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Install/setup issues #23

jurosh opened this issue Jun 3, 2015 · 29 comments

Install/setup issues #23

jurosh opened this issue Jun 3, 2015 · 29 comments


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jurosh commented Jun 3, 2015

Hi, I am trying to get Nuclide work, but have some issues with install process.
Command: python ./scripts/dev/setup
My Configuration: Windows 7, npm 2.9.1, node 0.12.3, Python 3.4.2, git 1.9.4.msysgit.1
What APM said: apm 0.168.0, npm 2.5.1, node 0.10.35, python, git 1.9.4.msysgit.1

Firstly I had issue with long path - longer that allowed on Windows OS. This issue is fixed in NPM somehow but in your python script it's not. I temporary solved this by moving it closer to core path.

I would like to ask if there is someone who is developing also on Windows or I am alone ? :)

And another issue:

C:\nuclide>python ./scripts/dev/setup
START INSTALL: 2015-06-03 08:36:41.076494
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-node-transpiler...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-node-transpiler
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-atom-interfaces...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./scripts/dev/setup", line 44, in
package_manager.install_dependencies(npm, include_packages_that_depend_on_atom=include_apm)
File "./scripts/dev../lib\", line 45, in install_dependencies
File "./scripts/dev../lib\", line 149, in install
File "./scripts/dev../lib\", line 155, in _do_serial_install
install_dependencies(config, self._npm)
File "./scripts/dev../lib\", line 307, in install_dependencies
link_dependencys_executable(src_path, local_dependency)
File "./scripts/dev../lib\", line 355, in link_dependencys_executable
shutil.copyfile(absolute_src_path, absolute_dst_path)
File "C:\Python34\lib\", line 108, in copyfile
with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\nuclide\pkg\nuclide\atom-interfaces\node_modules.bin\jasmine-node-transpiled'

Folder pkg/nuclide/atom-interfaces/node_modules/.bin not exists.

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Hey @jurosh

you're not alone :D
I have exactly the same issues on my windows machine. First the long paths which are not allowed and after moving it closer to root I get the second issue you posted.

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ml commented Jun 3, 2015

I have different problem on OS X:

$ ./scripts/dev/setup

START INSTALL: 2015-06-03 08:25:19.214598
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-hack-common...
Installing dependencies for Atom package nuclide-diff-view...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-node-transpiler...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-service-hub-plus...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-hack-common
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-service-hub-plus
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-diff-view
Running `apm link /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/diff-view`...
/Users/maciej/.atom/packages/nuclide-diff-view -> /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/diff-view
Done linking nuclide-diff-view
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-node-transpiler
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-commons...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-version...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-atom-interfaces...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-service-transformer...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-version
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-test-helpers...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-atom-interfaces
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-remote-uri...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-commons
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-click-to-symbol-delegate...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-test-helpers
Installing dependencies for Atom package nuclide-type-hint...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-remote-uri
Installing dependencies for Atom package nuclide-tabs...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-click-to-symbol-delegate
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-logging...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-type-hint
Running `apm link /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/type-hint`...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-tabs
Running `apm link /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/tabs`...
/Users/maciej/.atom/packages/nuclide-type-hint -> /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/type-hint
Done linking nuclide-type-hint
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-source-control-helpers...
/Users/maciej/.atom/packages/nuclide-tabs -> /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/tabs
Done linking nuclide-tabs
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-arcanist-base...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-logging
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-watchman-helpers...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-arcanist-base
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-atom-helpers...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-source-control-helpers
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-atom-npm...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-service-transformer
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-task...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-watchman-helpers
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-buck-base...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-atom-npm
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-flow-base...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-atom-helpers
Installing dependencies for Atom package nuclide-code-format...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-task
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-hg-repository-base...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-flow-base
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-ui-checkbox...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-buck-base
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-ui-atom-input...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-code-format
Running `apm link /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/code-format`...
/Users/maciej/.atom/packages/nuclide-code-format -> /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/code-format
Done linking nuclide-code-format
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-ui-tree...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-hg-repository-base
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-panel...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-ui-checkbox
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-analytics...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-ui-atom-input
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-path-search...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-ui-tree
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-panel
Installing dependencies for Atom package nuclide-file-tree...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-analytics
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-path-search
Installing dependencies for Atom package nuclide-click-to-symbol...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-server...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-file-tree
Running `apm link /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/file-tree`...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-click-to-symbol
Running `apm link /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/click-to-symbol`...
/Users/maciej/.atom/packages/nuclide-file-tree -> /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/file-tree
Done linking nuclide-file-tree
/Users/maciej/.atom/packages/nuclide-click-to-symbol -> /Users/maciej/development/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/click-to-symbol
Done linking nuclide-click-to-symbol
Process Process-33:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.6/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.6/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 310, in install_dependencies
    npm.install(src_path, local_packages=package_config['localDependencies'], include_dev_dependencies=package_config['includeDevDependencies'])
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 33, in install
    self._npm_install(package_root, include_dev_dependencies)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 39, in _npm_install
    self._execute(npm_command, cwd=package_root)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 71, in _execute
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 83, in cross_platform_check_call
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.6/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 540, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
CalledProcessError: Command '['npm', 'install']' returned non-zero exit status 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/dev/setup", line 44, in <module>
    package_manager.install_dependencies(npm, include_packages_that_depend_on_atom=include_apm)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 45, in install_dependencies
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 151, in install
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 197, in _do_multiprocess_install
    (config['name'], exitcode))
Exception: Installing package nuclide-server failed with exit code 1

