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@flow-bot flow-bot released this 29 Oct 01:11

Likely to cause new Flow errors:

  • Dictionary types (i.e. {[key: string]: ValueType}) were previously covariant which proved to be a significant source of unsoundness. Dictionary types are now invariant by default in order to fall into consistency with other collection types. It is possible to opt in to explicit covariance with new syntax: {+[key: string]: ValueType}, but note that this is now enforced covariance -- which means the dictionary can no longer be written into (only read from). For mutable collections, consider using Map/Set/etc. Please see this blog post for more information on variance.
  • Object property types are now invariant by default. New syntax allows explicit opt-in to enforced covariance: type T = {+covariantProp: string}. Please see this blog post for more information on variance.
  • Object method types are now covariant by default. So this: type T = {covariantMethod(): string} is the same as type T = {+covariantMethod: () => string}. Please see this blog post for more information on variance.

New features:

  • New empty type annotation. This is the "bottom type" which is the type that has no possible values. This is mostly useful for asserting impossible types right now (see the commit description for more details).
  • All server commands now have a --quiet flag to suppress server-status information that would otherwise be printed to stderr.
  • It's now possible to specify an "@jsx" pragma to override the implicit default of React.createElement. See the commit message for more details.
  • async iteration is now Stage 3, so Flow now supports async generators and for-await-of statements.

Notable bug fixes:

  • Calling get-def and autocomplete on specifiers in import statements now works properly and links in to where the specifier is exported in the other file.
  • Generator.prototype.return now returns a possibly-unfinished IteratorResult object rather than a definitely-done iterator result. See #2589 for more details.
  • Fixed an issue with inferring the proper return-type of iterators coming from a generator with multiple return-types. See #2475 for more details.
  • Fixed an issue where a non-polymorphic class-instance used as a CommonJS export wasn't omitting underscore-prefixed members when the munge_underscores config option is set to true.
  • Fixed an issue where Flow would previously not consider non-@flow files when re-calculating type dependencies on a change to the filesystem. This caused sporadic issues where Flow might think that a module is missing that actually is not! This is now fixed.


  • Significant memory usage optimizations by normalizing common aspects of the many "reason" structures stored in memory to use ocaml variants.
  • Significant memory usage optimization by compressing the contents of the shared heap used by the persistent server.
  • Parser now allows for duplicate properties and accessors in objects per the latest ES spec.
  • Flow parser is now tested against esprima3 tests
  • yield expressions no longer evaluate to an optional type. This is unsound, but the inconvenience was so prevalent that we decided to relax the issue for now. See #2080 for more details.
  • Various core libdef updates.

Parser breaking changes:

  • Updated the parser to use the latest ExportNamedDeclaration and ExportDefaultDeclaration nodes from ESTree rather than the outdated ExportDeclaration node.
  • export default class {} now correctly emits a ClassDeclaration rather than ClassExpression per this estree issue.
  • Updated ExportSpecifier property names from id -> local and name -> exported per the latest ESTree spec.
  • Update ExportBatchSpecifier to a ExportNamespaceSpecifier node per the latest ESTree spec.
  • Renamed SpreadElementPattern -> RestElement per the latest ESTree spec.
  • Node-properties of ObjectPattern are now named Property and RestProperty per the latest ESTree spec.
  • Use a Super node now instead of an Identifier node per the latest ESTree spec.
  • {ImportNamedSpecifier and ImportDefaultSpecifier nodes now use proper local and remote property names, per the latest ESTree spec.
  • The mixed type annotation is now represented with a special MixedTypeAnnotation node (same as Babylon has been for a while).
  • The NullTypeAnnotation annotation node is now called NullLiteralTypeAnnotation in order to match Babylon.