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React Native debugging - Maximum call stack size exceeded #900

nanandn opened this issue Nov 22, 2016 · 62 comments

React Native debugging - Maximum call stack size exceeded #900

nanandn opened this issue Nov 22, 2016 · 62 comments


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nanandn commented Nov 22, 2016

Issue and Steps to Reproduce

Starting the debugger from nuclide and attaching to it results in "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error.

  1. Create a sample app using react-native init.
  2. Start the react native packager in nuclide
  3. Start the debugger in nuclide
  4. Start the application - react-native run-ios
  5. Start Remote JS Debugging from IOS simulator


  • Atom: 1.12.4
  • Nuclide: 0.183.0
  • Client OS: macOS 10.12.1

Additional Details

  • Installed packages (apm ls --installed):

├── atom-beautify@0.29.13
├── atom-formatter-jsbeautify@1.1.2
├── atom-material-ui@1.3.6
├── autoclose-html@0.23.0
├── git-plus@5.25.3
├── haskell-grammar@0.4.0
├── highlight-selected@0.11.2
├── language-babel@2.48.4
├── language-ini@1.16.0
├── language-ocaml@1.1.2
├── language-swift@0.5.0
├── language-thrift@1.0.2
├── merge-conflicts@1.4.4
├── nuclide@0.183.0
├── nuclide-format-js@0.0.36
├── sort-lines@0.14.0
└── tool-bar@1.0.1

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Marco62 commented Nov 23, 2016

I have the same problem too!

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same here

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TLadd commented Nov 27, 2016

I had this issue as well; I was using the latest node version (v7.1.0).
I switched back to v6.3.0 (imagine other versions off 6 would work too, and it worked.

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nanandn commented Nov 27, 2016

I tried using node v6.9.1. I still see the problem. Doesn't atom have it own node installation? Do I need to change that to use 6.x?

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I'm having the same issue. I tried switching my node version to 6.4.0, but no luck because as @nanandn mentioned, atom and apm have their own node installations. @TLadd which node version did you change? If it's the version of atom, how did you do it?

$ apm -v
apm  1.12.9
npm  3.10.5
node 4.4.5
python 2.7.10
git 2.9.3

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TLadd commented Nov 28, 2016

I didn't do anything with atom's node version; I was referring to the node version used in my console to run

react-native run-ios

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This didn't work for me, I was using node v4.5.0 before, and the same error occurs when i switch to v6.3.0. Could you confirm that the node version is indeed the issue? Thanks for your help

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nanandn commented Nov 29, 2016

Node v6.3.0 didn't fix the issue for me also.

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Same here

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imnnquy commented Dec 2, 2016

+1 Same here

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I can agree, I have the same issue. First I thought it was something wrong with Node or something else. I have been using Visual Studio Code for a while, but I'm really eager to switch to Atom again.

The app runs without any problems and debugging from VS Code works. I can start the app and edit it with Atom also. But when attaching Nuclide's debugger to the app it wait on connection, just as it should. The problem is when I enable Remote Debug from the iOS emulator. Then the app crashes and the error occurs.

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Same. Just getting into React Native. Was following what I thought was the preferred path for editing and was disappointed to find that I can't debug at all due to this issue. I get the getValue(), repeated stack trace like another issue here showed a screen shot of.

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sfeese commented Dec 5, 2016

+1 same here
different node versions didn't help, I tried 6.3.0, 7.0.0 and 7.2.0

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Hey all, we're aware of issues with debugging React Native. We're currently working on debugging using JSC (instead of Node) so we haven't prioritized fixing the node issues. We're hoping to roll that out within the next few releases (before the holidays). Sorry for the pain.

@johnsonsu We actually are using the system node. You can change which node we use via the "Path to Node" setting in the Nuclide settings. You can try changing that to point to an older version.

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@matthewwithanm Which version should we be using?

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The same issue +1

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same issue

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same here

2 similar comments
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same here

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same here

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Liruwei commented Dec 30, 2016

same issue

1 similar comment
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vinas8 commented Jan 4, 2017

same issue

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macnux commented Jan 4, 2017

same issue +1

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Same issue.....

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smkhalsa commented Jan 5, 2017

@matthewwithanm any update on this?

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so ... where do we go from here?

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same issue here.

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same issue.

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same here

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wellyshen commented Jan 25, 2017

@johnislarry How to upgrade my RN from the master through the "react-native-git-upgrade" command? Or some other appropriate ways?

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@wellyshen If you're on Android, this guide seems helpful:

If not, then you could try asking in the RN repo

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update your package.json and do a "npm install".
"react-native": "0.42.0-rc.1"

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The release candidate containing the fix is out, if somebody wants to confirm that this issue doesn't repro anymore.

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MehmetKaplan commented Feb 4, 2017

Sorry but bad news. It did not work for me. I hope it is only related with something I did wrong.

