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Send MQTT messages to Raspberry connected props running TeletextProps.


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Teletext plugin for Room

Send MQTT messages to Raspberry connected props running TeletextProps.

Teletext plugin is a pure python applet written as a Room plugin, but it still can be run as a standalone Escape Room application.

You will find detailed installation help in the Room manual.


Download from this GitHub repository and unflate it in Room/Plugins/PyTeletextPlugin directory in Room software installation folder.

Edit definitions.ini to set MQTT topics for your Escape Room:

; mqtt-sub-* topics are subscribed by MqttApplet
mqtt-pub-props = Room/My room/Props/Raspberry Teletext/inbox
mqtt-sub-props = Room/My room/Props/Raspberry Teletext/outbox
#mqtt-sub-control-administrator = Room/My room/Control/administrator
mqtt-sub-control-scenario = Room/My room/Control/game:scenario
#mqtt-sub-control-clock-minutes=Room/My room/Control/game:clock:minutes
#mqtt-sub-control-countdown-minutes=Room/My room/Control/game:countdown:minutes
#mqtt-sub-control-players=Room/My room/Control/game:players

mqtt-sub-display = Room/My room/Props/Raspberry Teletext/display

tv-screen-width = 320
tv-screen-height = 180

Open the plugin folder on your desktop:

Run installer (double-click on install.bat):

If Windows Defender SmartScreen blocks execution, click More info and Run anyway

Run test (double-click on test.bat):

If the plugin poped-up your installation is correct.


Teletext plugin is a PyQt5 GUI application extending MqttApplet.

Teletext plugin expects to monitor a Raspberry connected props running the Teletext Props .

You can use Teletext plugin as a template to create your own Room plugin.

About create-teletextplugin-tgz.bat:

  • install 7-Zip on your Windows desktop
  • run create-teletextplugin-tgz.bat to archive archive versions of your work

IDE for hacking

You use PyCharm Community or Professional to hack the plugin code.

MqttApplet base class

PluginApplet extends MqttApplet, the base class for Room plugins.

MqttApplet is a PyQt5 GUI application with paho MQTT.

Notes about MQTT QoS:

Python script hangs have been reported when paho-mqtt is running asynchronously with QoS 2 on a network with significant packet loss (particularly Wifi networks).

We have chosen MQTT QoS 1 as default (see

MQTT topics are defined in definitions.ini.

You might not modify file.


Faure Systems (Oct 9th, 2019)