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A library to deal efficiently with Object literals

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OBJWUN - Isomorphic ES3 tool

Utility functions:

assign ~ clone ~ debounce ~ every ~ filter ~ find ~ findIndex ~ forEach ~ fromEntries ~ get ~ id ~ includes ~ intersection ~ isEmpty ~ keyBy ~ map ~ memoize ~ merge ~ omit ~ pick ~ reduce ~ remove ~ set ~ some ~ sortBy ~ times ~ uniq ~ uniqBy


isArray ~ isBigint ~ isBoolean ~ isDefined ~ isFunction ~ isNumber ~ isObject ~ isPrimitive ~ isString ~ isSymbol ~ isUndefined

additional utilities

constrain ~ getMapper


assign(literalObject, ...)

  • parameters: zero or more object literals
  • output: one object literal without references to arguments
  • throws: whenever one argument passed is not an object literal


const ow = require("objwun");

const o1 = {a: 1, b: 2},
    o2 = {b: 3, c: 4},
    r = ow.assign(o1, o2); // {a:1, b:3, c: 4}

o2.c = 44;
console.log(r.c); // 4, not 44
console.log(o2.c); // 44


  • parameters: one object literal or array
  • output: a cloned deep copy
  • throws: if receives something that is not an object literal or an array


const ow = require("objwun");

const o1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: {b: 3, c: 4}},
    o2 = ow.clone(o1);

o1.c = 44;
console.log(o2.c.c); // 4
console.log(o1.c); // 44

constrain(x Number, a Number, bNumber)

  • parameters:

    • x: the number to constrain
    • a: bottom constrain
    • b: top constrain
  • throws: if one of the parameter is not a number


const ow = require("objwun");

const c1 = ow.constrain(0, 1, 2}, // 1
    c2 = ow.constrain(3.3, 1, 2}, // 2
    c3 = ow.constrain(1.3, 1, 2}; // 1.3

debounce(functionToBeDebounced, delayMilliseconds)

  • parameters:
    • a function to be debounced
    • number of waiting millisecond
  • output: the debounced function
  • throws: if receives something that is not an function as first parameter, or a number as second one


const ow = require("objwun");

const debounced = ow.debounce(function (a,b,c) {
}, 2e3);

debounced(1,2,3); // after 1 sec 1,2,3

every(array|literalObject, checking function )

  • parameters:
    • the source array or literal object
    • a function to check a condition
  • output: resulting boolean
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array or a object literal; if the second argument is not a function


const ow = require("objwun");
const o = {
    a: 1, b: 2,
    c: 3, d: 4
a = [1, 2, 3, 4];

console.log(ow.every(o, (el, k) => round(el, 10) === el))
// true

console.log(ow.every(a, (el, k) => el < 3))
// false

filter(array|literalObject, filter Function)

  • parameters:
    • an array or a object literal
    • the filter function
  • output: the filtered array or object (with references)
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter, or is not a function as second one


const ow = require("objwun");

const o = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5},
    a = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}, {a: 4}, {a: 5}],

    f = (e, k, oa) => e % 2,

    o1 = ow.filter(o, f),
    a1 = ow.filter(a, f);

console.log(o1); // {a:1, c:3, e: 5}
console.log(a1); // [{a: 1}, {a: 3}, {a: 5}]

find(array|literalObject, matcher function)

  • parameters:
    • an array or a object literal
    • the matcher function
  • output: the first matching result
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter, or is not a function as second one


const ow = require("objwun");

const o = {ao: 1, bo: 2, co: 3, do: 4, eo: 5},
    a = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}, {a: 4}, {a: 5}],

    f = (e, k, oa) => e.a >= 3 || `${k}`.match(/^b/),

    o1 = ow.find(o, f),
    a1 = ow.find(a, f);

console.log(o1); // 2
console.log(a1); // { a: 3 }

findIndex(array|literalObject, matcher function)

