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fanf committed Mar 29, 2018
1 parent fd5b98f commit f12ddd4
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Showing 7 changed files with 260 additions and 113 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class UpdateDynamicGroups(
dynGroupService.getAllDynGroups match {
case Full(groupIds) =>
updateId = updateId + 1
LAUpdateDyngroup ! StartDynamicUpdate(updateId, ModificationId(uuidGen.newUuid),, GroupsToUpdate(groupIds))
LAUpdateDyngroup ! StartDynamicUpdate(updateId, ModificationId(uuidGen.newUuid),, GroupsToUpdate(
case e:EmptyBox =>
val error = (e?~! "Error when trying to get the list of dynamic group to update")
logger.error( error.messageChain )
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,5 +61,18 @@ object ScheduledJobLogger extends Logger {
override protected def _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("scheduledJob")

* A logger for new nodes informations
object NodeLogger extends Logger {
override protected def _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("nodes")
object PendingNode extends Logger {
// the logger for information about pending nodes (accept/refuse)
override protected def _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("nodes.pending")
// the logger for info about what policies will be applied to the new node
object Policies extends Logger {
override protected def _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("nodes.pending.policies")

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,13 +38,17 @@

import com.normation.inventory.domain.NodeId
import com.normation.rudder.domain.nodes.{NodeGroup,NodeGroupId}
import com.normation.rudder.domain.nodes.{NodeGroup, NodeGroupId}
import com.normation.ldap.sdk._
import BuildFilter._
import com.normation.rudder.domain.{RudderDit,RudderLDAPConstants}
import com.normation.rudder.domain.{RudderDit, RudderLDAPConstants}
import RudderLDAPConstants._
import com.normation.utils.Control.sequence
import com.normation.inventory.ldap.core.LDAPConstants
import com.normation.rudder.domain.logger.NodeLogger
import com.normation.rudder.domain.queries.CriterionLine
import com.normation.rudder.domain.queries.Equals
import com.normation.rudder.domain.queries.Query
import com.normation.rudder.repository.ldap.LDAPEntityMapper
import net.liftweb.common._

Expand All @@ -58,25 +62,14 @@ trait DynGroupService {
* Retrieve the list of all dynamic groups.
def getAllDynGroups() : Box[Seq[NodeGroupId]]

* For each node in the list, find
* the list of dynamic group they belongs to.
* A node ID which does not belong to any dyn group
* won't be in the resulting map.
def findDynGroups(nodeIds:Seq[NodeId]) : Box[Map[NodeId,Seq[NodeGroupId]]]

def getAllDynGroups(): Box[Seq[NodeGroup]]

class DynGroupServiceImpl(
rudderDit: RudderDit,
queryChecker: PendingNodesLDAPQueryChecker
) extends DynGroupService with Loggable {
) extends DynGroupService {

* Get all dyn groups
Expand All @@ -94,7 +87,7 @@ class DynGroupServiceImpl(
private[this] def dynGroupAttrs = (LDAPConstants.OC(OC_RUDDER_NODE_GROUP).attributes - LDAPConstants.A_NODE_UUID).toSeq

override def getAllDynGroups() : Box[Seq[NodeGroupId]] = {
override def getAllDynGroups() : Box[Seq[NodeGroup]] = {
for {
con <- ldap
dyngroupIds <- sequence(con.searchSub(rudderDit.GROUP.dn, dynGroupFilter, dynGroupAttrs:_*)) { entry =>
Expand All @@ -105,57 +98,187 @@ class DynGroupServiceImpl(
// This does not treat all cases (what happens when you have a group depending on a group which also depends on another group content)
// We will sort by number of group queries we have in our group (the more group we depend on, the more we want to update it last)
def numberOfQuery(group : NodeGroup) = _.criteria.filter(_.objectType.objectType == "group").size).getOrElse(0)