The enviroment and the steps that I did are as follows:


Using Mac OS - Sierra 10.12.3

  1. Dowloaded February 2017 Pre-release from
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Entered to the extracted directory
  4. Run "npm install”
  5. mv AwesomeProject/ AwesomeProject_backup
  6. react-native init AwesomeProject
  7. mv ./AwesomeProject_backup/images ./AwesomeProject. (These are my project specific files, you can skipo)
  8. mv AwesomeProject_backup/index.ios.js AwesomeProject/ (My project is only iOS for now, you can also move androidd file as well)
  9. Open Atom
  10. Remove existing AwesomeProject folder inside Atom file tree
  11. Re-add AwesomeProject in Atom’s file tree
  12. Command-shift-p then React Native: Start Packager
  13. Command-shift-p then React Native: Start Debugger
  14. Switch to terminal window, run, "react-native run-ios”

screen shot 2017-02-04 at 10 48 20


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nanandn commented Feb 4, 2017

I tried react-native 0.42.0-rc.1. I don't see the "Maximum call stack size exceeded " error. I am able to start the debugger and connect. I can stop at the breakpoints when the application loads.

But after that my app does not work properly. The application renders. But I can't interact with it. The events are not fired. I have an 'onClick' event registered on one of the views. Those events are not fired. At this point all I can do is quit atom and restart.

Just to confirm that there is nothing wrong with my app... I can debug using chrome developer tools and it works fine.


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nanandn commented Feb 4, 2017

I used to see the error "Maximum call stack size exceeded " when I debug using intellij. With react-native 0.42.0-rc.1 I don't see that error anymore.

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With 0.42.0-rc.1, the problem is fixed for me.

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fsjack commented Feb 9, 2017

With 0.42.0-rc.1 the "Maximum call stack size exceeded " seem has been fixed, but I got another issue which is that the app is totally freeze when attach to debugger, not only Nuclide but also Chrome debugger as well.

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pishty1 commented Feb 9, 2017

hello guys, i have downloaded the 0.42.0-rc.1 and did an npm install in the downloaded folder.
react-native -V returns 0.42.0-rc.1,
was wondering what other steps do i need to take.
I changed the react-native's version number in my project's package.json to 0.42.0-rc.1 and did npm install, i get unmet peer dependency for the that version of react native. i know am doing a step wrong somewhere, any help is greatly appreciated. i would love to get the debugger working

here are the new steps am taking now to install 0.42.0-rc.1

  1. download the rn 0.42.0-rc.1 zip file, unzip and run npm install from within the folder
  2. rename the unzipped folder to react-native and move it into the node_modules folder in my project
  3. change the rn version to 0.42.0-rc.1 in the package.json
  4. run npm install from within my project

are these the right steps to take to install 0.42.0-rc.1 ?

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vbence86 commented Feb 13, 2017

"reach-native": "0.42.0-rc.1" and then npm i fixed the issue for me as well.

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Hi all,

Hmmm, well this is fun. Trying to follow the instructions on The react-native-git-upgrade module didn't work, so I tried the alternative steps. Tried to install all RCs 1-3, but I always get the same equivalent error:

# npm install --save react-native@0.42.0-rc.3
npm WARN deprecated node-uuid@1.4.7: use uuid module instead
mobile@0.0.1 /Users/jcrooke/dev/Onboarding/extaisy
└── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react-native@0.42.0-rc.3

npm WARN react-native-navbar@1.6.0 requires a peer of react-native@>= 0.16 but none was installed.

I'm an npm-newbie, but doesn't this mean the module is dependent on itself? 💀

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villers commented Feb 20, 2017

@vbence86 "react-native": "0.42.0-rc.1"

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jmfirth commented Feb 25, 2017

Just wanted to leave a report:


RN: 0.42.0-rc.3
Atom: 1.14.3
Nuclide: 0.207.0


  • Attaches to packager without error
  • Can hit breakpoints before HMR
  • Can hit breakpoints after HMR but maps to an empty source file

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valeriik commented Mar 18, 2017

For some reason I am not able to start debugger. After selection of "Debug JS Remotely" I see "Starting debugger" status only.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a sample app using react-native init.
  2. Start the react native packager in nuclide
  3. Start the debugger in nuclide
  4. Start the application - react-native run-ios
  5. Start Remote JS Debugging from IOS simulator


  • Atom version: 1.15.0
  • Nuclide package version: 0.210.0
  • React Native version: 0.42.0 / 0.42.0-rc.1 / 0.42.0-rc.3
  • Platform(s) (iOS, Android, or both?): iOS
  • Device info Simulator/Device? - Simulator iOS 10.2 / iOS 8.1
  • OS version? - MacOS 10.12.3
  • Debug/Release? - Debug
  • Community Packages (17)

