"%(name)s-%(version)s"``
E.g. ``""``
or ``"http://my.mirror/packages/%(name)s/%(name)_%(version)s.tgz"``
May force a reset to one of the following stages by speciftying ``force``:
* ``get``: downloading the sources
* ``configure``: ./configure --flags
* ``build``: make
* ``stage``: make install into staging directory
* ``package``: staging directory => package file
Stages imply later ones, so force=stage will re-stage *and* re-package.
package_name = "%s-%s" % (name, version)
context = {'name': name, 'version': version, 'package_name': package_name}
uri = uri % context
source = posixpath.join(workdir, package_name)
stage = posixpath.join(workdir, 'stage')

# Handle forcing
forcing = {}
force = force.split(',')
reset = False
for key in ('get', 'configure', 'build', 'stage', 'package'):
if key in force:
reset = True
forcing[key] = reset

# Directory
# TODO: make the chmod an option if users want a "wide open" build dir for
# manual login user poking around; default to not bothering.
directory(workdir, mode="777", runner=sudo)
# Download+unpack
if forcing['get'] or not exists(source):
with cd(workdir):
# TODO: make obtainment process overrideable for users who prefer
# wget, scp, etc
sudo("curl -L \"%s\" | tar xjf -" % uri)

# Configure
# TODO: configuration options. Do any Python level cleaning (e.g. factoring
# out --with-x, --with-y into [x, y], ditto for --enable; prefix, etc.)?
flags = ""
with cd(source):
if forcing['configure'] or not exists('Makefile'):
# If forcing, clean up!
if forcing['configure']:
# Is distclean just something I've used with PHP in the past,
# or does the average make-driven project have it?
sudo("make distclean")
sudo("./configure %s" % ' '.join(flags))

# Build
# TODO: allow specification of sentinel
build_sentinel = "file in source dir"
if forcing['build'] or not exists(build_sentinel):

# Stage
# TODO: allow specification of sentinel
stage_sentinel = "file in stage dir"
if forcing['stage'] or not exists(stage_sentinel):
with settings(warn_only=True):
# Nuke if forcing -- e.g. if prefix changed, etc.
if forcing['stage']:
sudo("rm -rf %s" % stage)
# TODO: allow control over environment of make, e.g. things
sudo("make install")

# Package
with cd(stage):
# TODO: handle clean fpm integration somehow. probably have nice Python
# level handles for the stuff like package name, version, iteration,
# location, and add a new kwarg for rpm or deb specific things.
# Main thing that needs doing is constructing an explicit package name
# and making FPM use it, so one can reliably use that same name format
# in eg Chef or Puppet.
package_path = "???"
if forcing['package'] or not exists(package_path):

# TODO: a distribute step? Possibly too user-specific. Or make this a
# class-based collection of subtasks and let them override that.

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