* A service that check if nodes are in dynamique groups
class CheckPendingNodeInDynGroups(
queryChecker: QueryChecker
) {
* Default algorithm, not expected to be performant:
* - get all dynamic groups
* - for each query, test if the groups match or not.
* For that, use the LdapQueryProcessor on "pending"
* branch, limiting queries to the argument list of nodes
* For each node in the list, find
* the list of dynamic group they belongs to from the parameter.
* If any error is encountered during the sequence of tests,
* the whole process is in error.
* A node ID which does not belong to any dyn group
* won't be in the resulting map.
override def findDynGroups(nodeIds:Seq[NodeId]) : Box[Map[NodeId,Seq[NodeGroupId]]] = {
def findDynGroups(nodeIds: Set[NodeId], groups: List[NodeGroup]): Box[Map[NodeId, Seq[NodeGroupId]]] = {

for {
con <- ldap
dyngroups <- sequence(con.searchSub(rudderDit.GROUP.dn, dynGroupFilter, dynGroupAttrs:_*)) { entry =>
mapper.entry2NodeGroup(entry) ?~! "Can not map entry to a node group: %s".format(entry)
mapGroupAndNodes <- processDynGroups(groups, nodeIds) ?~! s"Can not find dynamic groups for nodes: '${"','")}'"
} yield {

* Given a list of dynamique groups and a list of nodes, find which groups contains which
* nodes.
* This method proceed recursively, starting by dealing with nodes without any other group
* dependency (ie: group of groups are set aside), and then continuing until everything
* is done. See for
* algo detail in image.
* Raw behavior: 3 queues: TODO, BLOCKED, DONE
* All dyn groups start in TODO with the list of nodeIds and their query splitted in two parts:
* - a list of depandent groups
* - simple query criterions
* Init: all groups with at least one dependency go to BLOCKED
* Then iterativelly proceed groups in TODO (until TODO empty) so that for each group G:
* - compute nodes in G
* - put G in DONE
* - find all node in BLOCKED with a dependency toward G, and for each of these H group, do:
* - union or intersect G nodes with H groups (depending of the H composition kind)
* - remove G as dependency from H
* - if H has no more dependencies, put it back at the end of TODO
* When TODO is empty, do:
* - for each remaining groups in BLOCKED, act as if there dependencies have 0 nodes (and => empty, or => keep
* only simple query part)
* - put empty group into DONE, and non-empty one into TODO
* - process TODO
* And done ! :)
def processDynGroups(groups: List[NodeGroup], nodeIds: Set[NodeId]): Box[List[(NodeGroupId, Set[NodeId])]] = {
// a data structure to keep a group ID, set of nodes, dependencies, query and composition/
// the query does not contain group anymore.

final case class DynGroup(id: NodeGroupId, dependencies: Set[NodeGroupId], testNodes: Set[NodeId], query: Query, includeNodes: Set[NodeId])

NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.debug(s"Checking dyn-groups belonging for nodes [${", ")}]:${ => s"${}: ${}").sorted.mkString("{", "}{", "}")}")

// for debuging message
implicit class DynGroupsToString(gs: List[(NodeGroupId, Set[NodeId])]) {
def show: String = { case (id, nodes) =>
id.value + ":" +",")
}.mkString("[", "][", "]")
implicit class ResToString(gs: List[DynGroup]) {
def show: String = { case DynGroup(id, dep, nodes, q, inc) =>
id.value + ":" + nodes.size + "{"",")+"}"
}.mkString("[", "][", "]")

* one step of the algo
def recProcess(todo: List[DynGroup], blocked: List[DynGroup], done: List[(NodeGroupId, Set[NodeId])]): Box[List[(NodeGroupId, Set[NodeId])]] = {
import com.normation.rudder.domain.queries.{ And => CAnd}

NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace("TODO :" + )
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace("BLOCKED:" +
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace("DONE :" + )