My setup:

node v0.12.4
Python 2.7.6
OSX 10.10.3

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tachyons commented Jun 3, 2015

similar issue in ubuntu 14.04
node 0.12.4
atom 0.204.0

START INSTALL: 2015-06-03 14:12:36.146985
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-hack-common...
Installing dependencies for Atom package nuclide-diff-view...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-node-transpiler...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-service-hub-plus...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-hack-common
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-service-hub-plus
Process Process-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
self._target(_self._args, *_self._kwargs)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 310, in install_dependencies
npm.install(src_path, local_packages=package_config['localDependencies'], include_dev_dependencies=package_config['includeDevDependencies'])
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 33, in install
self._npm_install(package_root, include_dev_dependencies)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 39, in _npm_install
self._execute(npm_command, cwd=package_root)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 71, in _execute
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 83, in cross_platform_check_call
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 540, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
CalledProcessError: Command '['npm', 'install']' returned non-zero exit status 243
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./scripts/dev/setup", line 44, in
package_manager.install_dependencies(npm, include_packages_that_depend_on_atom=include_apm)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 45, in install_dependencies
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 151, in install
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 197, in _do_multiprocess_install
(config['name'], exitcode))
Exception: Installing package nuclide-diff-view failed with exit code 1
Process Process-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
self._target(_self._args, *_self._kwargs)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 310, in install_dependencies
npm.install(src_path, local_packages=package_config['localDependencies'], include_dev_dependencies=package_config['includeDevDependencies'])
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 33, in install
self._npm_install(package_root, include_dev_dependencies)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 39, in _npm_install
self._execute(npm_command, cwd=package_root)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 71, in _execute
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 83, in cross_platform_check_call
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 540, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
CalledProcessError: Command '['npm', 'install']' returned non-zero exit status 243

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hl commented Jun 3, 2015

CalledProcessError: Command '['npm', 'install']' returned non-zero exit status 243

does npm install work when you execute it manually?

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tachyons commented Jun 3, 2015

@zenry I am not a node guy , So I don't have much idea about it

npm seems working , for eg

➜ nuclide git:(master) npm install less
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing mime@^1.2.11
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing mkdirp@^0.5.0
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing source-map@^0.4.2
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing graceful-fs@^3.0.5
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing request@^2.51.0
less@2.5.1 node_modules/less
├── image-size@0.3.5
├── errno@0.1.2 (prr@0.0.0)
└── promise@6.1.0 (asap@1.0.0)

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apuckey commented Jun 3, 2015

I have a similar issue, npm install works by itself but when its run via python and actualy has something to install it fails and the node v8 process starts using 100% of 1 core.

If i then go into the package that failed, run npm install and then re-run the setup it goes past the failed node module in question

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tachyons commented Jun 3, 2015

I tried to execute installation script in root mode, it worked 👍

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hl commented Jun 3, 2015

seems to me that some of you have installed npm using the root user

what is your output of

➜ ~ ls -l $(which npm)

Mine is
lrwxr-xr-x 1 henry wheel 46B May 28 11:15 /usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js

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ml commented Jun 3, 2015

I installed node and Python with brew.

lrwxr-xr-x 1 maciej admin 46B Jun 3 08:24 /usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js

npm install works when I run it manually.

