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Angular 5 App

Angular5 Tutorial for Beginners

Video 1: Creating Angular 5 Application with CLI

Installation of Node JS
Download Node Js:
Check Node Js version of your system with command: node -v
Check NPM version of your system with command: npm -v

Installation of angular CLI
Command : npm install @angular/cli -g
Check CLI version your system with command: ng -v

Create Angular Application with CLI
Command : ng new your-app-name --style=scss --routing

To RUN the Project use command: ng serve [ don't forget to switch to project directory ]

Other Reference Links :

My Git  Repository :

Video 2: Creating Angular 5 Application with out CLI

Download the Sample Application from Angular Quick Start Page
When you install for the first time you will get an error in Command Prompt
    Your global Angular CLI version (1.6.3) is greater than your local
    version (1.5.0). The local Angular CLI version is used.
RUN the command : npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest

Video 3 : Create Angular 5 Application with Material Design Download / configure/use Material Module in Angular Application, How to download Material Js How to Generate Components using angular CLI How to use routing in angular CLI Download sample Material Template and do the changes in component ect.

Video 4 : Routing in Angular Application Generate components using angular CLI Command : ng generate component about Command : ng g c home Command : ng g c services

Video 5 : Interpolation in Angular 5 Application interpolation is used communicate defined in component call show them in the template we are going to see two way data binding incoming video Angular Form

Video 7 & 8 : Create Build and Deploy Angular 5 Application Create Build ng build ng build --prod Deploy the Application in Subfolder ng build --prod --base-href=" for subdomain

Video 3: How to stop ng serve You may get a Question to RUN Project we are using command ng serve but i will run until you stop to stop this click ctrl + c i will ask "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?" then enter : Y if you close that console by default then you have to kill the process When you then application you can see the port onwhich the project is running mine working on 4200 Search for the process working on prot number netstat -ano | findstr :4200 then kill the port process by using the process id taskkill /PID 15940 /F

Video 9 : Create a Contact page with form When submit send the details to an API Show the reponse Uncaught Error: Unexpected value 'FormGroup' imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @NgModule FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule if you wont includes then you wont get directive and components provided by that

Error:  MatFormField.html:1 ERROR Error: Found the synthetic property @transitionMessages. Please include either "BrowserAnimationsModule" or "NoopAnimationsModule" in your application.
Solution : In your app.module.ts file, import BrowserAnimationsModule
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
Also add BrowserAnimationsModule to the imports array
imports: [


Error:  I am using angular-4 cli and (ngSubmit) doesn't work. 
Solution : Use (submit) instead of (ngSubmit).

Error: Template parse errors:
    Can't bind to 'ngmodel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'. ("at-form-field class="example-full-width">
                        <input matInput placeholder="Name"  [ERROR ->][(ngmodel)]="name" >
    "): ng:///AppModule/ContactComponent.html@8:58
    Ealier [(ngmodel)]="name" changed to (ng-model)="message"

Error: Your global Angular CLI version (1.6.3) is greater than your local version (1.6.0). The local Angular CLI version is used.
Solution :   To disable this warning use "ng set --global warnings.versionMismatch=false".


Create Angular Reactive Forms Dynamically using json






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