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Wordpress React Widget Example


Development Tasks

Command Description
yarn install Fetch dependencies and build binaries for any of the modules
yarn start Run the app in development mode with live reload on http://localhost:3000
yarn build Generate an optimised, production-ready build folder
yarn test Run test suite in the interactive watch mode

Deploying to Wordpress

First run yarn build to generate the build folder along with the PHP configuration file required by Wordpress.

Copy the contents of the build directory to wp-content\plugins\your-widget.

Activating the Widget

We now need to call wp_widget_setup() somewhere in our theme so that React has a root div to mount on.

Alternatively, you can add a new text widget (instead of calling the previous function). As a site administrator go to Appearance > Widgets and drag a new "Text" widget to the top of the sidebar. The text content should be the mountpoint to the React app:

<div id="root"></div>

You can make this id as specific as you want to avoid name clashes.

Project Structure

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

For the project to build, these files must exist with exact filenames:

  • public/index.html is the page template;
  • src/index.js is the JavaScript entry point.

You can safely delete or rename any of the other files.

Only files inside public can be used from public/index.html.


Original instructions for putting this plugin together can be found here.