  • parameters:
    • an array or a object literal
    • the matcher function
  • output: the first matching result
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter, or is not a function as second one


const ow = require("objwun");

const o = {ao: 1, bo: 2, co: 3, do: 4, eo: 5},
    a = [{k: 1}, {k: 2}, {k: 3}, {k: 4}, {k: 5}],

    f = (e, key, oa) => e.k === 4 || e === 2,

    o1 = ow.findIndex(o, f),
    a1 = ow.findIndex(a, f);

console.log(o1); // bo
console.log(a1); // 3

forEach(array|literalObject, matcher function)

  • parameters:
    • an array or a object literal
    • the iterator function
  • output: depends on the iterator
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter, or is not a function as second one


const ow = require("objwun");

let ra = 0, ro = 0;
const o = {ao: 1, bo: 2, co: 3, do: 4, eo: 5, fo: 6},
    a = [{k: 1}, {k: 2}, {k: 3}, {k: 4}, {k: 5}],

    fo = (e, key, oa) => ro += e,
    fa = (e, key, oa) => ra += e.k;

ow.forEach(a, fa);
ow.forEach(o, fo);

console.log(ro); // 21
console.log(ra); // 15


  • parameters:
    • an array or pairs [key, value] to be used
  • output: the resulting object using the key value found in the input array
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or any element in the array has size that is not 2


const ow = require("objwun");

const o = [
    ['just': 'a'],
    ['idiot': 'example']
const res = ow.fromEntries(o)
console.log(res); // {just: "an", idiot: "example"}

get(array|literalObject, pathString, defaultValue)

  • parameters:
    • an array or a object literal
    • the path of the needed element
    • a default value in case the search goes wrong
  • output: the found element o
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter, or is not a string the second one


const ow = require("objwun");

const o = {
    a: 1, b: 2, c: {
        a:11, b:22, c:33, d: {
    res1 = ow.get(o, 'c.d.a'),
    res2 = ow.get(o, 'c.d.a.z', 'nope');

console.log(res1) // 111
console.log(res2) // nope

getMapper(fromStart, fromEnd, toStart, toEnd)

  • parameters:
    • domain start
    • domain end
    • codomain start
    • codomain end
  • output: a mapping function that will accept one numeric value
  • throws: if receives something that is not numeric or if fromEnd-fromStart is zero.


const ow = require("objwun");

const myMap = ow.getMapper(-10, 10, 50, 100);

console.log(myMap(0)) // 75
console.log(myMap(-20)) // 0


This is not a function but an object with a particular toString method associated, thus need to be casted to a string.


const ow = require("objwun");

console.log( + "") // id_1
console.log( + "") // id_2
console.log( + // id_3id_4

includes(array|literalObject, any)

  • parameters:
    • an array or a object literal
    • searched element
  • output: a boolean
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter


const ow = require("objwun");

const o = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 'xxx'},
    a = [1, 2, 3, 'yyy'];

console.log(ow.includes(o, 'xxx')) // true
console.log(ow.includes(a, 2)) // true
console.log(ow.includes(a, 22)) // false

intersection(array, array, ...)

  • parameters:
    • or or more arrays
  • output: an array that contains the intersection (only including primitives)
  • throws: if one of the parameters is not an array


const ow = require("objwun");

const a = [1, 2, 3, 'yyy', () => {}],
    b = [1, 'x', 3, 'yyy', () => {}];

console.log(ow.intersection(a, b)) /// [ 1, 3, 'yyy' ]


  • parameters:
    • anything
  • output: a boolean
  • throws: if undefined is passed


const ow = require("objwun");

console.log(ow.isEmpty(undefined)) // exception
console.log(ow.isEmpty(1)) // false
console.log(ow.isEmpty([])) // true
console.log(ow.isEmpty({})) // true
console.log(ow.isEmpty({a:1})) // false
console.log(ow.isEmpty('')) // true

keyBy(array, key string | key function)

