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RocksDB 6.14.5

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@akankshamahajan15 akankshamahajan15 released this 17 Nov 00:21
· 4 commits to 6.14.fb since this release

6.14.5 (2020-11-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug of encoding and parsing BlockBasedTableOptions::read_amp_bytes_per_bit as a 64-bit integer.

6.14.4 (2020-11-05)

Bug Fixes

Fixed a potential bug caused by evaluating TableBuilder::NeedCompact() before TableBuilder::Finish() in compaction job. For example, the NeedCompact() method of CompactOnDeletionCollector returned by built-in CompactOnDeletionCollectorFactory requires BlockBasedTable::Finish() to return the correct result. The bug can cause a compaction-generated file not to be marked for future compaction based on deletion ratio.

6.14.3 (2020-10-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Reverted a behavior change silently introduced in 6.14.2, in which the effects of the ignore_unknown_options flag (used in option parsing/loading functions) changed.
  • Reverted a behavior change silently introduced in 6.14, in which options parsing/loading functions began returning NotFound instead of InvalidArgument for option names not available in the present version.

6.14.2 (2020-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which causes hang in closing DB when refit level is set in opt build. It was because ContinueBackgroundWork() was called in assert statement which is a no op. It was introduced in 6.14.

6.14.1 (2020-10-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Since 6.12, memtable lookup should report unrecognized value_type as corruption (#7121).
  • Since 6.14, fix false positive flush/compaction Status::Corruption failure when paranoid_file_checks == true and range tombstones were written to the compaction output files.
  • Fixed a bug in the following combination of features: indexes with user keys (format_version >= 3), indexes are partitioned (index_type == kTwoLevelIndexSearch), and some index partitions are pinned in memory (BlockBasedTableOptions::pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache). The bug could cause keys to be truncated when read from the index leading to wrong read results or other unexpected behavior.
  • Fixed a bug when indexes are partitioned (index_type == kTwoLevelIndexSearch), some index partitions are pinned in memory (BlockBasedTableOptions::pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache), and partitions reads could be mixed between block cache and directly from the file (e.g., with enable_index_compression == 1 and mmap_read == 1, partitions that were stored uncompressed due to poor compression ratio would be read directly from the file via mmap, while partitions that were stored compressed would be read from block cache). The bug could cause index partitions to be mistakenly considered empty during reads leading to wrong read results.

6.14 (2020-10-09)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug after a CompactRange() with CompactRangeOptions::change_level set fails due to a conflict in the level change step, which caused all subsequent calls to CompactRange() with CompactRangeOptions::change_level set to incorrectly fail with a Status::NotSupported("another thread is refitting") error.
  • Fixed a bug that the bottom most level compaction could still be a trivial move even if BottommostLevelCompaction.kForce or kForceOptimized is set.

Public API Change

  • The methods to create and manage EncrypedEnv have been changed. The EncryptionProvider is now passed to NewEncryptedEnv as a shared pointer, rather than a raw pointer. Comparably, the CTREncryptedProvider now takes a shared pointer, rather than a reference, to a BlockCipher. CreateFromString methods have been added to BlockCipher and EncryptionProvider to provide a single API by which different ciphers and providers can be created, respectively.
  • The internal classes (CTREncryptionProvider, ROT13BlockCipher, CTRCipherStream) associated with the EncryptedEnv have been moved out of the public API. To create a CTREncryptionProvider, one can either use EncryptionProvider::NewCTRProvider, or EncryptionProvider::CreateFromString("CTR"). To create a new ROT13BlockCipher, one can either use BlockCipher::NewROT13Cipher or BlockCipher::CreateFromString("ROT13").
  • The EncryptionProvider::AddCipher method has been added to allow keys to be added to an EncryptionProvider. This API will allow future providers to support multiple cipher keys.
  • Add a new option "allow_data_in_errors". When this new option is set by users, it allows users to opt-in to get error messages containing corrupted keys/values. Corrupt keys, values will be logged in the messages, logs, status etc. that will help users with the useful information regarding affected data. By default value of this option is set false to prevent users data to be exposed in the messages so currently, data will be redacted from logs, messages, status by default.
  • AdvancedColumnFamilyOptions::force_consistency_checks is now true by default, for more proactive DB corruption detection at virtually no cost (estimated two extra CPU cycles per million on a major production workload). Corruptions reported by these checks now mention "force_consistency_checks" in case a false positive corruption report is suspected and the option needs to be disabled (unlikely). Since existing column families have a saved setting for force_consistency_checks, only new column families will pick up the new default.

General Improvements

  • The settings of the DBOptions and ColumnFamilyOptions are now managed by Configurable objects (see New Features). The same convenience methods to configure these options still exist but the backend implementation has been unified under a common implementation.

New Features

  • Methods to configure serialize, and compare -- such as TableFactory -- are exposed directly through the Configurable base class (from which these objects inherit). This change will allow for better and more thorough configuration management and retrieval in the future. The options for a Configurable object can be set via the ConfigureFromMap, ConfigureFromString, or ConfigureOption method. The serialized version of the options of an object can be retrieved via the GetOptionString, ToString, or GetOption methods. The list of options supported by an object can be obtained via the GetOptionNames method. The "raw" object (such as the BlockBasedTableOption) for an option may be retrieved via the GetOptions method. Configurable options can be compared via the AreEquivalent method. The settings within a Configurable object may be validated via the ValidateOptions method. The object may be intialized (at which point only mutable options may be updated) via the PrepareOptions method.
  • Introduce options.check_flush_compaction_key_order with default value to be true. With this option, during flush and compaction, key order will be checked when writing to each SST file. If the order is violated, the flush or compaction will fail.
  • Added is_full_compaction to CompactionJobStats, so that the information is available through the EventListener interface.
  • Add more stats for MultiGet in Histogram to get number of data blocks, index blocks, filter blocks and sst files read from file system per level.