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PixEnc in Go
Encrypt image by manipulating pixels
Version: 2.2.2


  • Go


Original Image

Original Image Original Image barakah-original

Encrypted Image

Encrypted Image Encrypted Image barakah-encrypted

Decrypted Image

Decrypted Image Decrypted Image barakah-decrypted


  • Clone the repository
  • Run go build -o build/GoPixEnc to build & generate an executable file at build folder
  • Run go run . to run the program without building

Cross-Platform Build

Important Variables

  • GOOS for target OS
  • GOARCH for target architecture


To build for current OS & architecture: go build -o build/GoPixEnc_vx.y.z_os_arch

To build for Windows: GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/GoPixEnc_vx.y.z_windows_arch.exe

To build for Linux: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/GoPixEnc_vx.y.z_linux_arch


  • Download the appropriate latest release from GitHub Releases
  • Run the executable file

Encrypting Image

  1. Run the executable file
  2. Chose the image you want to encrypt from the file explorer or leave it empty to use the default image
  3. In choice menu, select e to encrypt image
  4. Enter the password you want to use to encrypt the image
  5. It will generate a file named encrypt.png in the same directory as the executable file

Decrypting Image

  1. Run the executable file
  2. Chose the image you want to decrypt from the file explorer
  3. In choice menu, select d to decrypt image
  4. Enter the password you used to encrypt the image
  5. It will generate a file named decrypt.png in the same directory as the executable file

Release Note

2.2.2 (Current)

  • Create images folder if not exists


  • File explorer UX improvement: Now, it will show the file explorer after encryption/decryption choice is made & file explorer will remain open until a file is selected
  • Better error handling in file explorer
  • Updated package versions
  • Separate images folder


  • Dialogue box to choose image
  • Included example image in the repository

Beta 2.1.1

  • Image can be image.png or image.jpg
  • Updated README with new example images

Beta 2.1.0

  • Fixed issue with multithreading of version 2.0.0
  • New algorithm to generate random numbers for pixels

2.0.0 (Unstable)

  • Multithreading

Check note for more info


This version is not stable & accurate. Due to multithreading, some pixels are not being encrypted/decrypted properly


I'm generating random numbers for each pixel. Suppose if pixel 10 gets 5 as random number, 5 may/may not get 10 as its random number. Even though I'm keeping a history operation on pixels, if 5 gets 2 as its random number, and it's on different thread, it will swap 5 with 2, not 10 with 5. So, the image will be corrupted.

Potential Solution

I'm thinking of using a different approach. Instead of generating random numbers for each pixel, I will generate n/2 random numbers for n pixels.

Suppose if I have 100 pixels, I will generate 50 random numbers from 51 to 100 and assign 0-50 to them. So that, if 55 gets 2 as its random number, 2 will get 55 as its random number. I'm still thinking about a better approach.


  • Password now supports any ASCII value. In v1.0.0 only numbers were allowed as password
  • Using rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)) instead of deprecated rand.seed(seed)
  • Fixed wrong output on decryption: Done creating image decrypt.png -> Done creating image


  • Can encrypt & decrypt images

Planned Features

  • Multi-threading
  • Better random number generation
  • File explorer
  • GUI