  • parameters:
    • an array
    • a string key, or a function returning it
  • output: an object literal
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter, or not a string nor function as the second one


const ow = require("objwun");

const a = [{
    name: 'a',
    num: 10
    name: 's',
    num: 4

console.log(ow.keyBy(a, 'name'))
// { a: { name: 'a', num: 10 }, s: { name: 's', num: 4 } }

console.log(ow.keyBy(a, f =>'_'))
// { a_: { name: 'a', num: 10 }, s_: { name: 's', num: 4 } }

map(array|literalObject, mappingFunction)

  • parameters:
    • an array or a literal object
    • a mapping function
  • output: an array or object literal depending on the input
  • throws: if receives something that is not an array or object literal as first parameter, or not a string nor function as the second one


const ow = require("objwun");

const o = {name: 42, num: 10};
const a = [1, 2, 3, 4];

console.log(, e => e/2));
// { name: 21, num: 5 }

console.log(, e => e ** 2))
// [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]

memoize(fn function)

  • parameters:
    • the function that needs a to be memoized
  • output: the memoized function (holds an extra reset attribute function to reset the memoized values)
  • throws: if receives something that is not an a function

warning: for the moment this function works properly only when all parameters passed to the memoized function produce a unique value when given to toString. Thus [par1, par2, ...].toString() output should be uniquely obtainable passign exactly [par1, par2, ...].


const ow = require("objwun");
let calls = 0
const o = { num: 10 },
    fn = function(v) {
        return this.num * v;
    mfn = ow.memoize(fn, o); // ctx is optional

console.log(mfn(3)); // 30
console.log(calls); // 1
console.log(mfn(3)); // 30
console.log(calls); // 1
console.log(mfn(3)); // 30
console.log(calls); // 2

merge(array|literalObject, ... )

  • parameters:
    • one or more array or a literal object
  • output: an object literal
  • throws: if receives mixed array and object literal


const ow = require("objwun");

console.log(ow.merge({a: 1}, {b: 2}, {b: 3}));
// { a: 1, b: 3 }

console.log(ow.merge(["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]));
// [ 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3 ]

omit(literalObject, keyArray )

  • parameters:
    • source literal object
    • array of keys
  • output: resulting object
  • throws: if receives mixed array and object literal


const ow = require("objwun");

console.log(ow.omit({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['a', 'c']));
// { b: 2 }

console.log(ow.omit({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['a']));
// { b: 2, c: 3 }

pick(literalObject, keyArray )

  • parameters:
    • source literal object
    • array of keys
  • output: resulting object
  • throws: if receives mixed array and object literal


const ow = require("objwun");

console.log(ow.pick({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['a', 'c']));
// { a: 1, c: 3 }

console.log(ow.pick({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['a']));
// { a: 1 }

reduce(array|literalObject, reducer function, initial value, escapeFn )

this function is way faster than the native Array.reduce

  • parameters:
    • the array or literal to reduce over
    • the reducing function
    • initial value, optional, default {} if objLiteral given , [] if array
    • escapeFn (optional): if passed will be called on each cycle receiving same args as the reducer function; breaks the execution when returning false and last acc value will be returned.
  • output: resulting object
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array or a object literal; if the second argument is not a function


const ow = require("objwun");
const o = {
        a: 1, b: 2,
        c: 3, d: 4
    a = [1, 2, 3, 4];

    (acc, el, k) => {
        if (el % 2 === 0) acc[k] = el;
        return acc
)); // { b: 2, d: 4 }

    (acc, el, k) => {
        if (el % 2 === 1) acc.push(el);
        return acc
)); // [1, 3]

console.log(ow.reduce(a, (acc, el) =>{
    return acc * el
}, 1)); // 24

remove(array|literalObject, selecting function )

it mutates the first argument, this function is not pure

  • parameters:
    • the array or literal to remove from
    • the function that selects the elements to be removed
  • output: resulting object
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array or a object literal; if the second argument is not a function


const ow = require("objwun");
const o = {
        a: 1, b: 2,
        c: 3, d: 4
    a = [1, 2, 3, 4];

console.log(ow.remove(o, (el, k) => el % 2 === 0))
// { b: 2, d: 4 }
// { a: 1, c: 3 }

console.log(ow.remove(a, (el, k) => el % 2 === 0))
// [ 2, 4 ]
// [ 1, 3 ]

set(array|literalObject, string path, any value )