(todo, blocked, done) match {

case (Nil, Nil, res) => // termination condition
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace("==> end")

case (Nil, b, res) => // end of main phase: zero-ïze group dependencies in b and put them back in the other two queues
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace("==> unblock things")
val (newTodo, newRes) = ( (List.empty[DynGroup], res) /: b) { case ( (t, r), next ) =>
if(next.query.composition == CAnd) { // the group has zero node b/c intersect with 0 => new result
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace(" -> evicting " +
(t, (, Set.empty[NodeId])::r )
} else { // we can just ignore the dependencies and proceed the remaining group as a normal dyn group
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace(" -> process back" +
(next :: t, r)
// start back the process with empty BLOCKED
recProcess(newTodo, Nil, newRes)

case (h::tail, b, res) => // standard step: takes the group and deals with it
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace("==> process " +
(queryChecker.check(h.query, h.testNodes.toSeq).flatMap { nIds =>
// node matching that group - also include the one from "include" coming from "or" dep
val setNodeIds = nIds.toSet ++ h.includeNodes
// get blocked group with h as a dep
val (withDep, stillBlocked) = b.partition( _.dependencies.contains( )
// for each node with that dep: intersect or union nodeids, remove dep
val newTodos = { case DynGroup(id, dependencies, nodes, query, inc) =>
val (newNodeIds, newInc) = if(query.composition == CAnd) {
(nodes.intersect(setNodeIds), inc)
} else {
(nodes, setNodeIds ++ inc)
val newDep = dependencies -
DynGroup(id, newDep, newNodeIds, query, newInc)
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.trace(" -> unblock: " +", "))
recProcess(tail ::: newTodos, stillBlocked, (, setNodeIds) :: res)
}) ?~! s"Error when trying to find what nodes belong to dynamic group ${}"
//now, for each test the query
mapGroupAndNodes <- sequence(dyngroups) { g =>
(for {
matchedIds <- g match {
case NodeGroup(id, _, _, Some(query), true, _, _, _) =>
case g => { //what ?
logger.error("Found a group without a query or not dynamic: %s".format(g))

// init: transform NodeGroups into DynGroup.
// group without query are filtered out (they will have 0 node so that does not change
// anything if a group had a dep towards one of them)
val dynGroups = groups.flatMap { g =>
if(g._isEnabled) { { query =>
// partition group query into Subgroup / simple criterion
val (dep, criteria) = ( (Set.empty[NodeGroupId], List.empty[CriterionLine])/: query.criteria) { case ( (g, q), next) =>
if(next.objectType.objectType == "group") { // it's a dependency
// we only know how to process the comparator "exact string match" for group
next.comparator match {
case Equals =>
( g + NodeGroupId(next.value), q)
case _ =>
NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.warn("Warning: group criteria use something else than exact string match comparator: " + next)
(g, q)
} else { // keep that criterium
(g, next :: q)
} yield {
(, matchedIds)
}) ?~! "Error when trying to find what nodes belong to dynamic group %s".format(g)
DynGroup(, dep, nodeIds, query.copy(criteria = criteria), Set())
} else {
} yield {

// partition nodes with dependencies / node without:
val (nodep, withdep) = dynGroups.partition( _.dependencies.isEmpty )

// start the process ! End at the end, transform the result into a map.
val res = recProcess(nodep, withdep, Nil)
// end result
res.foreach(r => NodeLogger.PendingNode.Policies.debug("Result: " + )

* Transform the map of (groupid => seq(nodeids) into a map of
* (nodeid => seq(groupids)
private[this] def swapMap(source:Seq[(NodeGroupId,Seq[NodeId])]) : Map[NodeId,Seq[NodeGroupId]] = {
private[this] def swapMap(source:Seq[(NodeGroupId, Set[NodeId])]) : Map[NodeId, Seq[NodeGroupId]] = {
val dest = scala.collection.mutable.Map[NodeId,List[NodeGroupId]]()
for {
(gid, seqNodeIds) <- source
nodeId <- seqNodeIds
nodeId <- seqNodeIds
} {
dest(nodeId) = gid :: dest.getOrElse(nodeId,Nil)
dest(nodeId) = gid :: dest.getOrElse(nodeId, Nil)
Expand Down

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