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dehlen commented Jun 3, 2015

Running it with sudo worked fine for me. Thanks @tachyons.

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My problem was the same as @ml's on Mac OS X, running sudo ./scripts/dev/setup as @tachyons suggested installed nuclide just fine.

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aewing commented Jun 3, 2015

I'm unable to install from Windows despite having apm and npm in my path, with or without Administrator access. I have tried from within Cygwin as well as command prompt, and the result is a combination of the path being too long, permission denied (Cygwin), and apm bin link issues (Cygwin - an APM problem).

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adwitama commented Jun 5, 2015

H! I also have problem when installing nuclide on my OS X 10.10.1

I have Python 3.35, Node 0.12.4 and Atom 0.205.0 installed. I think should satisfy the requirements. However, after executin ./scripts/dev/setup I got the following error:

START INSTALL: 2015-06-05 09:08:00.915786
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./scripts/dev/setup", line 44, in
package_manager.install_dependencies(npm, include_packages_that_depend_on_atom=include_apm)
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 45, in install_dependencies
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 151, in install
File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 180, in _do_multiprocess_install
num_active = len(filter(is_alive, process_to_config))
TypeError: object of type 'filter' has no len()

Any help would be appreciated!

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adwitama commented Jun 5, 2015


I found the solution.

I managed to install it using Python 2.7.6 instead of using Python 3.3.5 So maybe you can update the System Requirements to strictly use Python 2.

Thanks a lot.

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apuckey commented Jun 6, 2015

Hi all,

I think i have found a solution to installing under windows. Can the windows people try this patch: also make sure to run cmd.exe as administrator

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aewing commented Jun 7, 2015

I was able to successfully install Nuclide on Windows after applying that patch, @apuckey -- Thank you, you're a legend.

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@adwitama I think we would prefer to modify the scripts so they work in either Python 2.x or 3.x if it's not too difficult. Do you have a feel for how many call sites would need to be modified?

If it's just that one filter() call, it doesn't seem like it should be too hard.

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jurosh commented Jun 8, 2015

@apuckey Your fix is working for me too, installation is OK - without errors (must be root). Thanks,
// Tested on python 2.7

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asndev commented Jun 11, 2015

Also had to execute the script using root privileges with my linux machine.

Ubuntu 14.04, Python 2.7, node 0.10.38


START INSTALL: 2015-06-11 13:39:35.523791
Installing dependencies for Atom package language-hack...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-node-transpiler...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-hack-common...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-service-hub-plus...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-hack-common
Done installing dependencies for language-hack
Running `apm link /home/stepan/tmp/nuclide/nuclide/pkg/nuclide/language-hack`...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-service-hub-plus
Done linking language-hack
Process Process-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 312, in install_dependencies
    npm.install(src_path, local_packages=package_config['localDependencies'], include_dev_dependencies=package_config['includeDevDependencies'])
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 49, in install
    self._npm_install(package_root, include_dev_dependencies)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 55, in _npm_install
    self._execute(npm_command, cwd=package_root)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 85, in _execute
    output = fs.cross_platform_check_output(cmd_args, cwd=cwd, stderr=devnull)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 79, in cross_platform_check_output
    raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd_args, output=stdout)
CalledProcessError: Command '['npm', 'install']' returned non-zero exit status 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/dev/setup", line 44, in <module>
    package_manager.install_dependencies(npm, include_packages_that_depend_on_atom=include_apm)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 45, in install_dependencies
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 151, in install
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 197, in _do_multiprocess_install
    (config['name'], exitcode))
Exception: Installing package nuclide-node-transpiler failed with exit code 1

Might be a corrupt npm installation on my linux machine.

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Hi everyone, I made two commits today that I think should help with many of the problems that people have been running into:

  • 690e0df makes it so ./scripts/dev/setup can be run with either Python 2 or Python 3.
  • 5903a22 fixes it so it can be run on Windows. There is no need to run it as administrator! (I would actively discourage you from doing so.)

One other issue that I ran into myself when testing these on Linux and Windows is that, depending on how Atom was installed, I might have to run ./scripts/dev/setup as root/administrator because the ~/.atom/packages directory required root/administrator access to write to it. If you find yourself in this situation, I would fix your file permissions for the entire ~/.atom directory so it requires only ordinary user permissions.

Assuming you don't have much in the way of state/preferences/packages in your ~/.atom directory and you're not sure what the easiest way to fix the permissions is, you might just want to blow it away and let Atom re-create it when you start it as non-root/administrator.