  • parameters:
    • the source array or literal object
    • the target path to put the value
    • the element to be added
  • output: resulting object
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array or a object literal; if the second argument is not a string; if the value id undefined


const ow = require("objwun");
const o = {
        a: 1, b: 2,
        c: 3, d: 4
    a = [1, 2, 3, 4];

console.log(ow.set(o, 's.t', 1));
// { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, s: { t: 1 } }

console.log(ow.set(o, '0.t.a.d.r', 1));
// {"0": { t: { a: { d: {r: 1}}}}, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}

console.log(ow.set(o, 'a.d.r', 1));
// { a: { d: { r: 1 } }, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }

some(array|literalObject, checking function )

  • parameters:
    • the source array or literal object
    • a function to check a condition
  • output: resulting boolean
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array or a object literal; if the second argument is not a function


const ow = require("objwun");
const o = {
    a: 1, b: 2,
    c: 3, d: 4
a = [{n: 1}, {n: 2}];

console.log(ow.some(a, (e, k) => e.n > 1));
// true

console.log(ow.some(o, (e, k) => k === 'c' && e < 3));
// false

sortBy(array, sort key or function, sort direction )

  • parameters:
    • the source array
    • sort key or function
    • sorting versus, default 1 (a negative number goes the other way)
  • output: resulting ordered array
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array; if the second argument is not a function or a string; if the third is not a number


const ow = require("objwun");
const a = [{n: 4.1}, {n: 0.05}, {n: 1.5}, {n: 3.3}];

console.log(ow.sortBy(a, 'n'));
// [ { n: 1.5 }, { n: 1.3 }, { n: 0.1 }, { n: 0.05 } ]

console.log(ow.sortBy(a, 'n', -1),);
// [ { n: 4.1 }, { n: 3.3 }, { n: 1.5 }, { n: 0.05 } ]

console.log(ow.sortBy(a, e => Math.cos(e.n)));
// [ { n: 3.3 }, { n: 4.1 }, { n: 1.5 }, { n: 0.05 } ]

sortBy(array, sort key or function, sort direction )

  • parameters:
    • the source array
    • sort key or function
    • sorting versus, default 1 (a negative number goes the other way)
  • output: resulting ordered array
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array; if the second argument is not a function or a string; if the third is not a number


const ow = require("objwun");
const a = [{n: 4.1}, {n: 0.05}, {n: 1.5}, {n: 3.3}];

console.log(ow.sortBy(a, 'n'));
// [ { n: 1.5 }, { n: 1.3 }, { n: 0.1 }, { n: 0.05 } ]

console.log(ow.sortBy(a, 'n', -1),);
// [ { n: 4.1 }, { n: 3.3 }, { n: 1.5 }, { n: 0.05 } ]

console.log(ow.sortBy(a, e => Math.cos(e.n)));
// [ { n: 3.3 }, { n: 4.1 }, { n: 1.5 }, { n: 0.05 } ]


  • parameters:
    • the array with repeated elements
  • output: resulting array
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array


const ow = require("objwun");
const a1 = [2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, {a:1}, {a:1}]
const a2 = [function a() {}, function b() {}, function a() {}, ]
// [ 1, 2, 3, { a: 1 } ]
// [ [Function: a], [Function: b] ]

uniqBy(array, key of function)

  • parameters:
    • the target array
    • a key string (all elements in the array should be objcet literals); or a function that will receive each element
  • output: resulting array
  • throws: if the first argument is not an array; if the second is a key (then all array elements must be objects) otherwise it must be a function returning a value


const ow = require("objwun");

    {a: 1, b: 1},
    {a: 1},
    {b: 3},
    {c: 4},
    {b: 77}
], 'a')); // [ { a: 1, b: 1 }, { b: 3 } ]

], Math.floor)); // [ 2.34, 3.55 ]

last modified : 19/1/2024

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A library to deal efficiently with Object literals


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