├── atom-beautify@0.29.17
├── atom-react-native-autocomplete@0.0.27
├── atom-react-native-css@1.1.3
├── busy-signal@1.3.0
├── file-icons@2.0.17
├── flow@0.5.3
├── intentions@1.1.2
├── language-babel@2.56.2
├── language-javascript-jsx@0.3.7
├── linter@2.1.0
├── linter-ui-default@1.2.1
├── minimap@4.26.8
├── nuclide@0.210.0
├── react-es6-snippets@0.3.0
├── react-native-snippets@0.3.0
├── react-snippets@0.7.2
└── redux-snippets@0.2.2


  • Attaches to packager without error
  • Application works fine
  • Can successfully see my logs in chrome debugger
  • But Nuclide debugger did not start

Separate question was created:

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@valeriik Try starting the packager by checking the option in the "Start debugging" popup

screen shot 2017-03-18 at 9 37 10 pm

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@valeriik did the iOS simulator open a Chrome window for debugging when you started it? If so this will block the port etc etc. You need close that window and try again...

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@johnsonsu thanks
@ajostergaard with your hint the situation is changed, debugger went into status "The debugee is currently running." (screenshot) BUT I see in simulator blank white screen only (screenshot). For testing purposes I've also created new blank proj, but nothing changed, I see the same white screen only. When I disable "Remote JS Remotely" I see expected screen with working app (screenshot). Can someone advice? Thanks.

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@valeriik given that you are not seeing the dreaded "Maximum call stack size exceeded" I suggest creating a new issue as yours is clearly unrelated.

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@nanandn if I'm not mistake this issue was a React Native issue (something to do with using a different JS engine) and should now be resolved. Is it working for you with the latest RN?

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valeriik commented Apr 1, 2017

@ajostergaard yes, I am using latest RN ver for now - v0.42.3 (as well as Nuclide v0.214.0 and Atom v1.15.0). I have created separate question regarding the issue with blank white screen using Nuclide debugger. Thanks to all for feedback. I also have a idea to change JS engine in Atom, but fail for now. Maybe someone know how todo it? (so as not to pollute comments on this thread please write your answer on the stackoverflow or on github).

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arled commented Oct 13, 2017

And who solved it!?

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Opened the old project for Android. I see the same error. Fixed in package.json
"react": "16.0.0",
"react-native": "0.49.0",
App working.

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This should be fixed with the new RN debugger.

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uchilaka commented Dec 4, 2017

I'm using react-native 0.50.4 and I'm experiencing this issue. I happen to work across 2 different machines - both Macs, and I'm seeing the same "maximum stack size exceeded" error. That's what led me to this thread.

I should also mention the following:
OS: macOS High Sierra
NPM: 5.5.1
Node: 8.9.1

I've tried the following:

  • re-installing my node dependencies
  • using yarn vs. npm directly
  • using react-native install on a per-package basis

Not sure where the issue is, or if it's a particular dependency that's the culprit, but here are the contents of my package.json:

	"name": "{deleted}",
	"version": "{deleted}",
	"private": true,
	"scripts": {
		"start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",
		"test": "jest",
		"postversion": "react-native-version",
		"android": "react-native run-android",
		"ios": "react-native run-ios"
	"dependencies": {
		"b64-to-blob": "^1.2.19",
		"babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy": "^1.3.4",
		"firebase": "^4.2.0",
		"firebase-nest": "^0.7.1",
		"google-libphonenumber": "^3.0.4",
		"mobx": "^3.2.2",
		"mobx-firebase-store": "^1.2.1",
		"mobx-react": "^4.2.2",
		"moment-timezone": "^0.5.13",
		"prop-types": "^15.5.10",
		"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
		"react-native": "^0.50.4",
		"react-native-camera": "^0.10.0",
		"react-native-elements": "^0.15.0",
		"react-native-fabric": "^0.5.0",
		"react-native-fetch-blob": "^0.10.8",
		"react-native-fs": "^2.5.1",
		"react-native-google-places-autocomplete": "^1.2.12",
		"react-native-google-sign-in": "^0.0.16",
		"react-native-keychain": "^2.0.0-rc",
		"react-native-loading-spinner-overlay": "^0.5.1",
		"react-native-phone-input": "^0.1.8",
		"react-native-swipeout": "^2.2.2",
		"react-native-vector-icons": "^4.4.2",
		"react-native-version": "^2.3.1",
		"react-navigation": "^1.0.0-beta.11",
		"react-redux": "^5.0.6",
		"redux": "^3.7.2",
		"validator": "^8.1.0"
	"devDependencies": {
		"babel-jest": "20.0.3",
		"babel-preset-react-native": "2.1.0",
		"jest": "20.0.4",
		"react-native-tesseract-ocr": "^1.0.8",
		"react-test-renderer": "16.0.0-alpha.12"
	"jest": {
		"preset": "react-native"

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vlimag commented Dec 6, 2017

you are probably setting state on mount or update of component.

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