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nuclide-buck unable to find @accent-text-color #1652

ezh opened this issue Nov 5, 2018 · 6 comments

nuclide-buck unable to find @accent-text-color #1652

ezh opened this issue Nov 5, 2018 · 6 comments


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ezh commented Nov 5, 2018

Issue and Steps to Reproduce

Change default OneDark theme to something other.

Expected Behavior

Package is working normally

Actual Behavior



Atom: 1.32.1 x64
Electron: 2.0.9
OS: �������� Windows 10 Pro
Thrown From: 'nuclide-buck' package v0.0.0

Stack Trace

Failed to reload the nuclide-buck package stylesheets

At variable @accent-text-color is undefined in C:\Users\Ezh\.atom\packages\nuclide\pkg\nuclide-buck\styles\TaskRunnerStatusComponent.less:36:13

LessError: variable @accent-text-color is undefined
at C:\Users\Ezh\.atom\packages\nuclide\pkg\nuclide-buck\styles\TaskRunnerStatusComponent.less:36:13

Non-Core Packages

nuclide 0.366.0 
seti-ui 1.11.0 

Additional Details

  • Installed packages (apm ls --installed):
    apm ls --installed
    Community Packages (2) C:\Users\Ezh.atom\packages
    ├── nuclide@0.366.0
    └── seti-ui@1.11.0
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robjac commented Nov 6, 2018

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. change the syntax theme to anything.

Atom: 1.32.1 x64
Electron: 2.0.9
OS: Mac OS X 10.13.6
Thrown From: 'nuclide-buck' package v0.0.0

Stack Trace

Failed to load the nuclide-buck package

At variable @accent-text-color is undefined in /Users/robjac/.atom/packages/nuclide/pkg/nuclide-buck/styles/TaskRunnerStatusComponent.less:36:13

LessError: variable @accent-text-color is undefined
at /Users/robjac/.atom/packages/nuclide/pkg/nuclide-buck/styles/TaskRunnerStatusComponent.less:36:13


     -0:01.1.0 core:copy (atom-notification.fatal.icon.icon-bug.native-key-bindings.has-detail.has-close.has-stack)

Non-Core Packages

accents-ui 1.3.0 
adventurous-syntax 0.2.0 
aesthetic-ui 4.0.0 
an-old-hope-syntax 1.0.4 
angularjs 0.5.3 
animated-cursor 1.1.0 
apex-ui 1.2.0 
atom-beautify 0.33.4 
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atom-clock 0.1.16 
atom-csscomb 3.0.0 
atom-gooey-syntax 1.0.0 
atom-handlebars 1.3.0 
atom-ide-ui 0.13.0 
atom-jshint 2.0.0 
atom-material-syntax 1.0.8 
atom-material-ui 2.1.3 
atom-monokai 0.10.9 
atom-monokai-dark 0.4.0 
atom-pair 2.0.13 
atom-solarized-dark-ui 0.28.1 
atom-sonic 0.3.2 
atom-sonic-pi 0.1.0 
atom-tachyons 1.6.0 
atom-ternjs 0.18.3 
atom-toolbar 0.1.6 
atom-visual-studio-code-ui 1.3.4 
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autoclose-html 0.23.0 
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autocomplete-clang 0.11.5 
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autocomplete-glsl 0.2.3 
autocomplete-haskell 1.0.1 
autocomplete-java 1.2.7 
autocomplete-json 5.5.2 
autocomplete-php 0.3.7 
autocomplete-ruby 0.2.8 
autocomplete-ruby-rct 0.1.0 
autoprefixer 3.7.1 
base16-eighties-dark 2.1.1 
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brogrammer-ui 1.0.0 
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browser-plus-open-new-window 0.0.1 
browser-plus-zoom 0.0.2 
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chameleon-dark-syntax 0.0.5 
city-lights-icons 1.1.1 
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city-lights-ui 1.5.3 
cobalt2-syntax 0.5.3 
color-picker 2.3.0 
compare-files 0.8.1 
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emmet 2.4.3 
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enhanced-tabs 1.7.0 
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Extempore-Atom 0.4.2 
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file-watcher 2.0.0 
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gibber 0.1.3 
git-log 0.4.1 
git-plus 8.1.0 
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git-time-machine 2.1.0 
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glsl-preview 1.5.0 
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highlight-line 0.12.0 
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language-haml 0.31.1 
language-haskell 1.17.8 
language-ini 1.20.0 
language-kotlin 0.5.0 
language-lua 0.9.11 
language-ocaml 1.9.5 
language-rust 0.4.12 
language-scala 1.1.9 
language-supercollider 0.2.1 
language-swift 0.5.0 
language-thrift 1.0.2 
line-count 0.5.0 
line-diff-details 1.9.0 
linter 2.2.0 
linter-bootlint 1.1.0 
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linter-csslint 2.0.1 
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linter-elm-make 0.28.5 
linter-erb 1.1.1 
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linter-tidy 2.3.1 
linter-ui-default 1.7.1 
linter-xo 0.26.0 
Lucario 2.2.0 
lunar-particle-syntax 0.3.8 
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material-design-syntax 3.1.2 
miami-nights-syntax 0.3.3 
minimap 4.29.9 
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monokai-dark 1.5.0 
monokai-flat 1.0.1 
monokai-seti 0.9.0 
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motepair2 0.37.0 
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script 3.18.1 
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seti-ui-red 0.13.0 
SkriptDark-Neon-Syntax 2.1.2 
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sort-lines 0.18.0 
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split-diff 1.5.3 
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steam-pirate-ui 0.6.1 
Sublime-Style-Column-Selection 1.7.5 
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teletype 0.13.3 
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tidalcycles 0.12.1 
tidy-tabs 0.4.0 
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tomorrow-night-eighties-syntax 1.1.0 
tool-bar 1.1.11 
tool-bar-almighty 0.8.2 
tree-view-git-status 1.5.2 
triangle-syntax 2.3.0 
ubik-hackerman-syntax 1.10.0 
veda 2.10.2 
vim-mode-plus 1.35.0 
vim-mode-plus-keymaps-for-surround 0.2.1 
zentabs 0.8.9 

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pelmers commented Nov 6, 2018

fixed in e981edc

@pelmers pelmers closed this as completed Nov 6, 2018
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robjac commented Nov 7, 2018

still occurs for me -- what version of nuclide should i be running?

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robjac commented Nov 8, 2018

@pelmers Still occurs on my system; everything is up to date. seems like my less file still does not have the @accent-text-color definition.

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pelmers commented Nov 8, 2018

The version with the fix is 0.368, I think that's not released yet.

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robjac commented Nov 8, 2018

Ah gotcha; i could not find the version number in that commit link. I appreciate the reply, and await the release. :)

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