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I think that all of the posts on this thread were known issues that are now fixed:

  • @jurosh @flyingfeet @aewing Previously ./scripts/dev/setup did not work on Windows.
  • @tachyons @ml @hknd Perhaps npm was not on your $PATH? Or ~/.npm requires root to write to it? I would fix your file permissions rather than running all sorts of stuff as root.
  • @adwitama Previously ./scripts/dev/setup did not work with Python 3.

I'm going to close this out. Please reopen if the fixes do not work for you.

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Before I download package, can normal installation, I see have update, yesterday I downloaded again, in the installation, would have failed.

OS X: 10.11
node: v0.12.4
Python 2.7.6 (default, May 10 2015, 02:09:19)

START INSTALL: 2015-06-12 13:20:31.935051
Installing dependencies for Atom package language-hack...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-hack-common...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-service-hub-plus...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-node-transpiler...
Done installing dependencies for language-hack
Running `apm link /Users/yubo/.Trash/nuclide-master/pkg/nuclide/language-hack`...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-service-hub-plus
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-hack-common
Done linking language-hack
Process Process-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "./../lib/", line 312, in install_dependencies
    npm.install(src_path, local_packages=package_config['localDependencies'], include_dev_dependencies=package_config['includeDevDependencies'])
  File "./../lib/", line 49, in install
    self._npm_install(package_root, include_dev_dependencies)
  File "./../lib/", line 55, in _npm_install
    self._execute(npm_command, cwd=package_root)
  File "./../lib/", line 85, in _execute
    output = fs.cross_platform_check_output(cmd_args, cwd=cwd, stderr=devnull)
  File "./../lib/", line 79, in cross_platform_check_output
    raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd_args, output=stdout)
CalledProcessError: Command '['npm', 'install']' returned non-zero exit status 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./setup", line 44, in <module>
    package_manager.install_dependencies(npm, include_packages_that_depend_on_atom=include_apm)
  File "./../lib/", line 45, in install_dependencies
  File "./../lib/", line 151, in install
  File "./../lib/", line 197, in _do_multiprocess_install
    (config['name'], exitcode))
Exception: Installing package nuclide-node-transpiler failed with exit code 1

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@itchina110 What happens when you try to run that npm install command manually from the command line?

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@itchina110 It also appears that all of this code is in your Trash directory?

apm link /Users/yubo/.Trash/nuclide-master/pkg/nuclide/language-hack

That seems weird.

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@bolinfest I use the latest installation package, the result is as follows:

START INSTALL: 2015-06-12 14:16:40.022796
Installing dependencies for Atom package language-hack...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-hack-common...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-service-hub-plus...
Installing dependencies for Node package nuclide-node-transpiler...
Done installing dependencies for language-hack
Running `apm link /Users/yubo/Documents/nuclide-master/pkg/nuclide/language-hack`...
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-service-hub-plus
Done installing dependencies for nuclide-hack-common
Done linking language-hack
Process Process-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 317, in install_dependencies
    npm.install(src_path, local_packages=package_config['localDependencies'], include_dev_dependencies=package_config['includeDevDependencies'])
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 49, in install
    self._npm_install(package_root, include_dev_dependencies)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 55, in _npm_install
    self._execute(npm_command, cwd=package_root)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 85, in _execute
    output = fs.cross_platform_check_output(cmd_args, cwd=cwd, stderr=devnull)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 82, in cross_platform_check_output
    raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, cmd_args, output=stdout)
CalledProcessError: Command '['npm', 'install']' returned non-zero exit status 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/dev/setup", line 44, in <module>
    package_manager.install_dependencies(npm, include_packages_that_depend_on_atom=include_apm)
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 45, in install_dependencies
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 154, in install
  File "./scripts/dev/../lib/", line 201, in _do_multiprocess_install
    (config['name'], exitcode))
Exception: Installing package nuclide-node-transpiler failed with exit code 1

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@bolinfest I'm sorry, I'm OS X 10.11,so not Xcode.

I'm already successful installation. But does not support JSX didn't React.

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@itchina110 I would try git clean -xfd as you may have gotten into a bad state and then run the setup script again.

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For anyone who is still having problems, make sure that git is available from the command line. At least that was the solution for #56.

I am in the process of updating the root to reflect this.

It turns out that this is necessary because one of our transitive Node deps is git+, so npm install requires git.

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@bolinfest When to support the React?

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