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don't catch all errors in Watchman.watch_project
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`Watchman.watch_project` calls `watchman watch-project /path/to/root/some/include` where `some/include` is in the flowconfig `[includes]`.

if that path doesn't exist, `watchman watch-project` returns a response like `{"error": "std::system_error: open: ... No such file or directory", ...}`. the `"error"` key makes `request_exn` raise a `Watchman_error`, which we suppress and return `None`. we expect this to happen and recover from it.

but if the connection is unexpectedly closed, `request_exn` also raises a `Watchman_error` from the socket error, which we couldn't distinguish before. we were treating it like the directory didn't exist and continuing to try to talk to watchman, which blows up because the connection is closed.

now, we can use the `result` to only catch error *responses*, and throw immediately when the connection is bad.

in the future, we'll thread the result through even further so that we can retry broken connections.

Reviewed By: nmote

Differential Revision: D28204314

fbshipit-source-id: 4d50cc7f13485ac801cf8e1a01738c4f8f669962
  • Loading branch information
mroch authored and facebook-github-bot committed May 6, 2021
1 parent 2c89c8a commit 8534137
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 30 deletions.
44 changes: 14 additions & 30 deletions src/hack_forked/watchman/
Expand Up @@ -550,37 +550,20 @@ let get_clockspec ~debug_logging ~conn ~watch_root prior_clockspec =
(** Watch this root
If the path doesn't exist or the request errors for any other reason, this will
return [None]. Otherwise, returns the watch root and relative path to that root.
TODO: should return the error when it fails for reasons other than the path
not existing. *)
return [None]. Otherwise, returns the watch root and relative path to that root. *)
let watch_project ~debug_logging ~conn root =
let query = J.strlist ["watch-project"; Path.to_string root] in
let%lwt response =
~f:(fun () ->
let%lwt response = request_exn ~debug_logging ~conn query in
Lwt.return (Some response))
~catch:(fun exn ->
(match Exception.to_exn exn with
| Watchman_error _
| Hh_json.Syntax_error _ ->
(* These exceptions are logged already in `request` *)
| _ ->
"Unexpected error in watch_project: %s\n%s"
(Exception.get_ctor_string exn)
(Exception.get_full_backtrace_string 500 exn)));
Lwt.return None)
let%lwt response = request ~debug_logging ~conn query in
let result =
match response with
| Error (Response_error _) -> Ok None
| Error _ as err -> err
| Ok response ->
let watch_root = J.get_string_val "watch" response in
let relative_path = J.get_string_val "relative_path" ~default:"" response in
Ok (Some (watch_root, relative_path))
match response with
| None -> Lwt.return None
| Some response ->
let watch_root = J.get_string_val "watch" response in
let relative_path = J.get_string_val "relative_path" ~default:"" response in
Lwt.return (Some (watch_root, relative_path))
Lwt.return result

let re_init
Expand All @@ -603,8 +586,9 @@ let re_init
(fun (terms, watch_roots, failed_paths) path ->
match%lwt watch_project ~debug_logging ~conn path with
| None -> Lwt.return (terms, watch_roots, SSet.add (Path.to_string path) failed_paths)
| Some (watch_root, relative_path) ->
| Error err -> raise_error err
| Ok None -> Lwt.return (terms, watch_roots, SSet.add (Path.to_string path) failed_paths)
| Ok (Some (watch_root, relative_path)) ->
let terms = prepend_relative_path_term ~relative_path ~terms in
let watch_roots = SSet.add watch_root watch_roots in
Lwt.return (terms, watch_roots, failed_paths))
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