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Upcoming and past events run with the FAT Forensics package


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FAT Forensics Events

This repository hosts, which holds details of past and upcoming events such as workshops and (hands-on) tutorials run with the FAT Forensics package.

Dedicated Slack Workspace: Chat via Slack


November 2022 -- University of New South Wales Lecture

Introduction to Machine Learning Explainability

An invited lecture given for the Ethics in Computer Science (COMP4920/SENG4920 22T3) course at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney.

For more details please see the event homepage:

November 2022 -- University of New South Wales

Never Let the Truth Get in the Way of a Good Story: The Importance of Multilevel Human Understanding in Explainable Artificial Intelligence

An interactive presentation given at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), discussing different levels at which explainability techniques and their insights need to be understood (using the example of surrogate explainers).

For more details please see the event homepage:

October 2022 -- ETH Zürich

Mind the Gap! Bridging Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Human Understanding

An interactive presentation given at ETH Zürich, discussing how to interpret and understand insights generated with surrogate explainers.

For more details please see the event homepage:

October 2022 -- Università della Svizzera italiana

Mind the Gap! Bridging Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Human Understanding

An interactive presentation given at Università della Svizzera italiana, discussing how to interpret and understand insights generated with surrogate explainers.

For more details please see the event homepage:

July 2022 -- AI and Humanity Summer Cluster

Where Does the Understanding Come From When Explaining Automated Decision-making Systems?

An interactive presentation for the AI and Humanity summer cluster workshop, discussing how machine learning explainers can help humans to understand automated decision-making.

For more details please see the event homepage:

March 2022 -- RMIT Lectorial

Transparency and Explainability
The AI/Data Science Professional Lectorial (2022, RMIT University)

An overview of surrogate explainers for the 2022 AI/Data Science Professional RMIT lectorial.

For more details please see the event homepage:

September 2021 -- TAILOR Summer School

What and How of Machine Learning Transparency:
Building Bespoke Explainability Tools with Interoperable Algorithmic Components

A summer school session with a hands-on component organised at the 2021 TAILOR Summer School held virtually between the 23rd and the 24th of September 2021.

For more details please see the event homepage:

September 2021 -- BIAS Summer School

Practical Machine Learning Explainability:
Surrogate Explainers and Fairwashing

A summer school session with a hands-on component organised at the 2021 Bristol Interactive AI Summer School (BIAS) held between the 2nd and the 7th of September 2021.

For more details please see the event homepage:

September 2021 -- TAILOR Workpackage 3

Do You Trust Your Explainer?

An interactive presentation for Workpackage 3 of the TAILOR project.

For more details please see the event homepage:

August 2021 -- ADM+S Talk

Making Machine Learning Explanations Truthful and Intelligible

An invited talk for the Machines Programme of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S).

For more details please see the event homepage:

July 2021 -- EURO Talk

Making Machine Learning Explanations Truthful and Intelligible

An invited talk for the special session on Fair and Explainable Models held at the 31st European Conference on Operational Research (2021).

For more details please see the event homepage:

March 2021 -- The Alan Turing Institute AI UK Demonstration

Did You Get That?
Reviewing Intelligibility of State-of-the-art Machine Learning Explanations

An interactive demonstration for the AI in Action session of The Alan Turing Institute's AI UK 2021 conference.

For more details please see the event homepage:

September 2020 -- Hands-on Tutorial at ECML-PKDD 2020


What and How of Machine Learning Transparency:
Building Bespoke Explainability Tools with Interoperable Algorithmic Components

A hands-on tutorial to be held at the ECML-PKDD 2020 conference in Ghent, Belgium, from the 14th to the 18th of September 2020.

For more details please see the event homepage:

To reference this tutorial please use:

  title={What and How of Machine Learning Transparency:
         {Building} Bespoke Explainability Tools with Interoperable
         Algorithmic Components},
  author={Sokol, Kacper and Hepburn, Alexander and
          Santos-Rodriguez, Raul and Flach, Peter},
  journal={Journal of Open Source Education},
  publisher={The Open Journal},